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Ļoti labi
4 vērtējums
  • 4.0
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    Oliver M.augusts 2016

    A good compromise between the beach and Barcelona
    The site is beautifully terraced on the slopes between two hills. We had a terrace directly below the active area on the summit with pool, tennis and much more. Great for the children, but not so good for peace and quiet, as all the activities took place there. From the campsite, you can be in Callela in three minutes by car. Barcelona is 40 minutes away. All in all, we had a lovely 5 days between the sea, pool and Barcelona.
    Automātiski tulkots.
  • 4.0
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    Jo V.augusts 2014
    Very professional with some compromises.
    + Very many offers + Very good sanitary facilities + Friendly service. + Beautiful beach - All (?) pitches gravel/earth - Lots of ants (the small ones that don't do anything)
    Automātiski tulkots.
  • 4.0
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    Peter B.augusts 2013
    Very nice shady place, everything is constantly cleaned, very friendly staff, is not suitable for people with disabilities or older people who are not very fit, the place is on a steep hill. The owner family has set up a transfer "tractor with trailer 20 seats" for all guests, which constantly drives...
    Automātiski tulkots.
  • 4.0
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    Rolf B.augusts 2011