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Nymindegab Familie Camping image 1

Nymindegab Familie Camping

  • Provozní doba: 22.03 - 20.10 - aktuálně v provozu
  • AdresaLyngtoften 126830 Nr. Nebel, Dánsko - Zobrazit na mapě


Hodnocení podrobně

  • Klid

  • Jídlo / Obchody

  • Celková čistota

  • Čistota sociálního zařízení

  • Stav pronajímaného ubytování

  • Přátelskost

  • Infrastruktura

  • Volnočasové aktivity

  • Lokalita

  • Hodnota za peníze

  • Sociální zařízení

Co píší hosté

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Tim C.
Pobyt: Jul 2023
"beautiful family campsite with heated outdoor pool - The campsite itself is beautifully laid out and visually appealing. This makes it not seem as big as it is. The sanitary buildings are as good as new, but the colors chosen (shades of brown) make them look rather gloomy. The mirrors in the wash cubicles could be better lit. The sanitary buildings are unisex. We always used sanitary building 3. There were 3 cabins with toilet and washbasin, 4 cabins with shower and washbasin, 2 cabins with shower, washbasin and toilet (family cabin), as well as a baby changing room and washroom with children's toilet. At peak times in the morning, you had to wait until a toilet or shower became available. The showers in the family cabins cost 5 crowns (4 minutes). The other showers were free. There was a very good room for disposing of the chemical toilet. I only noticed cleaning in the morning. I don't know if it was cleaned in between. It was never really dirty, but you could see that there were too few toilets for the number of guests. A bit more cleaning would definitely not have been a bad idea. The store had very little food for daily needs. Instead, there were lots of snacks and drinks. The snack bar has soft ice cream, scoop ice cream, fries, chicken, pizza and salad. Unfortunately no burgers and hot dogs. There is (currently) no shop in Nymindegab, so you have to drive to Nörre Nebel to do your shopping. The only full-service snack bar in Nymindegab is considerably more expensive than the snack bars in Henne Strand, for example. A hot dog there costs 41 kroner (in other places we always paid between 30 and 35 kroner). The beach is too far to walk with small children. But it can be reached by bike in 5 minutes. Unfortunately, the beach is very rocky. Bathing shoes are recommended. The playground and the outdoor pool are very nice, but only enough for the children to splash around. It was too crowded for swimming in good weather, so not really suitable for adults.
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Vanessa D.
Pobyt: Jul 2022
"Overpriced - Nymindegab I came here with my daughter, we've camped in other countries before but this was our first time camping in Danmark. First impression was a super unfriendly receptionist that wouldn't even greet us when we came in. Her arrogance and treatment sets the mood for the whole place. The price per night though is really high, compared to the other campgrounds nearby. I thought from their advertisement that it was worth it for the kids entertainment. But all the entertainment for kids, other than the heated pool (which in real life is really small) is really NOTHING more than what can be found on other campgrounds. Except maybe the arcade, where every game costs money/coins. So for your kids entertainment you would have to spend even more money. The beach is far away to walk, there are no activities for smaller children on this campground other than the playground. In fact, we had such a bad experience with people, the reception, our campground and the bathrooms that are NOT clean that we decided to leave after our first night. We still had 4 nights that we had paid a lot of money for, but we didnt get any of it back. In fact, the receptionist told us it was "Our problem if we don't like the place" We moved to another campground 15 minutes away from this one. Here we spent HALF the money, camped RIGHT at the beach and had super friendly staff, big playgrounds, free indoor playgrounds, bigger kitchens than in Nymindegab and found a really cheap indoor waterpark nearby. Please DO NOT spend your money here! You are not welcome and can have MUCH BETTER kids entertainment and bigger, cleaner servicerooms for much much less money. The surroundings are beautiful and the surrounding campgrounds are too. Spend your money somewhere else please.
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Wilkommen im Familien Paradies an der Nordseeküste Neues Badeland mit Rutschbahn Der Platz ist eine Naturperle an der Nordseeküste und dem Ringkøbing Fjord. Hier finden Ihr ein neues Badeland, einen großen Spielplatz, Hüpfkissen, Minigolf, Sauna Wir vermieten Hütten mit Dusch/WC.
  • Kategorie kempu:
  • Velikost webu: 10 ha (Pozemní podmínky: Tráva)
  • Celkový počet hřišť: 325
  • Počet turistických míst: 200 (Z toho parcel: 200)
  • Hřiště obytných aut před branami: 3
  • Mezipřistání před branami i pro karavany: Není dostupný
Navrhněte změnu

Referenční cena

Hlavní sezóna 40,69 €*
Mimo sezónu 36,55 €*
*Dva dospělí, karavan, auto, elektřina a místní daně za noc

Provozní doba

22. March - 20. October




Folgen Sie der Strasse Nr. 181 nach Nymindegab. Im Ort sehen Sie unser Schild am Weg. Sie fahren in den Weg „Lyngtoften“ und der Platz ist am Ende nach ca. 200 m.
  • Moře: 1,1 km
  • Řeka: 0,5 km
  • Další město: 7,5 km
  • Další město/vesnice: 0,5 km
  • Vlaková či autobusová stanice: 0,2 km


Lyngtoften 12
6830  Nr. Nebel
GPS souřadnice
Lat 55.8125, Long 8.20027
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Nymindegab Familie Camping

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