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Naturcamping Zwei Seen


Oceny w szczegółach

  • Spokój

  • Jedzenie / sklepy

  • Ogólna czystość

  • Czystość urządzeń sanitarnych

  • Stan wynajmowanego zakwaterowania

  • Przyjazność

  • Infrastruktura

  • Zajęcia rekreacyjne

  • Lokalizacja

  • Wartość w stosunku do ceny

  • Urządzenia sanitarne

Co piszą goście

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Diana B.
Pozostań: May 2024
"We will not be back - We won't be back. The price-performance ratio is simply not right. Long distances - whether to the sanitary facilities, to get bread rolls or to dispose of gray and waste water. We were on the "terrace". Higher up and further away from the lake. We couldn't see it from our pitch. Great ground (grass) but it was a long way to the water. Very rough terrain in places. It's a good thing I didn't have to tow a boat. Insufficient lighting, you can't walk to the toilet facilities at night without a flashlight. The cleanliness leaves a lot to be desired and there are only 2 sanitary blocks for this huge site. No proper bathing beaches. And when there was a reasonable entrance to the lake, it was unfortunately full of goose shit.... So nothing where you would want to lie down. I also didn't see a single garbage can on my walks down by the water. Now that I think about it, there wasn't one "public" garbage can on the whole site. So throwing away a handkerchief on the way was not an option. You can only pay by card on the site. Another nonsense. Unfortunately, the prices in the mini store were also far too high. But the worst thing was that we were told in the morning "yes, your girlfriend can come as a guest" and in the evening, when she was there, they didn't want to know anything more about it and didn't let her on the pitch. We were made to look as if we had sucked the morning conversation out of our sleeves. We had to walk from our pitch to reception because nobody answered the phone there. Why? Not in the mood? In any case, there were some on site. So conclusion - no coming back.
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N. S.
Pozostań: Sep 2022
"Beautiful - with restrictions - Couple We stayed at the campsite for three nights. Admittedly, it was the end of the season and therefore nothing was going on. We only rarely met other campers. A nice place in itself - neat, tidy and the proximity to the water is unbeatable. The staff (as far as we could tell, as we only met a few of them) were also friendly. However, there are also points of criticism. The place is super dark in the evening. There is not a single lamp, especially down by the lake. As a hiking/cycling trail passes by there, you are also not in a "closed area". Although I was told on the phone that the sanitary blocks were open, the one closest to us was already in hibernation and locked. Only the sinks were accessible. So we either had to go to the main building (but there are only toilets and washbasins there, no showers) or to the sanitary block at the other end of the site in complete darkness. A few individual permanent campers have set up one or two spotlights on their pitches, but that's it. As a woman, you get weak knees. Especially when you know that at least one fox lives on the pitch and comes very close to people. The sanitary building itself is actually designed so that the entrance/exit for the men faces the "street" and the one for the women is at the back of the building in the dark. The building itself is certainly illuminated, even on the outside, but only there. Then there is the fact that the showers are not clean. By that I mean the floors and the many, many cobwebs and spiders. All in all, this picture was the same - there are also an incredible number of spiders in the washrooms. The cobwebs didn't appear in a few days either, they are older. The washbasins themselves are simply not clean. The sanitary building at the main entrance is an exception to the cleanliness issue - it was always clean. Overall, you also have to note
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Są jeszcze 3 recenzje biwakowiczów.

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Zajęcia polecane przez gości

SwimmingPływanie (61 Goście)
CyclingJazda na rowerze (41 Goście)
HikingWędrówki po górach (40 Goście)

(40 Goście)
(36 Goście)
(27 Goście)
(27 Goście)
(26 Goście)
Kolarstwo górskie
(12 Goście)
(11 Goście)
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(5 Goście)

Ocenione przez gości jako „Odpowiedni dla”

Goście z namiotami
Goście z psami
Rodziny z dziećmi poniżej 12 roku życia
Rodziny z dziećmi poniżej 6 roku życia
Rodziny z dziećmi poniżej 18 roku życia
Grupy młodzieży



