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Minicamping en Stalling De Heuvel image 1

Minicamping en Stalling De Heuvel

  • Driftstider: 01.04 - 31.10 - for øyeblikket stengt
  • AdresseHeuvelsweg 74321 TE Kerkwerve, Holland - Vis på kart




A short distance from Zierikzee you can enjoy the beautiful surroundings with all amenities nearby. The beach and forest are nearby and there are nice villages, towns, attractions and sights to visit. It is also a beautiful area for cycling …and walking and a very suitable location for water sports, such as diving and surfing, because De Heuvel is centrally located on the island. For water sports enthusiasts there is the possibility to rinse and dry their gear. There is a bicycle shed where electric bicycles can be charged. It is also possible to rent bicycles. We have a fresh bread service and with good weather the ice cream bike comes by. The children have also been thought of. There is a playground on the camping field. In the large barn is a recreation room furnished with tables and benches, football table, table tennis table, shuffleboard, slide, etc. There is also a play-o-theque at the reception where children can borrow all kinds of toys for free. They can also use the scooters, bicycles and go-karts for free. We rent out 17 standard camping pitches and 3 comfort pitches. We have 2 bathrooms for private sanitary facilities and a shared sanitary building. The sanitary building has 3 showers, 6 toilets and a baby room with washing machine and dryer. There is a dump for the chemical toilet and a water dump for campers.
  • Campingplasskategori:
  • Størrelsen på nettstedet: 1 ha (Grunnforhold: Gress)
  • Totalt antall plasser: 25
  • Antall turistplasser: 20
  • Bobilplasser foran portene: 3
  • Stoppeplasser foran portene også for campingvogner: Tilgjengelig
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Høysesong 25,20 €*
Lavsesong 23,20 €*
*To voksne, campingvogn, bil, strøm og lokale avgifter pr. natt


01. April - 31. October


  • Sjø: 10 km
  • Innsjø: 10 km
  • I fjellet: Ingen
  • Neste by: 5 km
  • Neste by/landsby: 2 km
  • Tog- eller busstasjon: 5 km
  • Motorveiavkjørsel: 20 km


Heuvelsweg 7
4321 TE  Kerkwerve
Lat 51.68549, Long 3.907229
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Minicamping en Stalling De Heuvel

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