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Zagroda Chryszczata image 1

Zagroda Chryszczata

  • Driftstider: 01.05 - 31.10 - for øyeblikket stengt
  • AdresseSmolnik 7b38-543 Komańcza, Polen - Vis på kart




Zagroda Chryszczata is situated at the beginning of the small village of Smolnik in the Komańcza municipality, located between the Łupków Valley and the Maguryczne Peak, in the valley of the Osława River, in the immediate vicinity of the mountain …stream Smolniczek. The village is near the provincial road No. 897. The road from Smolnik leads to Mikowa and further to Rzepedź. On-site, you can enjoy a bar offering delicious homemade dishes. Zagroda Chryszczata Homestead provides comfortably furnished 2, 3, 4, and 5-bedrooms with private bathrooms. An additional attraction is the hall where concerts are organized for guests and others. In addition to standard hotel accommodations, guests can make use of a camping field and unique, originally preserved prison cells that remain from the external branch of the prison in Nowy Łupków. In the Homestead, you can find a gallery of bas-reliefs created by the Berger brothers and a photographic exhibition by Tomek Gąsiorowski.
  • Størrelsen på nettstedet: 1 ha (Grunnforhold: Gress)
  • Totalt antall plasser: 8
  • Antall turistplasser: 8 (Hvorav pakker: 8)
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Høysesong 16,00 €*
Lavsesong 15,00 €*
*To voksne, campingvogn, bil, strøm og lokale avgifter pr. natt


01. May - 31. October


  • Elv: På stedet
  • I fjellet: Ja
  • Høyde (over havet): 631 m
  • Neste by: 50 km
  • Neste by/landsby: 15 km
  • Tog- eller busstasjon: 0,8 km


Smolnik 7b
38-543  Komańcza
Lat 49.2520822, Long 22.1177943
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Zagroda Chryszczata

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