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Nordsee-Campingplatz Schillig image 1

Nordsee-Campingplatz Schillig


Vurderinger i detalj

  • Stillhet

  • Mat / butikker

  • Generell renslighet

  • Renslighet på sanitærfasiliteter

  • Tilstand på innkvartering til utleie

  • Vennlighet

  • Infrastruktur

  • Fritidsaktiviteter

  • Beliggenhet

  • Verdi for pengene

  • Sanitærfasiliteter

Hva gjestene skriver

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Ralf H.
Opphold: Mar 2024
"Better not ... - Easter 2024, 28.03-01.04, 4 nights for a proud 215,- Stayed there with 2 motorhomes and 2 dogs. Pitches in the "dog area" hardly look well maintained, are uneven and muddy. No manual cassette emptying available, but vending machines for 2 euros. Unfortunately only one in operation. You have to walk and search... We made a pilgrimage to the parking lot opposite. It's also free there. We arrived early on 28.03 and asked the grumpy-looking lady at reception if we could get to the site a little earlier... The answer: "If you pay the overnight price, no problem!!!" That makes a guest feel immediately welcome!!! Bravo, extremely clever... First of all, the sanitary facilities were fine. Within the 4 nights we had various power failures and a water failure. However, these annoyances are only side issues. What is really annoying is the completely ignorant behavior of most of the permanent campers, who unfortunately encircle you. They obviously arrive and set up at Easter, which of course does not work without consequences. As a guest camper, you stand between arriving and departing cars with trailers from which entire households and more are dragged onto the sacred spot. At the latest then the peace and quiet is over. Now the drilling, banging, hammering, arguing, grumbling and groaning begins... But that's nothing compared to hammering in the fastening rods with sledgehammers for the so-called windbreak. Which of course everyone has themselves. Whether it's Good Friday or Easter Sunday, the 30 mm steel poles are ruthlessly beaten with a 5 kg hammer. There was no sign of a groundsman, who was only 20 m away from us in reception and is certainly responsible for keeping the peace on public holidays. The permanent campers can apparently do whatever they want there. Too bad, because the location is not bad.
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Thomas K.
Opphold: Oct 2023
"Catastrophe!!!!! - Total failure. We were here exactly twice. The first and the last time! Pitches so bad that you can't even put up an awning / Price for 5 nights 274 euros for actually nothing / The wash houses, at least in our direction, old, broken and dirty. Plague of vermin in the showers, every second tap loose or leaking. Sinks and toilets closed due to defects, the showers had the same dirt on the floors and walls for 5 days, half of the washing machines and dryers are defective. Then you run after your money and in the end they wanted to withhold the money from our camping card. Anyone who accepts guests until October (fall vacation) should also make sure that the place is in the appropriate condition. You don't feel welcome. We ask ourselves: is it because the season is coming to an end and they don't feel like doing anything anymore? Or is this the normal state of affairs? If so, we don't want to know what it's like in the high season. Especially as EVERYONE, including walkers, can use the sanitary blocks like all campers, but they pay dearly for it. The access roads are a complete disaster. And not only when it has rained. With a 2.50m caravan, it's difficult to get to the sea and folding in mirrors is a must. The paths are just incredibly narrow with dips and protruding stones where you have to worry about your tires. All in all, the worst place we have ever booked ...... and for a lot of money. The sea view, the hot water in the showers and the restaurant next door run by great staff (8 degrees east) are the only positive things worth mentioning..... but certainly won't make us go there again.
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Rene u.
Opphold: Jun 2023
"Mixed experiences in the dog area of the Schillig campsite - At first glance, the Schillig campsite offers everything you could wish for on a vacation with your dog. The spacious pitches in the dog area are above average and allow our four-legged friends to really let off steam. The additional fenced-off play area for dogs is particularly commendable. Here, our four-legged friends have the opportunity to play and run around in a safe environment, which is particularly practical for dog owners with several dogs. However, as a guest with a dog, you feel more like a second-class guest. In particular, the long walk to the dog beach, which is not really reasonable for dogs in summer when temperatures are high, tarnishes the overall picture. It is therefore advisable to bring a bike and a trailer to take your dog to the beach. In addition, the numerous prohibition signs indicating that dogs are not allowed on the side paths make for a rather restricted vacation experience. This has a rather restrictive effect on dog owners and could spoil the vacation experience somewhat. It should also be noted that dogs must remain in the Trixi when on excursions by bike, as the entire area is a nature reserve. While this certainly helps to preserve the natural beauty of the area, it significantly restricts the mobility of dogs and their owners. In summary, it can be said that the Schillig campsite basically has a lot to offer in the dog area, but there is a clear need for improvement in terms of freedom of movement and the general treatment of dog guests. For a vacation with a dog, you should therefore consider the following points
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Det finnes 3 evalueringer skrevet av campere.

