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Camping Batán de las Monjas

  • Работно време: 01.07 - 31.08, 01.09 - 30.06 - в момента в експлоатация
  • АдресVereda de las Moreras km. 3,541388 San Nicolás del Puerto, Испания - Покажи на картата



In the Sierra Norte Natural Park, on the banks of a river Many walking and cycling trails available such as the Via Verde On-site restaurant serving delicious local dishes Set on the banks of the Huéznar river, in the beautiful …Sierra Norte Natural Park, among the mountains of Huelva, and Seville, at Camping Batán de las Monjas you'll be able to enjoy the great outdoors whilst exploring Andalusia. Located in an area known as Dehesas de Sierra Morena, declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO and Starlight Reserve by UNESCO, you will find beautiful green valleys, hills, woodlands, rivers and pretty old towns and villages, as well as a rich diversified fauna: get ready to spot bobcats, wild boars, deer, fallow deer, mouflon and imperial eagles. Cycling enthusiasts will also find the popular Via Verde, an eighteen-kilometre-long greenway that follows the Huéznar river and the course of an old mining railway. There are also many walking trails available, as well as hiking, hunting and fishing opportunities (license required). The campsite has good facilities such as free hot showers, toilet blocks suitable for disabled guests, and a washing-up corner. Don't miss the chance to try out the local gastronomy, sit and relax at the site's restaurant and sample some local delicacies, such as the famous Jamón Ibérico, Olive Oil, and the Andalusian wines.
  • Категория къмпинг:
  • Размер на сайта: 4 ha (Наземни условия: Трева)
  • Общ брой терени: 150
  • Брой туристически терени: 150 (От които парцели: 35)
  • Парцели за кемпери пред портите: Не е наличен
  • Места за спиране пред портите също и за каравани: Не е наличен
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Референтна цена

Пиков сезон 18,15 €*
Слаб сезон 18,15 €*
*Двама възрастни, каравана, кола, електричество и местни данъци за нощувка

Работно време

01. July - 31. August
01. September - 30. June


  • Море: 200 km
  • Река: На място
  • В планината: да
  • Височина (над морското равнище): 560 m
  • Следващ град: 100 km
  • Следващо градче/село: 3,5 km
  • ЖП или автобусна гара: 3,5 km


Vereda de las Moreras km. 3,5 
41388  San Nicolás del Puerto
GPS координати
Lat 37.97263, Long -5.66514
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Camping Batán de las Monjas