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Thalatta Kalamitsi Village image 1

Thalatta Kalamitsi Village


  • Godziny pracy: 01.05 - 30.09 - obecnie zamknięte
  • Adres63072 Kalamitsi/Sithonia, Grecja - Pokaż na mapie
  • RegionMittelmeer


Oceny w szczegółach

  • Spokój

  • Jedzenie / sklepy

  • Ogólna czystość

  • Czystość urządzeń sanitarnych

  • Stan wynajmowanego zakwaterowania

  • Przyjazność

  • Infrastruktura

  • Zajęcia rekreacyjne

  • Lokalizacja

  • Wartość w stosunku do ceny

  • Urządzenia sanitarne

Co piszą goście

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Roman S.
Pozostań: lip 2024
"Nice place - bad staff - - Actually nice - huge place if there wasn't.... We had reserved our spot in advance and also asked if we could have the spot before 4pm - it wouldn't be a problem if the spot was free. We arrived at 9am and were told that the space was not free before 1pm (although you have to vacate the space by 11am??). At 1pm we were put off until 4pm. At 4 pm we finally got our pitch - exactly the one that was already free at 9 am!!! Campsite mainly frequented by Bulgarians, Romanians and Serbs. Pitch size was ok. Lots of trees - good for shade but sometimes very low to drive through. No water connection nearby (the permanent campers had fenced it in). Long cable needed to the nearest power box. WC and shower facilities partly in containers (all wet and unhygienic) partly also in wash houses. Cleaning lady was on site (but she was busy with her cell phone) but the cleanliness was limited. Everything in the toilet facilities was also smeared all over (including a swastika on the tiles), but nobody removed it in the 14 days. Of the 5 urinals, 3 were working and the shower water was sometimes hot and sometimes cold. On the fine pebble beach (which is actually beautiful), all the permanent campers have anchored their umbrellas and shade-providing tents (some approx. 5x5m), so you have to look for a place further back even if they are not present. Water very clean and warm - mostly with waves. Supermarket with a limited selection but open until midnight. The pool always had a bad smell at our time! (even our 12 year old didn't go there any more) there were sometimes pieces of glass in the pool area. Restaurants: Pizza not very good, self-service restaurant ok, restaurant ok - but there are much better ones in the village! We won't be back and won't recommend this place to anyone!
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Matthias M.
Pozostań: sie 2019
"Camping like in the old days with a great beach by the roaring sea - ----------- PLATZ ----------- International audience (approx. 2/3 Eastern Europeans) Also popular with many Greeks. You can communicate well in English. The peaceful coexistence and the proverbial willingness to help each other is fascinating, which puts many things in a positive light in terms of international understanding. The pitches are large enough depending on the booking. Everyone has as much space as they need to set up. The site itself is tidy and is cleaned regularly. Anyone expecting a perfect 5* pitch will be disappointed. Everything is kept in good condition and repaired, but not to perfection as it is written in the book, but rather pragmatically and functionally. There are one or two dangers, especially when it comes to the electrical installation. For example, the operator provides campers with fridges in the outdoor area for a fee. ---------------------------- BEACH / SEA ---------------------------- The beach is very wide with fine gravel. Turquoise-colored warm water (Aug 26-28C) However, there can also be 0.5 - 2 m high waves for 3-4 days. This restricts swimming and water sports. On the other hand, it also offers a beautiful natural spectacle. Wave surfers then get a taste for it. We also recommend the neighboring beach to the north in the next village, which is also within walking distance. ------------------------------- SERVICE BUILDINGS ------------------------------ Sanitary buildings are tiled and are cleaned several times a day. It is always as clean as the last person to leave it. There were no blockages etc. Every now and then a slightly musty smell comes from a manhole cover. Many of the service buildings have about 4-6 gender-separated toilets and showers. There is also hot water during peak times, although the water pressure fluctuates and the temperature is not always easy to regulate. This is due to the taps, which only switch from water outlet to showers at a certain pressure. Old but functioning refrigerators are available to the general public in the sink area. The standard of hygiene corresponds to that of the users, who store or forget things there. Sinks are made of stainless steel and are well used and worn. The same applies to the laundry sinks. There are also top-loading washing machines with upright round drums, as is common in Anglo-American countries. Washes out the coarsest items for a quick wash. One €2 + two €1 coins. ----------------------------------------------------- RESTAURANTS / FOOD ----------------------------------------------------- Restaurant, pizzeria and self-service restaurants and a well-stocked beach bar are available. Restaurant prices are moderate, portions are usually generous. Quality is good. The local supermarket is well stocked and has the essentials. Fruit and vegetables can sometimes be on display for longer. Check! Bread is only available in white loaves, grain baguettes, toast and a few sweet baked goods. Croissants and other sweet pastries in the self-service restaurant. ------------------------------------------------- FITNESS / Sports facilities -------------------------------------------------- There is a lot of mechanical equipment in the fitness area, some of which is rusty. This cannot compete with modern studios. But there is free muscle training while swimming by the sea! There is also a tennis court and a beach volleyball court. Water sports equipment can also be hired for a fee. Pedal boats, kayaks, sailing surfboards and a small 1-2 man sailing boat. The equipment has often been in use for several years and shows signs of wear and tear. There is also a bike rental service with the latest generation of bikes. Fat bikes, for example. There are also Berg Kettcars and a roof bike for 4 people. There are 6 km/h electric quods for small children. However, the rental closes at the end of August. ----------------------------- CHILDREN'S OFFER ---------------------------- There is a small fenced-off playground with swings, climbing frame and seesaws. Cartoons are usually shown there in the evenings. Elsewhere you can hire go-karts, mini electric bikes or even a 4-seater bike. I can't say anything about the children's entertainment on offer. But it seems to be fun when you see the children.
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Są jeszcze 3 recenzje biwakowiczów.

