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Camping Les Chouans



Perfectly located on the Vendee coast on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, our campsite welcomes you for your holidays with family or friends, from the 26th April to the 1st September 2024. Choose the seaside resort of Saint Hilaire …de Riez as your next holidays destination. Campsite Les Chouans, with 232 pitches separate by hedges, propose you to spend a pleasant stay in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The Campsite Les Chouans***** is also a campsite near by the sea, where you will not need to take your car to go there. Juste enjoy the beautiful cycle paths of Saint Hilaire de Riez. Enjoy the pleasure of the water in our recent water park.
  • Категория къмпинг:
  • Размер на сайта: 7 ha (Наземни условия: Пясък)
  • Общ брой терени: 238
  • Брой туристически терени: 50
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Референтна цена

Пиков сезон 43,22 €*
*Двама възрастни, каравана, кола, електричество и местни данъци за нощувка

Работно време

29. April - 28. August


  • Море: 1,8 km
  • В планината: Не
  • Следващо градче/село: 2 km
  • ЖП или автобусна гара: 3 km


108 avenue de la faye 
85270  St Hilaire De Riez
GPS координати
Lat 46.73338, Long -1.97397
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Camping Les Chouans

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