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Aktiviteter anbefalt av gjester

CyclingSykling (69 Gjester)
SwimmingSvømming (51 Gjester)
RelaxingAvslapning (38 Gjester)

(32 Gjester)
(29 Gjester)
(21 Gjester)
(17 Gjester)
(10 Gjester)
(8 Gjester)
(6 Gjester)
(5 Gjester)

Vurdert av gjester som «Passer for»

Familier med barn under 12
Familier med barn under 6
Gjester med telt
Familier med barn under 18
Gjester med hunder



"Lassen Sie das Wangerland zu Ihrer zweiten Heimat werden“ Nicht nur die einzigartige Lage, direkt vorm Deich, am UNESCO Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer, macht unseren Nordsee-Campingplatz Schillig so beliebt. Gerade Familien fühlen sich bei uns wohl, denn Kinderspielhäuser, eine Campingbücherei und auch …unsere Kinderlandschaft bereiten Familien große Freude im Urlaub. Außerdem ist unser Campingplatz vom DTV mit 4 **** klassifiziert und bietet somit Komfort auf höchstem Standard. Eine Besonderheit sind auch unsere NordseeKarren auf dem Sommerdeich: Zwei gemütlich eingerichtete Unterkünfte aus Massivholz, von denen man direkt auf das Wattenmeer blicken kann. Unser Campingplatz Schillig verbindet Camping mit Kururlaub. Denn im nahe gelegenen Horumersiel können in der Wangerland Reha alle, für ein Nordseeheilbad, typischen Anwendungen durchgeführt werden. Eine Besonderheit bieten wir auch unseren Hundefreunden, denn auf unserem Campingplatz gibt es einen speziellen Bereich nur für Hundebesitzer und Vierbeiner.
  • Campingplasskategori:
  • Størrelsen på nettstedet: 42 ha (Grunnforhold: Gress)
  • Totalt antall plasser: 1500
  • Antall turistplasser: 600 (Hvorav pakker: 600)
  • Bobilplasser foran portene: Tilgjengelig
  • Stoppeplasser foran portene også for campingvogner: Tilgjengelig
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Høysesong 31,00 €*
Lavsesong 31,00 €*
*To voksne, campingvogn, bil, strøm og lokale avgifter pr. natt


05. April - 20. October




Sie nehmen auf der A29 Oldenburg Richtung Wilhelmshaven die Autobahnabfahrt Schillig/Horumersiel/Hooksiel und fahren auf der Hooksieler Landstraße (L810) in Richtung Hooksiel. Den Kreisel verlassen Sie in Hooksiel an der 3. Ausfahrt in Richtung Horumersiel. Dort angekommen biegen Sie nach dem …Ortseingang links auf die Jadestraße (K325) ab. Nach ca. zwei Kilometern folgen Sie nach rechts der Beschilderung zum Campingplatz Schillig.
  • Sjø: På stedet
  • I fjellet: Ingen
  • Høyde (over havet): 1 m
  • Neste by: 20 km
  • Neste by/landsby: 0,3 km
  • Tog- eller busstasjon: 0,3 km
  • Motorveiavkjørsel: 20 km


Schilliger Düne 
26434  Wangerland
Lat 53.69853, Long 8.02396
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Nordsee-Campingplatz Schillig

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