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Kampeerdorp De Zandstuve image 1

Kampeerdorp De Zandstuve


Oceny w szczegółach

  • Spokój

  • Jedzenie / sklepy

  • Ogólna czystość

  • Czystość urządzeń sanitarnych

  • Stan wynajmowanego zakwaterowania

  • Przyjazność

  • Infrastruktura

  • Zajęcia rekreacyjne

  • Lokalizacja

  • Wartość w stosunku do ceny

  • Urządzenia sanitarne

Co piszą goście

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Melina H.
Pozostań: Mar 2023
"The devil is in the detail - The swimming pool is unfortunately only suitable for small children without an outdoor pool and unfortunately only has two showers. Unfortunately, the animation is no different. All programs are only suitable for children under the age of 6 :/ There are various play equipment in the individual areas so that the children can let off steam. Our children really enjoyed the indoor playground. The supermarket is very well organized. I missed fresh fruit and vegetables there. There were poop bags for dogs on some of the garbage cans. Unfortunately, this was the only thing offered for the animals at the dog-friendly campsite. Unfortunately, there was no free-range meadow for the four-legged friends. Unfortunately, we had no electricity on arrival and the technician had to come. Unfortunately, this issue continued throughout our entire vacation. The power kept going off. We were told it was due to our consumption (although there was no electricity on arrival), 8 amps are included in the price. Unfortunately, according to the manager, this is not even enough to operate a coffee machine and a toaster at the same time. So we increased the number of amps to 10. The power still kept going out. So the manager gave us 2 more amps. Unfortunately, this only changed the situation slightly. When we got back to the motorhome in the evening, the power was completely off again. Although we weren't even in the motorhome, we were again told that our consumption was too high and that we could increase it to 16 amps. Only the heating ran on gas/electricity. Talking to other campers, we heard that they had the same problems with the power supply.
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Jan H.
Pozostań: Aug 2019
"Family square with a good supporting program - A total family place, you hardly ever see couples or other guests without children. That's why it's a bit noisy everywhere (at least during our stay in the vacation season). As is often the case in the Netherlands, the pitches are mainly arranged in large groups around a small playground. Loud activities until well after 22:00 were normal here, and those who have to put smaller children to bed earlier can sometimes have problems. The play hall is a bit older, but air-conditioned and our kids (2 and 6) liked it. The same goes for the swimming pool, which is a bit older inside and more modern outside. But everything is there, from the (small) swimmer's pool to various children's pools and the funnel slide! The sanitary buildings are mostly older, only the "Buur" building is brand new and very chic! The other buildings will probably follow in the next few years. Cobus (a blue owl) and his companions are omnipresent. A relatively large and very friendly entertainment team, considering the size of the site, always offers something for the kids. From dancing in the morning to a musical in the campsite's own theater, there's plenty on offer. However, despite its proximity to the border, the campsite is almost exclusively frequented by Dutch people. This may make it a little more difficult for the kids to make contact. Other campsites in the vicinity have more mixed guests. We liked it! The only criticism would be the noise level in the evening, but that doesn't always have to be the case.
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Są jeszcze 3 recenzje biwakowiczów.

Pokaż wszystkie recenzje

Zajęcia polecane przez gości

CyclingJazda na rowerze (9 Goście)
SwimmingPływanie (9 Goście)
HikingWędrówki po górach (7 Goście)

Kolarstwo górskie
(5 Goście)
(5 Goście)
(2 Goście)
Spacery rekreacyjne
(2 Goście)
(1 Gość)

Ocenione przez gości jako „Odpowiedni dla”

Rodziny z dziećmi poniżej 6 roku życia
Rodziny z dziećmi poniżej 12 roku życia
Goście z namiotami
Goście z psami
Rodziny z dziećmi poniżej 18 roku życia
Grupy młodzieży



Kampeerdorp De Zandstuve ist ein Kindercampingplatz, auf dem es für Jung und Alt Vieles zu entdecken gibt. Der Campingplatz liegt in einer schönen, ländlichen Umgebung in Hardenberg. Wir bieten große Stellpätze, herrliche Unterkünfte und natürlich auch Glamping - die Luxusvariante …des Campens! Komm vorbei und entdecke selbst, was De Zandstuve alles bereithält!
  • Kategoria kempingu:
  • Rozmiar witryny: 10 ha (Warunki gruntowe: Trawa)
  • Całkowita liczba boisk: 300
  • Liczba stanowisk turystycznych: 300
  • Stanowiska dla kamperów przed bramami: Niedostępne
  • Stanowiska postojowe przed bramami również dla przyczep kempingowych: Niedostępne
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Cena referencyjna

Sezon szczytowy 45,00 €*
*Dwie osoby dorosłe, przyczepa kempingowa, samochód, prąd i podatki lokalne za noc.

Godziny pracy

23. March - 18. September
28. September - 28. October




Vanaf de Zandstuve kunnen de gasten zo de bossen in fietsen of wandelen, maar het is ook mogelijk om een uitstapje te maken naar het nabij gelegen recreatiegebied De Oldemeijer, waar men heerlijk kan zwemmen of ontspannen op het strand. …Het plaatsje Hardenberg ligt op slechts enkele kilometers van de camping en biedt leuke mogelijkheden om te winkelen of om gezellig op een terrasje plaats te nemen.
  • Jezioro: 4 km
  • Rzeka: 2 km
  • W górach: Nie
  • Następne miasto: 3 km
  • Następne miasto/wieś: 1 km
  • Dworzec kolejowy lub autobusowy: 1 km


Grote Beltenweg 3
7794 RA  Rheeze
Współrzędne GPS
Lat 52.55833, Long 6.58861
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Kampeerdorp De Zandstuve

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