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Camping Bois de Reveuge


Hodnocení podrobně

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Co píší hosté

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Plauderkeks P.
Pobyt: Jun 2015
"2 nights 29.06.15-01.07.15 Pre-season Good (ACSI) - The campsite is in the middle of the forest, the path there leads through a small village and is easy to find. We spent 3 days there with our 4 year old daughter on our return journey from Canet (Perpignan). When we arrived at lunchtime (quiet time according to the sign), the barrier was open and there was no staff at reception or on the pitch. We chose one of the free pitches (pitch 31X) and then explored the area. During this time, the site was open to everyone and without supervision!!! On our return we registered, the staff only spoke English or French. The registration was "factual"! You can pre-order baked goods at reception and pick them up there in the morning. It's a nice walk from the center or the top! About the site: It is very large and goes like a tube past the lake into the forest and uphill. I can confirm that the morning walk to the reception or restaurant can be annoying (yes, even on vacation) it is exhausting! The pitches vary in size but are really adequate - our campervan was 7.85m long and 2.50m wide, our pitch had water but no drainage. At night it is very, very quiet, exactly to our taste. The pool: It has a swimmer's pool and a fun pool with slides, for the little ones there is a water playground with different water columns to run through. We liked it. Kayaks/pedal boats and life jackets can be borrowed free of charge, as well as mini golf. The lake is actually a brown broth with fish in it. High ropes course for a fee Conclusion: Really relaxing for 3-4 days in the low season, then it gets boring if you don't have a destination in the area. There were a maximum of 10-15 other campers on the site with us. I wouldn't want to be on the site in high season, it's too big for that and the structure isn't really ideal. Too few wash houses, too few washing-up facilities and too few toilets. The swimming pool is not in the least adequate for the number of guests (high season).
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Jaques F.
Pobyt: Jul 2012
" - The location of the campsite is indeed beautiful - quiet, rural, idyllic. However, anyone who has visited 4-star campsites in Denmark, Germany or Holland will definitely miss a lot here! We've never been there before and booked for 2 weeks. Even before I saw anything of the campsite, I had to pay the full amount for 15 nights for all persons when I checked in - outrageous! Medical centers: Here at the latest I deduct 2 of the 4 stars, whoever gave them out. In 2012, I expect soap in the toilet and a certain standard of hygiene at a campsite! Not here, of course. From week 2 of our vacation, mind you in July during the high season, the toilet paper suddenly ran out regularly for 2 days. Even when asked to refill it, nothing happened. Just as "funny": there is 1 small bathtub for small children in the wash house, but no plugs. So how do you bathe the child? Answer when asked: plugs were always stolen, now there are none. I see. Pool: There are actually only 2 standing toilets (yes, the hole in the floor!) but there are 4 changing rooms by the pool for all visitors to the entire bathing area. Without soap, of course. Circulation in the pools = ?? From 3 pm at the latest, the disgust factor increases immeasurably after the whole campsite has been in the pool with cream, unwashed hands, pissed feet (from the hole toilet - bathing slippers forgotten...) etc. with practically no water circulation. Bon appetit! All diseases free of charge? - Then just jump in! Impractical: snacks, ice cream, food, restaurant - everything is only available at the entrance to the campsite, next to reception. Fancy ice cream, chips etc. by the pool? - Well, then please walk around the whole lake first. Or just don't, because snacks and pizzerias are unfortunately expensive, but not very tasty or varied. If you stay in the mobile homes further up/at the back of the campsite, you may have to walk 15 minutes or more to get your morning croissant. Childcare only in Dutch and somehow a bit weak. Ours didn't want to go after 2 times... All in all, not really a vacation home to recommend, and there's practically nothing going on around it. There really are much better places for families with children, certainly in France too.
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Činnosti doporučené hosty

SwimmingPlavání (3 Hosté)
FishingRybaření (2 Hosté)
RelaxingRelax (2 Hosté)

(1 Host)
Jízda na běžkách
(1 Host)
(1 Host)
Jízda na kajaku
(1 Host)
(1 Host)
(1 Host)

Hodnocení hosty jako „Vhodné pro“

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Rodiny s dětmi do 12 let
Rodiny s dětmi do 18 let
Rodiny s dětmi do 6 let
Mládežnické skupiny



V srdci turistických regionů Jura, Vogézy a Alsasko najdete naše rekreační středisko se čtyřhvězdičkovým kempem na 24 hektarech luk, lesů a jezer v zelené a kopcovité oblasti. Ohromí vás malebný, zelený pohled na francouzský venkov, kouzlo jezer, údolí a klidné …lesy našeho regionu. Během svého pobytu budete mít možnost zúčastnit se různých aktivit, z nichž většina je zdarma a přístupná všem. Aquapark, jízda na kánoích a šlapadlech, sportovní aktivity a zábava pro děti jsou jen několika příklady z mnoha aktivit, které nabízíme. Středně velký kemp je charakteristický množstvím stromů, které vytvářejí příjemnou atmosféru. Kempovací místa nejblíže k jezeru nabízejí krásný, otevřený výhled. Mírně svažitý terén umožňuje vybrat si prostorné místo. Ještě více prostoru však získáte na komfortním kempu. V přední části kempu se nacházejí udržované mobilní domy, chatky a sruby, které kemp nabízí k pronájmu. Čtyři sociální zařízení jsou dobře rozmístěna po celém kempu. Na okraji kempu, s nádherným výhledem na zelené louky, se hosté mohou zchladit v krásných bazénech. K dispozici je brouzdaliště pro malé děti, velký vyhřívaný bazén (který lze zastřešit) pro všechny a krásně řešené vodní hřiště. Zajímavostí kempu jsou dvě skluzavky, které vedou do samostatného bazénu. V hlavní sezóně na ně dohlíží plavčík. Chtěli byste podniknout něco jiného? Pak naskočte do auta a jeďte asi hodinu na jih krásnou krajinou do vesnice Gouffre de Poudrey. Tam najdete nádherné jeskynní systémy 70 metrů pod zemí. Do tohoto tajemného podzemního světa vás zavede prohlídka s průvodcem.
  • Kategorie kempu:
  • Velikost webu: 24 ha (Pozemní podmínky: Dlážděný)
  • Celkový počet hřišť: 340
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Referenční cena

Hlavní sezóna 38,00 €*
*Dva dospělí, karavan, auto, elektřina a místní daně za noc

Provozní doba

06. May - 04. September




Sjeďte z dálnice A36 na sjezdu Baume-les-Dames, pokračujte po silnici směrem na Villersexel a sledujte ukazatele „Camping Huanne“.
  • Jezero: Na místě
  • V horách: Ne
  • Výška (nad hladinou moře): 325 m
  • Další město: 5 km
  • Další město/vesnice: 1 km
  • Vlaková či autobusová stanice: 13 km
  • Výjezd z dálnice: 9 km


25680  Huanne Montmartin
GPS souřadnice
Lat 47.440539605395244, Long 6.342564373016342
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Camping Bois de Reveuge

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