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MICAMPA Wien Wienerwald




MICAMPA Wien Wienerwald is situated at the edge of the Vienna Woods right next to the hiking and mountain bike trails. This campground is ideal for city-hungry guests because of its location and the good public transportation connections - it …is only 20 minutes directly into the city. It is also possible to spend the night in small bungalows at Camping Wien West, from April to October. The furnishings are functional, sheets are available. Located directly by hiking and biking paths of the Wienerwald and direct connections to city center (8 km to the center) with public transportation. Accommodation in small bungalows for up to 4 people; large shower facility; modern washing and drying equipment; heated kitchen and lounge areas; Lies in the middle of fields and forest at the edge of the Wienerwald; sights of interest (Schloss Schönbrunn, Otto Wagner Villa, Church on Steinhof, Nature reserve Lainzer Tiergarten) located nearby.
  • Kemping kategória:
  • Az oldal mérete: 2,5 ha (Talajviszonyok: Kövezett)
  • A pályák teljes száma: 187
  • Turisztikai helyek száma: 60 (Ebből a csomagok: 60)
  • Lakóautó helyek a kapuk előtt: 0
  • Leállóhelyek a kapuk előtt lakókocsik számára is: Nem elérhető
Változást javasolni

Referencia ár

Főszezon 48,00 EUR*
Elő- és utószezon 40,00 EUR*
*Két felnőtt, lakókocsi, autó, elektromos áram és helyi adók / éjszaka


10. March - 31. October




OFF THE A1(from Linz or Salzburg): Take a left at the first stop light in Vienna and drive over the Bräuhausbrücke (bridge). If you drive straight ahead (on the Bergmillergasse) you automatically come onto the Hüttelbergstrasse (after the first stop …light). OFF THE A2 (from Graz, Villach, Klagenfurt): Follow the A2 in direction Wiental. This takes you to the Altmannsdorferstrasse and Grünbergstrasse to Schönbrunn. Cross over the Wienfluss (river) and take a left. You are now driving up the Wienzeile which after 500m turns into the Hadikgasse. Go straight on this road. After appox. 3 km you will see a McDonalds on your right hand side. Take your second possible left after this. After approx. 800 m is the first sign on your right hand side. OFF THE A22 (from Prague or Krems): Follow the freeway south direction A23 (Süd-Ost Tangente) and take the Kaisermühlen exit to the A23. follow this freeway to the A2 (direction Schönbrunn, Wiental). Now follow the directions for the A2 (shown above). OFF THE A4 (from Budapest or Bratislava): follow the A4 to the A23 to the A2, Schönbrunn, Wiental. Now follow the directions for the A2 (shown above).
  • A hegyekben: Nem
  • Következő város: Helyszínen
  • Következő helység/falu: Helyszínen
  • Vonat- vagy buszállomás: 0,2 km
  • Autópálya kijárat: 3 km


Hüttelbergstr. 80
1140  Wien
Lat 48.21466, Long 16.25031
Útvonalak keresése
Változást javasolni


MICAMPA Wien Wienerwald

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