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Hvidbjerg Strand Feriepark

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Bedømmelser i detaljer

  • Stilhed

  • Mad / butikker

  • Generel renlighed

  • Renlighed af sanitære faciliteter

  • Tilstand for lejeindkvartering

  • Venlighed

  • Infrastruktur

  • Fritidsaktiviteter

  • Beliggenhed

  • Værdi for pengene

  • Sanitære faciliteter

Hvad gæster skriver

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A. K.
Bliv: Oct 2023
"Very wet and expensive camping - It was our first time here with our caravan. It was very crowded. We sometimes had to wait until we could go to the swimming pool or indoor playground. The campsite pays well for this. For the high prices that you have to pay when booking (booking fee of 10.- e.g.) you would have to go to the swimming pool every day. Unfortunately, we didn't really like the swimming pool. Stupid layout with the different small pools. You couldn't really swim there - no space and lots of people. Only our 8-year-old son liked the slides. But you had to queue there for up to 20 minutes on one day....My daughter and I were only there once for 30 minutes. In the swimming pool. We always had to wait at the indoor playground because it was absolutely full. Then, on the penultimate day, our row in the giving area was completely flooded. The last 8 seats were completely under 10cm of water. We were a bit luckier, we only had a few puddles, but the awning was still under water. Our wash house (30) was really great. Everything was new, modern and clean! Unfortunately, the cookhouse was always a bit cold to sit in for long periods. I also liked the proximity to the campsite - everything was close to the river and the on-site supply. We were able to buy fresh bread rolls every day, ordered pizza once without any fuss and the ice cream and fish & chips were also great. At the reception they were always very friendly and many things were possible digitally, such as the Armand or the barrier via cell phone.
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Eva J.
Bliv: Jun 2023
"Actually very nice - with some compromises - We had booked an XL comfort pitch with private sanitary facilities near the beach in June. After the great advertising pictures and the 6* we probably raised our expectations a little too high. The private sanitary facilities were rather old and not really well cleaned on arrival. The shower head was calcified and there were heaps of hairs from the previous guest. When the "cleaning team" was free next to us, one of 3 employees entered the sani and after 1 minute all 3 drove away again. Next free seat - same game. That explains it then. The public sani looked good, but we didn't use them. The grounds themselves could be better maintained for 6*. We liked the wellness area and it was also included during our travel period. For children there is the western town and plenty of opportunities to play. The proximity to the sea is great. The fishing lake is also very nicely done with direct pitches for anglers. There is an extra dog area behind it. There is also the possibility of horse riding behind the western town. The campsite is of course huge and the paths sometimes confused us. You need a bit of time, but after a few walks you have it under control. We found the normal pitches a bit cramped. On the comfort pitches you can also park 2 caravans/motorhomes/tents. This is certainly great for some, but unfortunately we found it extremely noisy at times with lots of people, children and dogs on the adjacent pitches. However, as it got very chilly in the evening, we were at least able to get a good night's sleep. The village offers plenty of places to stroll and store. Our conclusion: Nice place, but the price is not necessarily justified. Especially not when you have to pay extra at certain times of the year.
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Der er 3 camperanmeldelser.

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Aktiviteter anbefalet af gæster

WellnessSpa (61 Gæster)
SwimmingSvømning (59 Gæster)
CyclingCykling (56 Gæster)

Slapper af
(43 Gæster)
(28 Gæster)
(27 Gæster)
(22 Gæster)
(18 Gæster)
Afslappede gåture
(12 Gæster)
(5 Gæster)
(4 Gæster)

Bedømt af gæster som "Velegnet til"

Familier med børn under 12 år
Gæster med hunde
Familier med børn under 12 år
Ældre borgere
Familier med børn under 18 år
Gæster med telte



Hvidbjerg Strand er en af Europas mest anerkendte campingpladser. Hos os kan I både bo i egen campingvogn eller telt eller I kan leje en hytte, strandvilla eller strandlejlighed. Vores superlækre wellnesscenter med mange forskellige kurbassiner, dampbade og meget meget …mere er gratis for campister 1 gang daglig i lavsæson mandag-torsdag, for hytte, villa og hotelgæster 1 gang dagligt hele sæsonen. Gælder alle over 16 år. Vores badeland har alt, hvad vandhunde og badedyr kan ønske sig. Badelandet er gratis for alle ferieparkens gæster én gang pr. dag. Der er gratis ubegrænset adgang til det store indendørs legeland Play City med trampoliner, hoppeborg, klatrevægge, minifodboldbaner og meget mere. Stranden ved Hvidbjerg er godt beskyttet af Horns Rev, som strækker sig 40 km ud i Vesterhavet. Slip roligt ungerne løs i det kridhvide sand – der er ingen biler og ikke langt til hverken ferieparken eller iskiosken. Ca. 1,5 km væk ligger Blåvand by - Ikke mange feriebyer kan byde på så mange forskellige shoppingmuligheder. For børnene er der bl.a. lysstøberi og bolchekogeri.
  • Campingplads kategori:
  • Størrelsen på webstedet: 26 ha
  • Samlet antal pladser: 800
  • Antal turistpladser: 695 (Heraf pakker: 695)
  • Autocamperpladser foran portene: 0
  • Stoppladser foran portene også til campingvogne: Ikke tilgængelig
Foreslå ændring


Højsæson 85,00 €*
Lavsæson 45,00 €*
*To voksne, campingvogn, bil, elektricitet og lokale skat per nat


01. January - 31. December


  • Hav: På pladsen
  • : På pladsen
  • I bjergene: Nej
  • Næste by: 30 km
  • Næste by/landsby: 1,5 km
  • Tog- eller busstation: 1 km
  • Motorvej udgang: 30 km


Hvidbjerg Strandvej 27
6857  Blåvand
Lat 55.54527, Long 8.13361
Få rutevejledning
Foreslå ændring


Hvidbjerg Strand Feriepark