Naturcamping Zwei Seen is situated on a 14 hectare peninsula on the eastern shore of Lake Plauer See with a second quiet lake - the Große Pätschsee - in the background. Our 900 m long lake shore offers over 50 …pitches in the first row and many more with lake view on wooded terraces. Whether you have your own tent, caravan, motorhome or as a tenant of a log cabin, safari tent or sleeping cask: among the 450 spacious, individually tailored meadow pitches directly on the lake, under tall trees, on sunbathing meadows or on forest terraces with lake views, you will find your favourite place - fantastic sunsets included. Curved sand trails lead over the park-like, very varied natural terrain to terraced forest areas and sunbathing meadows directly at the lake as well as hilly meadow plateaus with many trees and bushes in the back quiet area. At Naturcamping Zwei Seen, all guests have free access to the beach shore along the entire length of the campsite, because there is a continuous path between the camping and the shore meadows. There are many small bays with sandy beaches and shallow access to the lake as well as wide shore meadows where you can sunbathe, relax with a picnic blanket or sun lounger, or stretch your hammock between tall trees and enjoy wonderful sunsets every evening. We have Glamping-accommodation - log cabins (with kitchen, bathroom and 2 terraces), fully equipped rental caravans with awning, huge, solidly built and comfortably furnished safari tents as well as a small village with 10 sleeping casks - for rent. Naturcamping Zwei Seen is the ideal holiday destination for all those who want to spend their holidays directly at or on the water and get to know the "Land of a Thousand Lakes" or want to discover further: with us you can experience camping holidays in the midst of unspoilt nature and directly on the lake. Our family-friendly place is perfect for a relaxed and varied holiday with children, but also for individualists and campers with a dog who are in need of rest and relaxation, we offer an extraordinary place directly on the eastern shore of Lake Plauer See, the third largest lake in the Mecklenburg Lake District with the best water quality, many water sports possibilities and direct connection to the Müritz-Elde waterway. Translated with
  • Kategoria kempingu:
  • Rozmiar witryny: 14 ha (Warunki gruntowe: Trawa)
  • Całkowita liczba boisk: 420
  • Liczba stanowisk turystycznych: 250 (W tym działki: 250)
  • Stanowiska dla kamperów przed bramami: 0
  • Stanowiska postojowe przed bramami również dla przyczep kempingowych: Niedostępne
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Cena referencyjna

Sezon szczytowy 35,00 €*
Poza sezonem 22,00 €*
*Dwie osoby dorosłe, przyczepa kempingowa, samochód, prąd i podatki lokalne za noc.

Godziny pracy

01. April - 15. October




Naturcamping ZWEI SEEN Waldchaussee 2 D-17209 Zislow am Plauer See Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Über die A19 * Abfahrt Waren / Petersdorf * Richtung Adamshoffnung, am kleinen Turm links abbiegen und am Angelteich vorbei * an der Ortskreuzung Zislow rechts abbiegen (links liegt …der Pferdehof Zislow) * 2 km durch den Wald, rechts vorbei am Wald & Seeblick-Camp * nach 400 m am Ziel: ZWEI SEEN Von der B 198 * in Höhe Stuer abbiegen Richtung Zislow * an der Dorfkreuzung Zislow weiter geradeaus auf Waldchaussee bleiben (rechts liegt der Pferdehof Zislow) * 2 km durch den Wald, rechts vorbei am Wald & Seeblick-Camp * nach 400 m am Ziel: ZWEI SEEN Naturcamping Zwei Seen ist der zweite Campingplatz in Zislow Ruhige Wälder, weite Felder: Der Weg zu uns führt durch idyllische Landschaft und nach der kleinen Ortskreuzung in Zislow geht es nochmal 1,5 km auf einer schmalen Straße weiter. Da ist schon mancher vor lauter Ungeduld zu früh abgebogen ;-) und auf dem Campingplatz der Gemeinde Zislow gelandet anstatt auf Naturcamping Zwei Seen. Wenn Sie sich „Zwei Seen = zweiter Campingplatz“ merken und rechts am ersten CP vorbeifahren, sind Sie nach 400 Metern am Ziel! Wir wünschen Ihnen eine gute Anreise! Bitte beachten Sie: Zwischen 13 bis 15 Uhr und von 22 bis 7 Uhr herrscht Mittags- bzw. Nachtruhe auf dem gesamten Platz: Während dieser Zeit ist die Schranke geschlossen, eine Einfahrt mit dem PKW auf den Platz ist nicht möglich.
  • Jezioro: Na miejscu
  • W górach: Nie
  • Wysokość nad poziomem morza): 73 m
  • Następne miasto: 12 km
  • Następne miasto/wieś: 2 km
  • Dworzec kolejowy lub autobusowy: 2 km
  • Zjazd z autostrady: 8 km


Waldchaussee 2
17209  Zislow
Współrzędne GPS
Lat 53.4475, Long 12.31056
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Naturcamping Zwei Seen

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