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Camping La Chassagne

  • Godziny pracy: 01.05 - 15.09 - obecnie zamknięte
  • AdresLieu Dit La Chassagne03420 Ronnet, Francja - Pokaż na mapie
  • RegionAllierCreuse




Allow us to walk you through the extensive domain of la Chassagne, which consists of two creek valleys, several hills, and a lot of forest and meadows. Walking, we come upon towers of the time of the middle ages, we …cross untamed creeks, and wander over meadow and through woods. Cycling, the rural river dale of the river Cher is within our reach, as well as the medieval town of Montluçon, and Néris les Bains: health resort since the time of the Romans. Finally, in the afternoon, the children plunge into the swimming pool at the camping, to cool off. Enjoy the peace and quiet, the spaciousness, enjoy nature, during a walking trip, a bicycle ride, during canoeing or rock climbing in the surroundings of la Chassagne or nearby, in the vicinity of the camping site and the holiday cottages at la Chassagne.
  • Kategoria kempingu:
  • Rozmiar witryny: 2,5 ha (Warunki gruntowe: Trawa)
  • Całkowita liczba boisk: 38
  • Stanowiska dla kamperów przed bramami: Niedostępne
  • Stanowiska postojowe przed bramami również dla przyczep kempingowych: Niedostępne
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Cena referencyjna

Sezon szczytowy 21,90 €*
*Dwie osoby dorosłe, przyczepa kempingowa, samochód, prąd i podatki lokalne za noc.

Godziny pracy

01. May - 15. September




From Paris you take the A71 to Montluçon, the closest town nearby. On the A71, take exit number 9 or 10. You will enter Montluçon. In Montluçon follow the road signs in the direction of Clermont Ferrand or Néris les …Bains. You will end up on the D2144, which leads in a southern direction to Clermont Ferrand. Located on the D2144, about ten kilometers past the village of Néris les Bains, you will find the exit to the little village of Ronnet. Take this exit, the D154 (not the D460), located on your right side, and finally follow the signs 'camping' afterwards.
  • Jezioro: 12 km
  • Rzeka: 20 km
  • Wysokość nad poziomem morza): 500 m
  • Następne miasto: 12 km
  • Następne miasto/wieś: 0,75 km
  • Dworzec kolejowy lub autobusowy: 12 km
  • Zjazd z autostrady: 20 km


Lieu Dit La Chassagne 
03420  Ronnet
Współrzędne GPS
Lat 46.2039, Long 2.6938
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Camping La Chassagne

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