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Camping La Quercia

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Bedømmelser i detaljer

  • Stilhed

  • Mad / butikker

  • Generel renlighed

  • Renlighed af sanitære faciliteter

  • Tilstand for lejeindkvartering

  • Venlighed

  • Infrastruktur

  • Fritidsaktiviteter

  • Beliggenhed

  • Værdi for pengene

  • Sanitære faciliteter

Hvad gæster skriver

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Thomas B.
Bliv: Jun 2024
"Place of contradictions - We had a Lago pitch, which was close to the lake but shady throughout. Unfortunately, we were a bit unlucky with the weather and it rained several times. Unfortunately, we then had to learn that the site has no canalized surface drainage and the water from the whole site simply runs down the paths towards the lake. This is where the Lago pitches are located. We had mud and puddles in front of the caravan and underneath it. This was not only unpleasant, but also meant that there were lots of flies, especially when the sun came out again. The relatively new wash house 3 was absolutely great. There was always enough hot water and the cleaning staff kept it in good condition. I always wondered why they used so much water when cleaning. If you went there out of hours, you could see why: thousands of flies in every toilet and washbasin. They were simply "flushed away". Perhaps the lighting should be controlled with motion detectors, at least outside the main season. As nice as the wash house was, there was no way to empty the campers' toilets free of charge. There was a machine opposite. This could be done for 2 euros, but without a chemical refill. I found that a bit harsh. Cycling there isn't much fun either. The footpath/cycle path on the main road is overcrowded, dangerous and poorly constructed. For other routes, you share the road with cars. The passage along the beach is at its worst in the La Quercia area and is an imposition on foot. It gets better towards Peschiera del Garda, but is also overcrowded. Neither cycling nor walking is fun there. There is everything you need on the campsite, at the upper end of the price range, but that is normal. There are also discount stores nearby. Conclusion: Great for families with small children and a pitch near the pool. It wasn't our thing.
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Bianca W.
Bliv: Sep 2023
"Great campsite on Lake Garda for families - * Stay (+ 2 children, 4+5) for 3.5 days in the low season. We did not get to know/use all the offers. ABBA musical evening show was great. * Lake: Beautiful sandy beach, shallow, ideal for children. But there are also stones, so pack your bathing shoes. Depending on the pitch, the walk to the lake is very long (approx. 900m downhill, 18 min with children). Bicycles, electric scooters, buggies or handcarts are essential. * Pool: Many different. Pools and slides for all ages. Many lifeguards on site, everything clean. In the low season there were free sunbeds (incl.). Next to the pool is the theater, restaurant and ice cream parlor. Nuggets with fries (8.50€). * Sanitary facilities (no. 7) are clean, open concept, very hot water, automatic shut-off. The other wash houses are more modern, with children's bathrooms and heated. * Classic pitch -> no water/waste water. Under trees, pleasantly shady, on meadow. Good proximity to the pool, far to the lake. WLAN was good. Surprisingly quiet. Chocks/plates are needed as the pitches are on a hill and uneven. Chemical toilet machines (2€) available, too far away from Classic pitches. * Supermarket has bread rolls, prices are very high. * Unfortunately, dogs pee and poop everywhere and some owners don't clean it up. That's a shame, because it's really annoying and the campsite can't help it - but it detracts from the vacation feeling when the wind starts to stink. * I think it's great that attention is paid to waste separation. At check-in you are given various reusable bags (glass, plastic, paper) for waste separation and paper/organic waste bags.
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Der er 3 camperanmeldelser.

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Aktiviteter anbefalet af gæster

SwimmingSvømning (81 Gæster)
RelaxingSlapper af (38 Gæster)
Motorboatmotorbåd (35 Gæster)

Afslappede gåture
(28 Gæster)
(24 Gæster)
(21 Gæster)
(17 Gæster)
(16 Gæster)
(16 Gæster)
(13 Gæster)
(12 Gæster)

Bedømt af gæster som "Velegnet til"

Familier med børn under 12 år
Familier med børn under 12 år
Familier med børn under 18 år
Gæster med telte
Gæster med hunde
Ældre borgere



Velkommen til Camping La Quercia, den eneste 4-stjernede campingplads ved Gardasøen med 60 års erfaring med gæster fra hele verden. Vi tilbyder de mest moderne faciliteter og den bedste service. Kom og oplev de uendelige muligheder for at tilrettelægge din …ferie efter dine ønsker. Campingpladsen har mange forskellige træer og blomster, så du vil føle, at du befinder dig i en fantastisk have lige ved søens bred. Nyd din ferie på sandstranden direkte ved Gardasøen. Campingpladsen ligger kun få minutters gang fra byen Lazise. Den ligger også tæt på nogle af de mest populære fritids- og vandlande i Europa. Den største sandstrand ved Gardasøen og 3 pools står til din rådighed. Til din ferie kan du vælge en af vores 260 boliger eller 850 standpladser. Det anbefales at booke. Pladserne er udstyret med vand- og afløbstilslutning, elektricitet og gratis Wi-Fi. For campingentusiaster er der også mere end 10 privatudlejede badeværelser. For sportslige feriegæster tilbyder campingpladsen udflugtsprogrammer og forskellige cykelruter. Der er et underholdningsprogram og et fitnessrum. For at slappe af efter en travl dag er der en sauna, et boblebad, et dampbad og et skønhedscenter. Campingpladsen har en eventyrpool, en udendørs pool og et soppebassin. Der er også en vandrutsjebane. Der er en sø/fritidssø i umiddelbar nærhed, hvor man kan svømme. Det er tilladt at snorkle, windsurfe og stå på vandski på Camping La Quercia. Vi ser frem til dit besøg!
  • Campingplads kategori:
  • Størrelsen på webstedet: 20 ha (Jordforhold: Græs)
  • Samlet antal pladser: 657
  • Antal turistpladser: 657
  • Autocamperpladser foran portene: 0
  • Stoppladser foran portene også til campingvogne: Ikke tilgængelig
Foreslå ændring


Højsæson 87,50 €*
Lavsæson 35,00 €*
*To voksne, campingvogn, bil, elektricitet og lokale skat per nat


27. March - 05. October




Campingpladsen ligger kun 10 minutters gang fra centrum af Lazise ved Gardasøen. Affi, afkørslen til motorvej A22, ligger kun 8 km væk, og Peschiera del Garda (motorvej A4) kun 10 km.
  • : På pladsen
  • I bjergene: Nej
  • Højde (over havets overflade): 70 m
  • Næste by: 1,5 km
  • Næste by/landsby: 1,5 km
  • Tog- eller busstation: 0,25 km
  • Motorvej udgang: 6 km


Loc. Bottona 
37017  Lazise
Lat 45.49361, Long 10.73361
Få rutevejledning
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Camping La Quercia

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