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Alannia Guardamar

  • Driftstider: 01.01 - 31.12 - for tiden i drift
  • AdresseCtra. N-332, km 73,4 Guardamar del Segura 96548494503140 Guardamar del Segura, Spania - Vis på kart
  • RegionCosta BlancaMittelmer


Vurderinger i detalj

  • Stillhet

  • Mat / butikker

  • Generell renslighet

  • Renslighet på sanitærfasiliteter

  • Tilstand på innkvartering til utleie

  • Vennlighet

  • Infrastruktur

  • Fritidsaktiviteter

  • Beliggenhet

  • Verdi for pengene

  • Sanitærfasiliteter

Hva gjestene skriver

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David L.
Opphold: Feb 2018
"Bungalows - The bungalows are very dirty and used up on arrival. In the new Mediterranean bungalows it is less bad and more modern. The towel change every 3 days does not work at all. You have to put the dirty towels out first so that they can be changed. The bed linen is also not changed after 7 days, which was stated on the website. The spa facilities are old, dirty and used up. The showers in front of the indoor pool did not work, dead flies in the sports pool and sand on the floor of the wellness pool. The water has a lot of chlorine in it, which causes real vapors to rise when bubbling and causes headaches. You need a bathing cap for the whole indoor pool for €2. The restaurant has a nice big terrace and bright rooms. However, the food was disastrous. Meat was very tough, like rubber, chips were sloppy, salad was taken out of a ready-made bag and anything but fresh. All the staff were very friendly and helpful. The site manager in particular is very approachable and very helpful and flexible, really a great guy. He also likes to walk around the campsite himself and check that everything is okay and help with internet outages. The children are well looked after and there is a playground with a bouncy castle. The sports fields could do with a new coat of paint. There is even a car wash on the site. The small supermarket offers the essentials, but the attendant smells quite bad, so that the whole market smells strongly of sweat and you are very reluctant to go shopping there again and the mini market is very unkempt. What a pity. Great concept! Great facility! It's just not maintained that well and the best is made of it. Everything is dingy and used up, which is a real shame.
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Christiane L.
Opphold: Oct 2015
"Super place with all comfort, also for large motorhomes, but a bit out of the way - Very spacious, huge campsite. Reception very friendly and helpful. Pool area super. Well suited for children and toddlers and also for adults a huge pool, beautifully designed and planted. SPA with indoor pool and bubble loungers is chargeable. Unfortunately bathing caps are compulsory in the SPA. Admission SPA 6€, separate children's indoor pool 3€. With 16er card for frequent use 1€ cheaper. Sanitary blocks very clean and spacious. Showers and toilets are spacious and fully equipped. There is even a dog toilet and a dog washing area for dogs. Washing machine costs 3€, with detergent 4€, dryer 3€ (large drums). All paths are asphalted. The pitches themselves are covered with light-colored gravel. Trees are still small and do not interfere with SAT reception. Water and waste water, electricity SAT-TV at every pitch. WLAN can be booked per pitch. 1 day 3€, 2 days 5€, 3 days 7€, 7 days 10€, 30 days 25€. WLAN at the reception, at the pool and in / in front of the restaurant for all guests free of charge and sufficient for retrieving / sending emails, WhatsApp ect. The free key is available on request at the reception. A small supermarket has the essentials at moderate prices. Lidl and Aldi can both be found in Elche. Approx. 18 km via highways or easily accessible by bike/scooter on smaller roads. Hairdresser and emergency doctor on site. Entertainment area with music so far away from the pitches that no acoustic disturbance is to be feared. 30% of the site is occupied by long-term vacationers and permanent pitches. Overall, a lovely site, easily accessible and open all year round. Also well suited for stopovers on the return journey from Andalusia or Portugal. We will be using it more often. Good value in the low season with camping cheques.
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Det finnes 3 evalueringer skrevet av campere.

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Aktiviteter anbefalt av gjester

SwimmingSvømming (5 Gjester)
CyclingSykling (3 Gjester)
WellnessSpa (3 Gjester)

(2 Gjester)
(2 Gjester)
(1 Gjest)
(1 Gjest)
(1 Gjest)
(1 Gjest)

Vurdert av gjester som «Passer for»

Familier med barn under 12
Familier med barn under 6
Familier med barn under 18
Gjester med hunder
Gjester med telt



Camping i Alicante : Hele året av solen. Camping Marjal er en av de mest moderne turistanlegg ved Middelhavet . Det ligger i Torrevieja , Alicante , Valencia, nær de imponerende furu og eukalyptus skog som utgjør Dunes Natural Park …, ved siden av de omfattende sandstrendene i over 20 km . Lang. Denne camping i Alicante har 152 tomter på 90 m2 hver , utstyrt med vann , strøm , TV og avløp, som inkluderer 57 bungalower. Marjal Camping har en restaurant , bar - kafeteria , lounge , lekeplass , spillerom, supermarked , klinikk , idrettsbane, minigolf , et fantastisk svømmebasseng på 1100 m2 , Sport og Health Center , som inkluderer: gymnastikksal , oppvarmet basseng, boblebad, badstuer og et stort team av trenere. Camping i Alicante Dette gir best valuta for ferien.
  • Campingplasskategori:
  • Størrelsen på nettstedet: 3,5 ha (Grunnforhold: Brolagt)
  • Totalt antall plasser: 153
  • Antall turistplasser: 153 (Hvorav pakker: 153)
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Høysesong 67,00 €*
Lavsesong 38,00 €*
CampingCard logoCampingCard ACSI25,00 €
*To voksne, campingvogn, bil, strøm og lokale avgifter pr. natt


01. January - 31. December




Med bil / campingvogn: Fra veinettet Europa, motorveien A-7 som krysser middelhavskysten til utgangen av L'Altet. Da bør du bli med N332 mot Cartagena, som vil henvise deg til Camping Marjal ligger på Km 73,4. Med fly: Alicante flyplass Tlf.: …96 691 90 00 L'Altet (Elche) 03071 Murcia Airport Tel: 968 172 000 Cr Airport, s / n 30720 San Javier (Murcia). Airport Valencia Tlf.:. 96 159 85 00 Ctra Del Aeropuerto s / n 46940 Manises (Valencia). Med tog: Alicante stasjon forbinder med de viktigste hovedstedene i Spania. RENFE Informasjon og bestilling: 902 24 02 02 -
  • Sjø: 0,8 km
  • Elv: 0,1 km
  • I fjellet: Ingen
  • Neste by: 2 km
  • Neste by/landsby: 2 km
  • Tog- eller busstasjon: 2 km
  • Motorveiavkjørsel: 12 km


Ctra. N-332, km 73,4 Guardamar del Segura 965484945
03140  Guardamar del Segura
Lat 38.1093, Long -0.65492
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Alannia Guardamar

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