Pokaż wszystkie recenzje

Zajęcia polecane przez gości

SwimmingPływanie (30 Goście)
RelaxingOdprężenie (14 Goście)
DivingNurkowanie (9 Goście)

(9 Goście)
Wędrówki po górach
(8 Goście)
Spacery rekreacyjne
(8 Goście)
Jazda na rowerze
(7 Goście)
(7 Goście)
(6 Goście)
(5 Goście)
(4 Goście)

Ocenione przez gości jako „Odpowiedni dla”

Goście z namiotami
Rodziny z dziećmi poniżej 12 roku życia
Rodziny z dziećmi poniżej 18 roku życia
Rodziny z dziećmi poniżej 6 roku życia
Grupy młodzieży
Goście z psami



Thalatta Kalamitsi Village Camp was born in 2006 by the love and creativity of the people who developed it, with services classified to an alternative type of vacations, which reflect and strengthen the unbreakable relationship of humans with nature. The …camp’s installations extend to an area delimited by the southern edge of Sithonia, Chalkidiki, characterized by natural elements of unique beauty. Thalatta Kalamitsi Village Camp is an important ecosystem, which has been incorporated into the EU network of nature protection areas (NATURA 2000). Verdurous areas are suitable for a little tour, walk or jogging, while some remote spots captivate the camper who wishes to relax and spend some time alone. Thalatta Kalamitsi Village Camp has seven communal clusters of buildings with LUX showers and WC for men-women (hot/cold water all day long), and communal washing machines and kitchens. All our facilities meet the most stringent specifications and standards of the European Union. A modern self service restaurant with traditional Greek dishes, genuine homemade flavours prepared with pure aromatic varieties from our traditional kitchen garden, a grill-house, an ouzeri with dishes matching genuineness in flavour and taste with traditional and careful preparation and lending its cuisine a personal identity characterized by pleasure, gourmet dishes and homemade food, a snack bar, a pizzeria with traditional pizza cooked in a wood-fired oven, a beach bar, a supermarket, an auto mini market (24hour service), a tobacco shop, a pop art shop, and an Internet café complete the infrastructure of Thalatta Kalamitsi Village Camp in the field of entertainment, recreation, and full service. Musical wanderings through concerts and parties, cool pleasures, and melodic happenings are the highlight of the summer events offered to the campers and rouse their enthusiasm to the highest pitch… Well-organized sports facilities, football fields, a basketball court, a beach volleyball court, a fully equipped gym, a large swimming pool, a sauna, and a well-organized playground, are all at the disposal of the summer visitors every day, rendering Thalatta Kalamitsi Village Camp a unique summer destination, also in terms of action, physical exercise and recreation. Water sports and extreme sports, diving, canoe, and jet-ski with digital monitor to explore the seabed, excite the camper’s interest and constantly keep cheerfulness and relaxation at their heights. Every physical activity is provided by specially trained staff supervising and instructing the visitors who are interested in sports and willing to participate. Entertainment being the rule and knowledge the ulterior purpose, in the context of the activities provided by Thalatta Kalamitsi Village Camp, there is a pioneer programme of creative occupation for children, widespread impression and acceptance, called “THALATTOPAIDA KID’S FUN CLUB”. Through the daily enjoyment of participation in a large number of options (camp, team and traditional games, theatre play, sports, and excursions) the younger campers can enjoy their vacations, channeling their energy and strengthening their means of expression in a creative way. Thallatta Kalamitsi Village Camp is developing with a concern for social responsibility through a system of values, objectives and actions governing its entire operation. Quality, passion and love for life, and environmental policies closely interwoven in the direction of a balanced development between humans and nature, are some of the values that govern the camp’s operation and development. The green philosophy of Thalatta Kalamitsi Village Camp is completed by the cultivation of a kitchen garden and the production of biological products, such as vegetables, poultry and eggs, with no use of any synthetic fertilizers or antibiotics, which are exclusively used in the restaurant areas and are at the disposal of campers-visitors only.
  • Kategoria kempingu:
    Jak przydzielana jest kategoria?
    Są dwie opcje klasyfikacji:
    • 1. Klasyfikacja według instytucji krajowych.
    • 2. Operator kempingu przydziela kategorię na podstawie własnej oceny. W tym miejscu zachęca się go, aby postępował tak obiektywnie, jak to tylko możliwe.
  • Całkowita liczba boisk: 400
  • Liczba stanowisk turystycznych: 400 (W tym działki: 400)
  • Stanowiska dla kamperów przed bramami: 0
  • Stanowiska postojowe przed bramami również dla przyczep kempingowych: Niedostępne
Zaproponuj zmianę

Cena referencyjna

Sezon szczytowy 38,00 €*
Poza sezonem 25,00 €*
*Dwie osoby dorosłe, przyczepa kempingowa, samochód, prąd i podatki lokalne za noc.

