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Camping Camp Redon


Оценки в детайли

  • Спокойствие

  • Генерална чистота

  • Чистота на санитарните помещения

  • Приятелско отношение

  • Инфраструктура

  • Развлекателни дейности

  • Местоположение

  • Съотношение качество-цена

  • Санитарни помещения

Дейности, препоръчани от гостите

CyclingКолоездене (1 Гост)
HikingПешеходен туризъм (1 Гост)
RelaxingРелаксиращо (1 Гост)

Разглеждане на забележителности
(1 Гост)

Оценено от гостите като „Подходящо за“

Семейства с деца под 12 годишна възраст
Семейства с деца под 6 годишна възраст
Семейства с деца под 18 годишна възраст



Camp Redon is a small and attractive campsite in the Tarn department, in the centre of the Midi-Pyrénées region. You'll be camping about five kilometres from Cordes-sur-Ciel. The site is beautifully situated in a hilly agricultural region between grain fields, …cornfields and sunflowers. Here you have a wide panoramic view and can enjoy incomparable sunsets. Thanks to the varied landscape, this campsite offers both shady and open pitches. Many pitches offer beautiful views of the rural surroundings. In high season, this is a lively campsite where you will meet many families with children. In the low season, the campsite is mainly visited by guests who want to enjoy the tranquility of the Tarn. The attractively shaped swimming pool is located on the side of the campsite. It is perfect for a refreshing dip on a hot summer's day in the south of France. There is a separate children's pool for the very youngest guests, and the swimming pool also offers you a wellness area. There is plenty on offer for children at this campsite. An entertainment team organises all kinds of fun and sporting activities for them. You can also bake pancakes together, there are exciting challenges every week and in the high season there are guided canoe trips on the Aveyron every week. At Camp Redon, you can also order bread for the next morning. Different types of bread are offered. The special thing about it is that Claude, the baker who regularly delivers to this campsite, personally delivers your order to you. You can also buy snacks and ice cream at the campsite. You can also do your shopping in the various supermarkets in Cordes-sur-Ciel.
  • Категория къмпинг:
  • Размер на сайта: 2 ha (Наземни условия: Трева)
  • Общ брой терени: 50
  • Брой туристически терени: 50 (От които парцели: 46)
  • Парцели за кемпери пред портите: 0
  • Места за спиране пред портите също и за каравани: Не е наличен
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Референтна цена

Пиков сезон 37,00 €*
CampingCard logoCampingCard ACSI21,00 €
*Двама възрастни, каравана, кола, електричество и местни данъци за нощувка

Работно време

28. March - 15. October




Take the D600 to Cordes-Albi. After 5 km, follow the signs to Cordes.
  • Езеро: 15 km
  • Река: 5 km
  • Височина (над морското равнище): 344 m
  • Следващ град: 17 km
  • Следващо градче/село: 4 km
  • ЖП или автобусна гара: 1 km


route de carmaux 375 
81170  Cordes sur Ciel
GPS координати
Lat 44.0412, Long 2.0169
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Camping Camp Redon

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