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Campingplatz Marina Alter Hafen image 1

Campingplatz Marina Alter Hafen

  • Driftstider: 01.04 - 31.10 - for øyeblikket stengt
  • AdresseZiegelei 11a16792 Zehdenick/Mildenberg, Tyskland - Vis på kart




Our Campsite has enough space for mobilhomes and camper. The site is located at the banks of the river HAVEL in the center of the German lake district. Energy and water supply hubs are available on the ground as well …as a shop with bred-service and much more. You can discover the pure nature by renting a boat, Canoe or SUP. Furtheron we have wooden barrels and a camper fro rent. A Museum and a restaurant is nearby to complete our offer. Welcome!
  • Campingplasskategori:
  • Størrelsen på nettstedet: 2 ha (Grunnforhold: Gress)
  • Totalt antall plasser: 25
  • Antall turistplasser: 25
  • Bobilplasser foran portene: 0
  • Stoppeplasser foran portene også for campingvogner: Ikke tilgjengelig
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Høysesong 29,00 €*
Lavsesong 29,00 €*
*To voksne, campingvogn, bil, strøm og lokale avgifter pr. natt


01. April - 31. October




Follow by car the signs "Ziegeleipark". We are located directly at the museums ground. You can reach us by train and bus from Zehdenick or Gransee. By bicycle please follow the European path "Copenhagen / Berlin / Milano.
  • Innsjø: På stedet
  • Elv: På stedet
  • I fjellet: Ingen
  • Høyde (over havet): 20 m
  • Neste by: 8 km
  • Neste by/landsby: 2 km
  • Tog- eller busstasjon: 0,5 km
  • Motorveiavkjørsel: 50 km


Ziegelei 11a
16792  Zehdenick/Mildenberg
Lat 53.032354229785206, Long 13.311511875101889
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Campingplatz Marina Alter Hafen

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