Godziny pracy

01. maj - 30. wrzesień
obecnie zamknięte



  • Indywidualne kabiny do mycia(100)
  • Poczekalnia
  • Pralki
  • Punkt serwisowy dla samochodów kempingowych
  • Wi-Fi
  • Wymiana butli gazowych(10 km)
  • Drewno opałowe jest dostępne
  • Grill na węgiel drzewny jest dozwolony
  • Obszar głównego ogniska
  • Stoły i ławki
  • Suszarki bębnowe
  • Suszarnia
  • Szafki
  • Terminal internetowy

Na miejscu parkingowym

  • Cień na polach(W większości zacienione)
  • Podłączenie elektryczne
  • Podłączenie wody na polu
  • Samochód jest dozwolony na polu
  • Oddzielna przestrzeń dla grup młodzieżowych
  • Ognisko na polu jest dozwolone
  • Podłączenie dla telewizora na polu
  • Podłączenie gazu na polu
  • Pola bez samochodów
  • Punkt usuwania substancji chemicznych na polu


  • Kąpielisko dla psów(km)
  • Park dla psów(km)
  • Psy są dozwolone poza sezonem
  • Psy są dozwolone w sezonie szczytowym
  • Prysznice dla psów
  • Psy dozwolone w wynajmowanych apartamentach

Rodzina i dzieci

  • Plac zabaw
  • Pomieszczenie do zmiany pieluszki
  • Program rozrywkowy dla dzieci
  • Mini zoo
  • Udogodnienia do zabawy w pomieszczeniu

Pływanie i odnowa biologiczna

  • Basen zewnętrzny
  • Dzikie kąpieliska(Morze)
  • Piaszczysta plaża
  • Plaża nudystów(km)
  • Basen wewnętrzny
  • Gorące źródła
  • Sauna
  • Zjeżdżalnia wodna

Możliwości spędzania wolnego czasu

  • Miejsce do nurkowania(km)
  • Narciarstwo biegowe(km)
  • Pochylnia(km)
  • Rybołówstwo
  • Siatkówka
  • Tenis
  • Tenis stołowy
  • Windsurfing
  • Wynajem łodzi
  • Wypożyczalnia rowerów
  • Żeglarstwo
  • Golf
  • Jazda konna
  • Mini golf
  • Wyciąg narciarski

Ceny i catering

  • Chleb sprzedawany na miejscu
  • Restauracja
  • Sklep spożywczy
  • Snack bar


  • Ogólnie dostępne urządzenia sanitarne
  • Ogólny dostęp do wody
  • Większość ścieżek jest utwardzona
  • Podjazdy dla wózków inwalidzkich

Wynajem mieszkań

  • Domy jednopiętrowe
  • Kabiny
  • Wynajem namiotów
  • Wynajem przyczep kempingowych
  • Apartamenty wakacyjne

Typ wakacji

  • Kemping zimowy
  • Mini miejsce kempingowe
  • Nudyzm
  • Stałe miejsce kempingowe




Samochodem: Z Saloniki kierujesz się drogą do Nea Moudania (Trasa 24). Na skrzyżowaniu Nea Moudania skręć w stronę Sithonia i kontynuuj przez Nikiti, Neos Marmaras i Porto Koufo. Na 11 kilometrze po Porto Koufo podążaj za znakiem i skręć w …prawo, aby dotrzeć do wymarzonego celu –Thalatta Kalamitsi Village Camp. Autobusem: Współrzędne GPS: 39.985888, 23.986257 Przystanek autobusowy znajduje się około 200 metrów od wejścia do kempingu. Codzienne rozkłady jazdy autobusów są następujące: Z Salonik: 9:30, 13:30, 17:45 Z Kałamitsi: 07:20, 14:15, 17:45 Dworzec autobusowy KTEL w Salonikach: 9 km. Saloniki – Droga krajowa N. Moudania. Tel: +30 2310 316555
  • Morze: Na miejscu
  • W górach: Nie
  • Następne miasto: 8 km
  • Następne miasto/wieś: 0,8 km
  • Dworzec kolejowy lub autobusowy: 0,2 km
  • Zjazd z autostrady: 90 km


63072  Kalamitsi/Sithonia
Współrzędne GPS
Lat 39.98744, Long 23.98707
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Thalatta Kalamitsi Village

Camping-Id: 20592
Vacation planning
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