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Campeggio Pineta di Sibari

  • Godziny pracy: 18.04 - 30.09 - obecnie zamknięte
  • Adress.s.IONICA 106 km 372,287011 Sibari, Włochy - Pokaż na mapie
  • RegionCapriMittelmeer


Oceny w szczegółach

  • Spokój

  • Jedzenie / sklepy

  • Ogólna czystość

  • Czystość urządzeń sanitarnych

  • Stan wynajmowanego zakwaterowania

  • Przyjazność

  • Infrastruktura

  • Zajęcia rekreacyjne

  • Lokalizacja

  • Wartość w stosunku do ceny

  • Urządzenia sanitarne

Co piszą goście

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Sylvia P.
Pozostań: Jul 2017
"Typical southern Italian place for not too high demands - For the time being: We had planned to stay 2 days just passing through, but ended up staying 6. The site is quite large and is mostly located in a tall pine forest directly on the sandy/pebble beach. It's quite a way from the reception to the front of the campsite. In July, it's very easy to find a nice spot right by the sea or a little further back in the shade. At first, the campsite seems a little gloomy, which is due to the shade provided by the dense pine forest, and there are not many flowers, which transform most campsites in northern Italy into visual paradises. However, the site is kept clean and tidy. The sanitary buildings are cleaned and scrubbed quite thoroughly several times a day. Personally, I have never seen the washbasins, including tiles and fittings, actually being scrubbed with cleaner and Scotchbrite every day. Instead, you can see the simplest fittings and replaced tiles. You can see exactly where a pipe or toilet had to be replaced in the sanitary building - you suddenly find different tiles there. In the showers - on one side the old ones, opposite the new showers. They both work. The only thing I noticed was that the hot water ran out later in the evening, although you have to bear in mind that the Italians get ready for dinner much later than we do north of the main Alpine ridge. So either take a shower before the big rush, or be prepared to cool off or shower in the mobile home. You can always wash your dishes in the immediate vicinity of the pitches - beware, as is typical in southern Italy, only cold water is available here. Barbecuing on the pitch should not be directly prohibited, but due to the dryness in midsummer and the many pine needles, I think that you should use the specially provided barbecue areas with charcoal. The campsite is well supplied: small, well-stocked supermarket and butcher on site. The fishmonger was there every day. There is also a fairly decent restaurant, as well as a simple but cozy beach bar. There is also entertainment, but as it takes place near the reception, we hardly noticed anything. We usually went to the small village (to the right of the campsite) for small errands, where there are two really excellent butchers, groceries, a household goods store, a kind of DM, and a little further on the other side of the SS116 a shopping center with Interspar. If you want the flair of a seaside resort, drive about 5 km further (partly on the cycle path) to the next village and you'll find everything you need for a seaside resort. Speaking of bathing: The permanent campers set up their parasols on the beach, and that's where they stay. Nevertheless, you can always find a nice spot. The water is not as shallow as you are used to on a sandy beach and you will soon find yourself in the deeper waters of the crystal-clear Ionian Sea. There is a lifeguard. In strong winds or when there is a bad weather front in the mountains, there can be very high waves and dangerous currents, even in summer. Swimming is then prohibited. We felt very comfortable on our pitch almost on the beach in July (which is still low season) because of the peace and quiet.

Zajęcia polecane przez gości

SwimmingPływanie (5 Goście)
CyclingJazda na rowerze (4 Goście)
SightseeingZwiedzanie (3 Goście)

(2 Goście)
(1 Gość)
Wędrówki po górach
(1 Gość)
(1 Gość)
(1 Gość)
(1 Gość)

Ocenione przez gości jako „Odpowiedni dla”

Goście z namiotami
Rodziny z dziećmi poniżej 12 roku życia
Rodziny z dziećmi poniżej 6 roku życia
Goście z psami
Rodziny z dziećmi poniżej 18 roku życia
Grupy młodzieży



At the center of a beautiful sandy bay, crystal clear sea, vast pine forest, the Camping Village PINETA DI SIBARI offers a pleasant holiday, good services and many opportunities for fun and entertainment. Comfortable two-room and three-room bungalows set in …the green; large pitches for camping in the pine forest; commercial and recreational services; equipped beach; large availability of drinking water. The Pineta di Sibari Camping Village is located in an ideal position that allows you to make numerous and interesting excursions of cultural and naturalistic interest to the nearby Monte Pollino National Park.
  • Kategoria kempingu:
  • Rozmiar witryny: 17 ha (Warunki gruntowe: Błoto)
  • Całkowita liczba boisk: 500
  • Liczba stanowisk turystycznych: 400 (W tym działki: 400)
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Cena referencyjna

Sezon szczytowy 54,00 €*
Poza sezonem 24,00 €*
CampingCard logoKarta kempingowa ACSI21,00 €
*Dwie osoby dorosłe, przyczepa kempingowa, samochód, prąd i podatki lokalne za noc.

Godziny pracy

18. April - 30. September




wir sind erreichbar: Autobahn A3 (Salerno - Reggio Calabria) Ausfahrt Frascineto oder Sibari und Wegweisern folgen; Autobahn A14 (Adriatica) Ausfahrt Palagiano(Taranto) und auf der Bundesstrasse S.S. Ionica 106 Richtung Reggio Calabria bis Villapiana Scalo weiterfahren und Wegweisern folgen. Fuer Wohnmobile …bitte die Bahnueberfahrt benutzen kurz nach der Ortschaft Villapiana Scalo Richtung Sibari, die Beschilderung folgen, andere Einfahrt mit Unterfuehrung nur 2,60 hoch.
  • Morze: Na miejscu
  • W górach: Nie
  • Następne miasto: 9 km
  • Następne miasto/wieś: 1,5 km
  • Dworzec kolejowy lub autobusowy: 3 km
  • Zjazd z autostrady: 25 km


s.s.IONICA 106 km 372,2 
87011  Sibari
Współrzędne GPS
Lat 39.77978, Long 16.47945
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Campeggio Pineta di Sibari

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