image Beginner’s Guide

A Beginner’s Guide to Winterising Your Camper

September 29, 2023

For many campers, the touring season ends when the leaves on the trees begin to change colour, and the temperatures start to sink. You should winterise your motorhome before the first frost, around the end of October at the latest, so it’s sure to survive the colder seasons unscathed. It’s no easy task, and we’ve put together this checklist for you to make sure you don’t forget anything.

image Winter Camping

11 Lovely Campsites for Winter Camping in the Alps

September 29, 2023

Here at, we’ve been on the lookout for top campsites for your next winter camping holiday in the Alps. The campsites on this list are winners of the 2019 award with winter camping facilities. All the campsites mentioned here offer a wide range of leisure activities for the colder months, such as downhill and cross-country skiing, snowshoe hikes, bobsleigh rides, or spa treatments.

image Beginner’s Guide

10 Tips for Your First Winter Camping Trip

September 29, 2023

Looking for adventure and want to know what it’s like to go camping in the winter? There’s no time like the present: The days are getting shorter, and the temperatures are heading towards freezing — Perfect conditions for winter camping! To make sure your first snowy camping holiday isn’t a flop, we've put together a list of the most important tips.