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Camping Cala Llevadó **** image 1

Camping Cala Llevadó ****


Valoraciones en detalle

  • Tranquilidad

  • Comida / Tiendas

  • Limpieza general

  • Limpieza de las instalaciones sanitarias

  • Estado del alojamiento de alquiler

  • Amabilidad

  • Infraestructura

  • Actividad(es) de entretenimiento

  • Lugar

  • Relación calidad-precio

  • Instalaciones sanitarias

Lo que escriben los invitados

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Michaela J.
Estancia: Sep 2023
"Fantastic location, space but no 4* - The campsite is situated above 3 small bays with crystal clear water and this is the main plus point of the campsite and of course Tossa de Mar is a very beautiful little town. Of course it is also touristy, but it has picturesque alleyways, nice restaurants, an old town etc & not the ugly concrete blocks like in Lloret, Calella or similar. The place belongs to a French chain. They usually invest more in chalets than in camping. Staff at reception nice and helpful. We didn't use the pool or restaurant. We would come again because of the location, as we can live with the disadvantages, but I could not recommend the place without reservation. For shopping in the supermarket outside the campsite or visiting Tossa you have to be mobile. So car, e-bikes or for very sporty people a bike. It is extremely steep up the mountain and you should be in good physical condition for the campsite or for the paths to the beach, pool, supermarket etc. (and this in sometimes very hot weather). Senior citizens or families with very young children should be aware of this. It was ok for us. The fact that the sanitary facilities are very basic in the south is also okay, but I rarely saw cleaning staff & generally the place seems poorly managed. Dog droppings everywhere, the areas around the garbage containers extremely neglected. Sometimes broken glass panes are placed next to the garbage, or the garbage flies in the wind onto the pitches on the slope below, I have seen several times that guests including dogs were in the sanitary building in the toilets or showers!!!! And although staff drive around the site all day, nobody seems to care. Large supermarket, but mini selection on site. As I said, we had a nice stay, but the site itself doesn't deserve 4 stars.
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Heinz G.
Estancia: Oct 2021
"Not a 4 star place - The site is mainly overgrown with old trees and therefore the pitches are mostly shady. The beaches can be reached via steep paths and steps. Not recommended for guests with poor physical condition or walking difficulties. There is also a nudist beach, which is also used by clothed people, which is incomprehensible, as there are also very beautiful beaches without nudism. Perhaps this is also due to the fact that the nudist beach access is not clearly signposted. The biggest drawback is that you have to pay for your expected stay in advance, even without a reservation. This was the first place where I had experienced this. The sanitary facilities are a bit outdated, missing or broken bolts and hooks have not been replaced. The toilet paper dispensers are mostly unusable, they have a small hole from which the paper has to be pulled out. The paper usually gets stuck because it tears off. As a result, paper is often missing from all toilet cubicles. However, the dispensers are locked so that you can't use them. The restaurant and supermarket were closed in October. Only baguettes and croissants were available in reception, groceries are only available in the supermarket about 1 km away outside the campsite. Difficult to reach without a car or pedelec via a steep road. We were charged €10 for wifi for 2 days. I find this far too expensive, as this is usually offered free of charge on comparable campsites. Conclusion: I will refrain from visiting this campsite again in the future unless the advance payments are stopped.
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Hay 3 reseñas más de campistas.

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Actividades recomendadas por los invitados

SwimmingNatación (23 Huéspedes)
DivingSitio de buceo (15 Huéspedes)
RelaxingRelajación (13 Huéspedes)

(10 Huéspedes)
(8 Huéspedes)
Ciclismo de montaña
(5 Huéspedes)
(5 Huéspedes)
(5 Huéspedes)
Lancha a motor
(3 Huéspedes)
(2 Huéspedes)
(2 Huéspedes)

Calificado por invitados como "Adecuado para"

Huéspedes con tiendas de campaña
Familias con niños menores de 12 años
Familias con niños menores de 18 años
Huéspedes con perros
Grupos de jóvenes
Personas mayores
Familias con niños menores de 6 años



El Camping Cala Llevadó está formado por 612 parcelas independientes para tienda, caravana y autocaravana. Varias de ellas tienen vista al mar y la gran mayoría están bajo la sombra de pinos centenarios. También hay 70 BUNGALOWS de madera para …2, 4 y 6 personas. La novedad del 2014 es Cadiretes ECO Bungalow Park, una zona exclusiva entre árboles y a 500 metros de las playas, con 30 bungalows 100% ecológicos. La novedad del 2013 fueron las CABAÑAS FORESTALES, 6 bungalows Glamping Pod con vista al mar y con una zona propia y exclusiva para las seis familias que las ocupan, donde pueden disfrutar de una barbacoa común de obra y una zona de picnic y de recreo para los niños. Desde el camping se puede acceder a una playa grande y a tres calas (una de ellas nudista).
  • Categoría de camping:
  • Tamaño del sitio: 17 ha (Condiciones del suelo: Tierra)
  • Número total de parcelas: 612
  • Parcelas para caravanas frente a la entrada: Disponible
  • Parcelas de escala delante de las puertas también para caravanas: No disponible
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Precio de referencia

Temporada alta 53,45 €*
CampingCard logoCampingCard ACSI23,00 €
*Dos adultos, caravana, coche, electricidad y tasas locales por noche

Horas de funcionamiento

23. March - 30. September




Viniendo de Barcelona podéis coger la autopista C-32 de la costa, hasta Lloret de Mar. Tomar la carretera GI-682 que va de Lloret a Tossa. En el punto kilométrico 18,9 está el acceso al Camping Cala Llevadó. Tenéis que bajar …en dirección al mar y, a 500 metros, encontraréis la recepción. Si os queréis ahorrar pasar por Lloret, podéis venir por la autopista AP-7, salida nº 9, y en vez de ir hacia Lloret seguid en dirección a Sant Feliu de Guixols. A unos 5 km. de la salida de la autopista encontraréis a la derecha el desvío hacia Tossa de Mar, carretera GI-681. Al llegar a Tossa, habéis de coger la carretera GI-682 en dirección a Lloret de Mar. A unos 3 km. de Tossa encontraréis el punto kilométrico 18,9 con el acceso al Camping Cala Llevadó.
  • Mar: En el sitio
  • Se encuentra en las montañas:
  • Altura sobre el nivel del mar): 80 m
  • Siguiente ciudad: 40 km
  • Siguiente ciudad/pueblo: 3 km
  • Estación de tren o autobús: 0,5 km


Ctra. Gi-682 Tossa-lloret pk. 18'9 
17320  Tossa de Mar
Coordenadas GPS
Lat 41.71255, Long 2.90785
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Camping Cala Llevadó ****

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