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Camping Mialane


Оценки в детайли

  • Спокойствие

  • Храна / Магазини

  • Генерална чистота

  • Чистота на санитарните помещения

  • Приятелско отношение

  • Инфраструктура

  • Местоположение

  • Съотношение качество-цена

  • Санитарни помещения

Дейности, препоръчани от гостите

CyclingКолоездене (1 Гост)
HikingПешеходен туризъм (1 Гост)
MountainbikingПланинско колоездене (1 Гост)

Оценено от гостите като „Подходящо за“

Гости с палатки



Mialanne campsite is a small campsite in a beautiful location in the Pyrenees National Park. The campsite is characterised by cleanliness and friendly staff. From flat and well-kept terraces on the slope of a mountain, there is a view of …the surrounding mountains. The highest mountain whose peak is near the campsite is the Col d'Aubisque. That's why cyclists should not forget to take their racing bikes with them. At the same time, the campsite is characterised by a wide variety of wild flowers and plants. In between, the well-preserved terraces are easily accessible via paved roads. The more than forty touring pitches are flat, spacious and offer plenty of privacy. The pitches on the highest terraces are particularly suitable for campers. Wherever you stand, the view of the surrounding mountains is phenomenal. In the main building, with its plastered walls and wooden doors and beams typical of this region, you will find a cosy meeting room and a playground next to the reception. In the meeting room, free Wi-Fi, a microwave, kettle and fridges are available for you to use. If you want to learn more about the area, you can also come here. Part of the room has been transformed into an information corner. You will find a table tennis table and games in the games room. Arrens-Marsous is a tiny mountain village near the campsite. It takes a few minutes to cycle to the centre, but the village actually starts on the other side of the road. There is a supermarket there. The village also has a bakery, butcher, pizzeria and restaurant. There is also a small market in the centre on Wednesday afternoons.
  • Размер на сайта: 4 ha (Наземни условия: Трева)
  • Общ брой терени: 44
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Референтна цена

Пиков сезон 21,80 €*
*Двама възрастни, каравана, кола, електричество и местни данъци за нощувка

Работно време

27. June - 25. September




Take the D918 to Argelès (Col d'Aubisque). The campsite is on the right between Arrens and Marsous.
  • В планината: да
  • Височина (над морското равнище): 890 m
  • Следващ град: 12 km
  • Следващо градче/село: 0,3 km
  • ЖП или автобусна гара: 0,3 km


63, route d'Azun 
65400  Arrens Marsous
GPS координати
Lat 42.96018, Long -0.20694
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Camping Mialane

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