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Campingpark Bever-Talperre


Vurderinger i detalj

  • Stillhet

  • Mat / butikker

  • Generell renslighet

  • Renslighet på sanitærfasiliteter

  • Tilstand på innkvartering til utleie

  • Vennlighet

  • Infrastruktur

  • Fritidsaktiviteter

  • Beliggenhet

  • Verdi for pengene

  • Sanitærfasiliteter

Hva gjestene skriver

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Sonja S.
Opphold: Aug 2018
"great lake but space well - Arrival: the full fee for the tent period had to be paid on arrival. I have never experienced this before. In principle no problem, but it had to be paid in cash, unfortunately card payment is not possible! I don't need to explain that there are no ATMs nearby.... There are 2 tent meadows. One terraced, one sloping. The ground is stony and in many places pegs don't hold or can't be hammered in very far. Electricity is possible on the tent meadow. The tent meadow is in the immediate vicinity of the lake. Unfortunately, there is no WiFi on site and the reception of mobile signals is very weak. Car: The car has to be parked in the parking lot outside, but still costs €3 per day. Problem: When we arrived from an excursion, all the parking spaces were full, so we had to park outside the parking lot. We therefore paid for a service that we were unable to use. Sanitary facilities Despite the fact that the sanitary facilities are used by permanent campers and transit campers, they are only cleaned on Mondays and Fridays between 9 and 11 am according to the notice. During the time we were on the site, however, cleaning was also canceled on Mondays. The level of cleanliness was accordingly. Then, quite surprisingly, the cleaning team came at 11 a.m. on Tuesday and rudely shooed all the campers out of the sanitary facilities who had just flushed or were in the toilet. As a camper planning excursions, I simply have to know in advance if I can no longer fill up my water bottle or wash my dishes. It's also unpleasant when you want to go to the toilet and can't. I think campers should be given the opportunity to know when the sanitary facilities will be closed. There were no hygiene buckets, soap or towels in the ladies' toilets. There were old and fresh cobwebs with lots of fat spiders on the windows and doors. This also needs to be cleaned urgently. There are three showers per gender in the sanitary facilities. Showering was included in the price, but often only cold water was available. Night's rest There is no one responsible for campers or keeping the peace at night... I know it from other campsites that someone walks around at quiet time and makes sure that the quiet time is observed. There are 3 flushing stations in the anteroom of the sanitary facilities. They are therefore subject to the cleaning cycle of the sanitary facilities. Campers also have 1 washing machine and 1 tumble dryer at their disposal. Lake The lake has several bathing spots in the area of the campsite. The pebble beach leads gently into the water, so the bathing spots are also good for children. The water was clear and clean and the lake did not have a strong current. You can have great fun there with air mattresses or inflatable tires. We recommend taking inflatable boats with you. There is a SUP rental shop on site where you can also take lessons.
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Det finnes 3 evalueringer skrevet av campere.

Vis alle evalueringer

Aktiviteter anbefalt av gjester

SwimmingSvømming (6 Gjester)
RelaxingAvslapning (4 Gjester)
HikingFotturer (3 Gjester)

(3 Gjester)
(2 Gjester)
(2 Gjester)
(2 Gjester)
(1 Gjest)
(1 Gjest)
(1 Gjest)

Vurdert av gjester som «Passer for»

Familier med barn under 12
Familier med barn under 18
Familier med barn under 6
Gjester med telt
Gjester med hunder



Campingurlaub direkt an der Bever-Talsperre. Camping und Natur erleben... In der Morgensonne aus dem Zelt krabbeln und den glitzernden See anblinzeln... In der Abendsonne auf einer Terrasse sitzen und den Segelbooten nachschauen... Und den ganzen Tag über? Selber segeln! Oder …windsurfen, Kanu fahren, tauchen, schwimmen, sonnenbaden, angeln, Rad fahren, wandern. Man kann auch einfach nur das tun, was Camping ausmacht und es sich gut gehen lassen an der Bever-Talsperre. Mal aktiv oder ganz entspannt... Das Bergische Land erkunden oder eine spannende Regatta beobachten? Klettern, reiten und golfen kann man gleich in der Nähe. Das Rheinland mit Köln und Düsseldorf oder das Ruhrgebiet mit Essen und Bochum sind in weniger als einer Stunde erreicht. Noch schneller ist man in Wuppertal mit Schwebebahn und Zoo. Wer sich dann von der wunderschönen bergischen Natur an der Bever-Talsperre und der reizenden Stadt Hückeswagen, samt seiner historischen Altstadt, nicht trennen mag, dem bieten wir gerne einen Dauerstellplatz im Campinpark Bever-Talsperre an.
  • Størrelsen på nettstedet: 15,5 ha (Grunnforhold: Gress)
  • Totalt antall plasser: 600
  • Antall turistplasser: 100
  • Bobilplasser foran portene: Ikke tilgjengelig
  • Stoppeplasser foran portene også for campingvogner: Ikke tilgjengelig
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Høysesong 25,00 €*
*To voksne, campingvogn, bil, strøm og lokale avgifter pr. natt




Aus Richtung Köln kommend : Autobahn A 1 - Ausfahrt „ Schloss Burg / Wermelskirchen „ Beschilderung „ Remscheid “ - „ Hückeswagen “ folgen ( B 51 ) In „Bergisch-Born“ rechts abbiegen - Richtung „Hückeswagen“ ( B 237 ) …Nach dem Ortsschild „Hückeswagen“ im Kreisverkehr die 2. Ausfahrt Richtung „ Radevormwald “ ( B 483 ) Nach 100m Überqueren der Wupperbrücke - nach ca. 200 m rechts abbiegen - Richtung „ Bever-Talsperre “ ( K 11 ) - nach ca. 2 km rechts abbiegen zum Campingpark Bever-Talsperre "Großberghausen" ( K 12 ) Nach ca. 1 km - links = Zufahrt zum Campingpark Bever-Talsperre ( K 12 ) oder ( K 11 ) - nach ca. 2 km weiter der Straße folgen bis zum Kreisverkehr zum Campingpark Bever-Talsperre "Käfernberg" ( K 12 ) Nach ca. 1 km 1. Ausfahrt Kreisverkehr = Zufahrt zum Campingpark Bever-Talsperre "Käfernberg" ( K 12 ) Aus Richtung Dortmund kommend : Autobahn A 1 - Ausfahrt „ Remscheid / Hückeswagen “ links - Richtung „ Hückeswagen “ In „Bergisch-Born“ links abbiegen - Richtung „Hückeswagen“ ( B 237 ) Von hier an siehe Beschreibung "Aus Richtung Köln kommend"
  • Innsjø: På stedet
  • Elv: 3 km
  • I fjellet: Ingen
  • Høyde (over havet): 312 m
  • Neste by: 3 km
  • Neste by/landsby: 3 km
  • Tog- eller busstasjon: 2,5 km
  • Motorveiavkjørsel: 15 km


Großberghausen 18
42499  Hückeswagen
Lat 51.14818, Long 7.36268
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Campingpark Bever-Talperre

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