2 hodnocení
- Галина А.June 2023PozitivaThe attitude of the staffNegativaTerribly crowded campsite. The caravans are placed without any distance from each other. Difficult to find a parking space and getting out is difficult.Camping Paradiso Nea HeraklicaWe were with a tent. The tents are set up in the space between the two toilets. Various people who have set up their caravans and apparently have been hanging out there for years dispose of them as if they were the curators at the campsite. Pity about the "campground". It is destroyed. Not a pleasant place to stay at all. And we constantly witnessed parking hassles.Automaticky přeloženo.
- Jan P.July 2013Kemp pěkný, spousta místa pro stany, karavany, možnost ubytování v chatkách, nedaleko ve městě spousta obchůdků, včetně potravin, kde nakupují i do prodejny v kempu, jídlo i pití v kempu drahé, chatky neuklizené, spousta prachu a pavučin, většinou bez klimatizace a bez stolů a židlí k venkovnímu posezení,... v celém kempu rostou ovocné stromy, pláž pěkná, ale neupravená, hlavní výhodou je, že je to celkem daleko od dálnice a tím i hodně velký klid, byli jsme na konci července a v kempu jsme byli sami. Je to kemp z 90let.