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Kompas Camping Westende


Valoraciones en detalle

  • Tranquilidad

  • Comida / Tiendas

  • Limpieza general

  • Limpieza de las instalaciones sanitarias

  • Estado del alojamiento de alquiler

  • Amabilidad

  • Infraestructura

  • Actividad(es) de entretenimiento

  • Lugar

  • Relación calidad-precio

  • Instalaciones sanitarias

Lo que escriben los invitados

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M. M.
Estancia: May 2014
"Not for travelers with a tent - I arrived by motorcycle on a Sunday evening in May about 5 minutes after 10 p.m., as there had been a number of traffic jams on the highway. The barrier was closed and there were already some families with cars standing helplessly in the parking lot. The reception building was closed and there was no open restaurant or anything similar. There were several notices in Belgian on the reception door with various telephone numbers (without country code) that meant nothing to me. There was no person to speak to. As it was beginning to get dark and there was no other option, I finally decided to pitch the tent on one of the free pitches near the road - to disturb the peace and quiet of the other campers as little as possible - and make up for the registration the following day. So far, every campsite operator had shown understanding in such a situation. After I had set up the tent and it was dark, an employee suddenly appeared. He said I wasn't allowed to stay there because someone might come the next day who had reserved this pitch (to be clear: no one came). He didn't accept my objection that I wanted to leave early the next day before new guests arrived. At least he was prepared to allocate me another pitch, but I had to take down the tent again (in the dark) and laboriously pack it up for transportation. We went to reception, where a lengthy registration procedure followed. He explained to me that you are not allowed to drive up to the (inexpensive) tent pitch on a motorcycle (not even during the day). I would therefore have had to lug my equipment, which was spread over several suitcases, over a long distance. As this was out of the question in the dark, I had no choice but to rent a more expensive (28 euros) caravan pitch. Incidentally, it was no different to the one I had pitched my tent on before, it was just closer to the reception. So I could just as easily have stayed on the original pitch. It seemed to me that the gentleman just wanted to return the favor for having to work while he was on call. After driving over 800 km and going through this procedure, I arrived at midnight hungry and ready to sleep. You couldn't get anything to eat in this big place. If I had known this beforehand, I could just as easily have looked for a place to spend the night in the next best field. At least that would have been cheaper. After all, the employee I paid in the morning only charged me 23 euros. However, the price is justified in that it was probably just enough to cover the working time for the lengthy formalities due to computer problems. My conclusion: Not recommended for travelers with a tent. But I wouldn't want to spend my vacation there either.
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Hay 3 reseñas más de campistas.

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Actividades recomendadas por los invitados

CyclingCiclismo (4 Huéspedes)
RelaxingRelajación (2 Huéspedes)
GolfGolf (1 Huésped)

(1 Huésped)
(1 Huésped)
(1 Huésped)
(1 Huésped)

Calificado por invitados como "Adecuado para"

Huéspedes con perros
Personas mayores
Familias con niños menores de 6 años
Familias con niños menores de 12 años
Familias con niños menores de 18 años
Huéspedes con tiendas de campaña
Grupos de jóvenes



Kompas Camping Westende a 10 minutos andando de las dunas y de la playa de arena fina del Mar del Norte. Destino ideal para vacaciones a orillas del mar del norte.
  • Categoría de camping:
  • Número total de parcelas: 333
  • Parcelas para caravanas frente a la entrada: 0
  • Parcelas de escala delante de las puertas también para caravanas: No disponible
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Precio de referencia

Temporada alta 43,00 €*
Temporada baja 24,00 €*
CampingCard logoCampingCard ACSI27,00 €
*Dos adultos, caravana, coche, electricidad y tasas locales por noche

Horas de funcionamiento

17. January - 31. December




Verlaat de E40 via afrit nr. 4 «Middelkerke-Diksmuide» en rij richting Middelkerke. In Middelkerke (kerk) volg je links de weg naar Westende. De vierde straat rechts voorbij de kerk in Westende-dorp is de Hovenierstraat. Op het einde van die straat …ligt Kompas Camping Westende.
  • Mar: 1,5 km
  • Se encuentra en las montañas: No
  • Siguiente ciudad: 6 km
  • Siguiente ciudad/pueblo: 2 km
  • Estación de tren o autobús: 5 km
  • Salida a autopista: 12 km


Bassevillestraat 141
8434  Westende
Coordenadas GPS
Lat 51.15722, Long 2.76
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Kompas Camping Westende

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