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Seecamp am Oderbruch

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Dine Fanclub fordele

  • Campér i længere tid og betal mindre. Bliv 7 nætter, betal kun for 6 dage (ekskl. udlejningsejendomme)
  • 50 % på leje af stand-up paddling (én gang pr. person)
  • 10% rabat fra 14 nætter på luksuscampingvogne til leje


Bedømmelser i detaljer

  • Stilhed

  • Mad / butikker

  • Generel renlighed

  • Renlighed af sanitære faciliteter

  • Venlighed

  • Infrastruktur

  • Fritidsaktiviteter

  • Beliggenhed

  • Værdi for pengene

  • Sanitære faciliteter

Hvad gæster skriver

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Dirk B.
Bliv: Sep 2021
"Quiet location in the middle of nowhere - We stayed at the campsite for a few days in the 2nd half of September 2021. We had previously reserved a pitch with a view of the lake. On arrival, we were welcomed by the nice operator, who immediately showed us our pitch and gave us what felt like a 20kg Leitz folder with tips for excursions ;-) . The pitches are not parceled out, but the operator knows roughly where you should stand. However, our towing vehicle should not be parked next to the caravan after unhitching, but in separate parking spaces near the entrance. We were able to live with this as we always had a view of the car from our caravan. The pitch consists mainly of grass. Wheel chocks should be taken because of slight unevenness in the ground. Electricity is always nearby, but it's better to take a cable reel with you. There is also a small catering offer with a small menu directly at the reception. However, during our stay this was only offered at the weekend. The food and drink was very tasty and reasonably priced. There are also baked rolls for breakfast, but these are just the usual supermarket rolls from the freezer. Better than nothing. The only negative thing I noticed was the sanitary facilities. During our stay, there were only showers in the wooden huts, which were quite far away. And even there, there were only 2 shower cubicles for the men. Probably not enough for the whole site in high season. There is also a container facility with toilets directly in the entrance area. However, the cubicles are not fully enclosed, so you can sit there even when it's cold and windy. However, everything is clean and well maintained. Otherwise, it's a shame that this campsite is in the middle of nowhere. The nearest freeway can only be reached via many kilometers of substandard country roads. There is a mini store on site, but shopping facilities are only available in the next town.

Aktiviteter anbefalet af gæster

CyclingCykling (2 Gæster)
RelaxingSlapper af (2 Gæster)
CultureKultur (1 Gæst)

(1 Gæst)
(1 Gæst)
Afslappede gåture
(1 Gæst)
(1 Gæst)

Bedømt af gæster som "Velegnet til"

Familier med børn under 12 år
Ældre borgere
Gæster med telte
Gæster med hunde
Familier med børn under 12 år
Familier med børn under 18 år



Welcome to "Seecamp am Oderbruch" Our small nature campsite is located directly by the lake in Alt Zeschdorf, a charming rural village surrounded by fields and forests. The peaceful setting invites you to relax, while the lake is perfect for …swimming. For more activities, you’ll find an info station, brochures, and an information folder. We offer 2 stand-up paddleboards, a rowing boat, and 2 bicycles for rent. The lake is great for fishing, and fishing permits are available on-site. A newly built bike path to Lebus now provides a direct route to the beautiful Oder River. Accommodation Options: - 2 glamping rental caravans for 4 people, including shower & toilet - 1 bungalow for 2 people (ideal for cycling travelers) - 1 bungalow for 4 people - A scenic tent area directly by the lakeshore Dogs are welcome but must be kept on a leash. They can swim outside the campsite at various lake access points. Our guesthouse with an outdoor area provides food and drinks. Free Wi-Fi is available. The campsite is open all year round, and we look forward to your visit!
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Dine Fanclub fordele

på side

  • Campér i længere tid og betal mindre. Bliv 7 nætter, betal kun for 6 dage (ekskl. udlejningsejendomme)
  • 50 % på leje af stand-up paddling (én gang pr. person)
  • 10% rabat fra 14 nætter på luksuscampingvogne til leje
  • Sen udtjekning indtil kl. 18 i månederne oktober til marts og fra 2 nætter (afhængigt af tilgængelighed)
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  • Campingplads kategori:
  • Størrelsen på webstedet: 2,4 ha (Jordforhold: Græs)
  • Samlet antal pladser: 75
  • Antal turistpladser: 35 (Heraf pakker: 6)
  • Autocamperpladser foran portene: 0
  • Stoppladser foran portene også til campingvogne: Ikke tilgængelig
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Højsæson 41,00 €*
Lavsæson 41,00 €*
*To voksne, campingvogn, bil, elektricitet og lokale skat per nat


01. January - 31. December




Directions: The Seecamp am Oderbruch is located in Zeschdorf, Brandenburg. From Berlin, take the A12 to Frankfurt (Oder)-Mitte, then follow the B112 towards Lebus and continue to Alt Zeschdorf. The campsite is at Neue Siedlung 18, directly by the lake. …Follow the signs to Seecamp.
  • : På pladsen
  • Flod: 7 km
  • I bjergene: Nej
  • Højde (over havets overflade): 54 m
  • Næste by: 15 km
  • Næste by/landsby: 7 km
  • Tog- eller busstation: 0,5 km
  • Motorvej udgang: 16 km


Neue Siedlung 18
15326  Zeschdorf
Lat 52.43211, Long 14.44546
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Seecamp am Oderbruch

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