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MiO-Minicamping Ottendorf image 1

MiO-Minicamping Ottendorf


Оценки в детайли

  • Спокойствие

  • Храна / Магазини

  • Генерална чистота

  • Чистота на санитарните помещения

  • Условия на отдаваното под наем помещение

  • Приятелско отношение

  • Инфраструктура

  • Развлекателни дейности

  • Местоположение

  • Съотношение качество-цена

  • Санитарни помещения

Какво пишат гостите

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Karl Heinz O.
Престой: Jul 2024
"Small oasis on the hill - "Access only through the industrial estate" sounds really scary at first, but it's not. Because once you've made the short crossing, you can already see what awaits you. The view into the green distance. And at the end is the MiO. A small, fine site on a hilltop, where the wind usually blows from the west/southwest. Around 20 non-parceled pitches, all with their own (watch out!) 10A socket, are laid out in a circle around a flower meadow that is home to insects. The pitches are very large and fairly level, the lawn is short and well-kept. Water is available in several places on the pitch, including a free-standing wash-up basin in the middle of the pitch and the usual washing-up areas on the outside wall of the main building. What looks from the outside like an old barn that was forgotten to be torn down turns out to be a modern multifunctional building with a dining room, terrace and sanitary facilities when you enter. The latter is generously furnished, modernly tiled in three colors and always clean. Spacious means: yes, finally a shower cubicle where your clothes are guaranteed to stay dry, simply because they hang far enough away. When you come out of the shower, you'll find the sign-up list for the bread roll service in the corridor; when you leave the building, you might hear a cow from the adjacent dairy farm, but due to the direction of the wind, you'll rarely be reminded by the smell that milk doesn't grow in a tetrapak. Excursion tips for families include the "Sonnenland" leisure park, which is almost within walking distance, and the "Zeit-Werk-Stadt" in Frankenberg in bad weather. (For Dad: one of only three prototypes of the Barkas B1100 built can be found here). It's about 15 km to Chemnitz and Mittweida and just over 20 km to Kriebstein with its harbour, dam wall and castle, but cyclists should bring an e-drive or really short gears.
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Има 3 рецензии от лагерници.

Показване на всички рецензии

Дейности, препоръчани от гостите

HikingПешеходен туризъм (17 Гости)
RelaxingРелаксиращо (16 Гости)
CyclingКолоездене (10 Гости)

(9 Гости)
(5 Гости)
Планинско колоездене
(5 Гости)
Разглеждане на забележителности
(5 Гости)
(4 Гости)
Разходки за отдих
(4 Гости)
(3 Гости)
Крос-кънтри ски
(1 Гост)

Оценено от гостите като „Подходящо за“

Възрастни граждани
Гости с кучета
Гости с палатки
Семейства с деца под 6 годишна възраст
Семейства с деца под 12 годишна възраст
Семейства с деца под 18 годишна възраст
Младежки групи



We are a small, family-run campsite situated between Chemnitz, Dresden and Leipzig. Great place to discover formerly East Germany. The pitches are on grass with panoramic views of the hilly landscape. The campsite is part of a farm and accordingly …close to nature, organized wilderness, so that butterflies and birds also feel at home with us. Pitches and paths are of course mowed regularly. A meadow orchard and a vegetable garden belong to the camping. In the herb patch of the camping everybody can help himself, whereas in the garden the vegetables of the season can only be bought. For a small financial contribution you can get a gardening and herb guide. There are 24 spacious non-parcelled tourist pitches equipped with electricity and water and 16 trekking pitches. In the completely renovated wooden barn is the sanitary facility, reception and dining workshop, all equipped with underfloor heating. There are 6 showers, 6 WC's and 2 urinals, 4 of which are family showers with washbasins. For people with disabilities, there are shower and WC adapted accordingly; all doors are wheelchair accessible and without thresholds. In the diningroom "Esswerkstatt" you can have breakfast and/or dinner by appointment. Hot and cold drinks, with or without alcohol, can be enjoyed at any time and without appointment in the diningroom "Esswerkstatt" or on the covered terrace. There is a bread roll service. Translated with (free version)
  • Категория къмпинг:
  • Размер на сайта: 2 ha (Наземни условия: Трева)
  • Общ брой терени: 40
  • Брой туристически терени: 40
  • Парцели за кемпери пред портите: 0
  • Места за спиране пред портите също и за каравани: Не е наличен
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Референтна цена

Пиков сезон 33,00 €*
Слаб сезон 30,00 €*
*Двама възрастни, каравана, кола, електричество и местни данъци за нощувка

Работно време

04. April - 26. October




Sie erreichen MiO ausschließlich über das Gewerbegebiet Ottendorf. Blaue Campingverkehrsschilder auf der S200 weisen den Weg. Autobahn A4 (E40), Ausfahrt 71 Chemnitz Ost. S200 Richtung Mittweida. Nach 2 km rechts ins Gewerbegebiet Ottendorf. Am Ende der Strasse links abbiegen (das …Verkehrsschild 'Sackgasse' negieren). Nach 800 m erreichen Sie MiO. Navigation: Adresse: Gottfried-Schenker-Strasse 10 GPS Koordinaten: N50 56 4 E12 59 0
  • Езеро: 16 km
  • Река: 2 km
  • В планината: Не
  • Височина (над морското равнище): 300 m
  • Следващ град: 6 km
  • Следващо градче/село: 1 km
  • ЖП или автобусна гара: 0,5 km
  • Изход на магистрала: 3 km


Hohe Strasse 28
09244  Lichtenau
GPS координати
Lat 50.93657, Long 12.98442
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MiO-Minicamping Ottendorf

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