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Camping Les Acacias

  • Driftstider: 01.01 - 31.12 - for tiden i drift
  • AdresseBerthe Morisot37700 La Ville aux Dames, Frankrike - Vis på kart
  • RegionIndre-et-Loire


Vurderinger i detalj

  • Stillhet

  • Mat / butikker

  • Generell renslighet

  • Renslighet på sanitærfasiliteter

  • Vennlighet

  • Infrastruktur

  • Fritidsaktiviteter

  • Beliggenhet

  • Verdi for pengene

  • Sanitærfasiliteter

Hva gjestene skriver

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Philipp P.
Opphold: Jul 2015
"At the gates of Tours - Tours, the city of St. Martin, is well worth a visit. Located close to the Loire, it is not only beautifully situated, but also offers an attractive city center with its cathedral and basilica. However, you will search in vain for a camper van site or campsite - you will find one just beyond the city limits in La Ville-aux-Dames. At first you think you are in a sleepy suburb with small detached houses, a school and quiet streets. Only on second glance do you discover a campsite under tall trees on the edge of the "Les Acacias" settlement. The reception is directly opposite the barrier, you walk straight up to it and are greeted in a very friendly manner by young people who welcome tourists. There are several free pitches to choose from, you can wander around the site and pick one of them. Initially, there are pitches under shady trees, but further back along the Bolzwiese they are increasingly light and even unprotected in the sun. All the pitches have their own varying appeal, so there really is something for everyone. The sanitary building is centrally located and is reasonably clean. Although the site is close to the RD (arterial road to and from Tours), it is generally quiet. The Loire flows by on the other side of the RD. There is a bread service and a bar and restaurant on site. In summer, a wine merchant comes by two or three times a week with his stand, offering a very wide selection at reasonable prices (from various winegrowers; be careful: he accepts EC payment, which is tempting!) The strikingly large Centre Commercial on the edge of La Ville, which can be reached by bike in five minutes from the square, is surprising (in view of the suburban romance described above). There are textile and shoe discounters, a petrol station and a large Leclerc (again with various additional boutiques & co. inside), so that you don't have to resort to village shops, as you might think, but can find a full range of supplies. A big plus point of this campsite! If you cycle in the opposite direction, you can reach Tours in around twenty to thirty minutes at a leisurely pace. You cycle along the cycle path directly alongside the Loire, whose atmosphere is truly enchanting (it is not navigable and therefore natural and romantically quiet). In Tours, you first visit Saint-Gatien Cathedral (which has nothing to do with the cult of St. Martin!). Then, in addition to various other ecclesiastical buildings, you will find the Basilique Saint-Martin, which is now dedicated to the world-famous bishop. Convent members keep guard of honor there day and night. Tours also has an attractive pedestrian zone to satisfy more mundane needs. The campsite and town are equally attractive and should be a must-visit for Francophiles interested in theology and/or culture - you will feel at home here as well as there.

Aktiviteter anbefalt av gjester

SightseeingSightseeing (3 Gjester)
CyclingSykling (1 Gjest)
FishingFisking (1 Gjest)

(1 Gjest)

Vurdert av gjester som «Passer for»

Gjester med telt
Gjester med hunder
Familier med barn under 6
Familier med barn under 12
Familier med barn under 18



Awarm welcome : Anne-Charlotte & Frederic offer you the warmest of welcomes Calm : come and relax in an area of woods and flowers Atmosphere : close your eyes, listen to the birds, smell the acacias , awaken your senses. …Comfort : in a mobile home or in a tent, you are the one to choose. In fact, limitless :the camping site is open all year round, you'll always be welcome. Access : the camping site lies close to the motorway exit, just follow the banks of the Loire. Situated at the heart of the Touraine region, you can discover its charms and its activities.
  • Campingplasskategori:
  • Størrelsen på nettstedet: 4,5 ha (Grunnforhold: Brolagt)
  • Totalt antall plasser: 50
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Høysesong 20,00 €*
*To voksne, campingvogn, bil, strøm og lokale avgifter pr. natt


01. January - 31. December




A 7 kilomètres de Tours. Premier terrain de camping à la sortie de Tours sur la D751 qui longe la Loire. Sortie n°21 de l'autoroute A10: Tours centre, direction Amboise. A 5 kilomètres de la gare TGV St Pierre des …Corps et du Parc des expositions de Tours
  • Elv: 1 km
  • Neste by: 7 km
  • Neste by/landsby: 2 km
  • Tog- eller busstasjon: 1 km
  • Motorveiavkjørsel: 7 km


Berthe Morisot 
37700  La Ville aux Dames
Lat 47.4022, Long 0.7787
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Camping Les Acacias

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