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Camping Alkmaar

  • Horas de funcionamento: 26.03 - 20.10 - atualmente fechado
  • EndereçoBergerweg 2011817 ML Alkmaar, Países Baixos - Mostrar no mapa
  • RegiãoHolanda


Avaliações em detalhe

  • Tranquilidade

  • Comida / Lojas

  • Limpeza geral

  • Limpeza de instalações sanitárias

  • Condição da acomodação

  • Simpatia

  • Infraestrutura

  • Atividades de lazer

  • Localização

  • Relação custo-benefício

  • Instalações sanitárias

O que os convidados escrevem

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Andreas J.
Estadia: Jun 2018
"Conditionally recommended - The Prinzig site consists of three areas. One part, which is mainly used for caravans, one part, completely paved with grass pavers for motorhomes with somewhat smaller and therefore cheaper pitches and a brand new part, which is known as the "Camper Park". The pitches there are very large and separated by hedges. However, as the hedges have only recently been planted, the "separating effect" is rather manageable. All pitches have an electricity connection. However, there are still no water connections on the new part. The site is really well maintained. As far as these points are concerned, the pitch easily deserves its five stars. However, you really have to make concessions when it comes to the sanitary facilities. There is only one sanitary building for the entire site. The number of showers and toilets could become a problem when the site is full. It is also quite a long way from the camper park to the sanitary building. The toilets are outside. This can be a refreshing experience in the cooler months of the year. There is no spatial separation between the men's and women's toilets. There is also no hand dryer at the washbasin. It is not unusual in Holland for showers to cost 50 cents and water for washing up to cost 20 cents. But then there should be hot water at all times, which unfortunately wasn't always the case. What I found most annoying was that the shower drains didn't work properly. If there's one thing I hate, it's having the dirty shower water from the person next to me wafting around my slippers. It's a real shame that the campsite is so careless when it comes to the sanitary facilities. Otherwise, this would be a very nice facility that could really be made into something more.
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Há 3 revisões de campista.

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Atividades recomendadas pelos hóspedes

CyclingCiclismo (11 Hóspedes)
SightseeingTurismo (11 Hóspedes)
RelaxingRelaxante (8 Hóspedes)

(5 Hóspedes)
(1 Hóspede)
(1 Hóspede)
Passeios de lazer
(1 Hóspede)
(1 Hóspede)
(1 Hóspede)

Avaliado pelos hóspedes como "Adequado para"

Hóspedes com barracas
Cidadãos Sênior
Hóspedes com cães
Famílias com crianças menores de 12 anos
Famílias com crianças menores de 6 anos
Famílias com crianças menores de 18 anos
Grupos de jovens



The campsite about itself: Camping Alkmaar is a 4-hectare campsite in the countryside between the lively town of Alkmaar and the beautiful village of Bergen en Egmond, where you can enjoy the peaceful nature and the beauty of the North …Holland landscape. We think of the dunes, the beach, the forests, but also the polders. As a contrast, you can walk along the idyllic canals and enjoy the culture of the city center of Alkmaar. Conclusion: Camping Alkmaar is an excellent starting point for all kinds of trips, our guests enjoy the peace and quiet. You will not find any restaurants or Animation team with us. Barbecuing is allowed (more than 15 cm. above the ground). The campsite is divided into individual fields with approximately 10 parking spaces each including electricity (6/10 amps). Since 5 years, 59 very nice Camper places have been added, you are paved with a nice lawn next to you. Every place has electricity and water points are available. Clean heated sanitary building including showers and use of hot water will be available to our guests free of charge since next year. In the sanitary building there is a baby bath and family/disabled shower room plus disabled toilet. One dog is allowed per pitch. The open landscape begins directly behind the campsite and you can see the dunes. Since October 1, 2021, there are new owners of Camping Alkmaar, Ben and Laura Meijland. Next year there will be a new website and you can book your spot online. Check in is 2pm check out is 11.30am. Reception opening hours see website! We are closed in the evening. The Campsite is closed in December, January and February. We will open again on March 1. We like to meet you.
  • categoria de acampamento:
  • Tamanho do local: 4 ha (Condições do solo: Grama)
  • Número total de arremessos: 240
  • Número de campos turísticos: 140 (De quais parcelas: 230)
  • Lotes de motorhome em frente aos portões: 0
  • Lotes de escala em frente aos portões também para caravanas: Não disponível
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Preço de referência

Alta temporada € 37,40*
Baixa temporada € 35,40*
*Dois adultos, caravana, carro, eletricidade e impostos locais por noite

Horas de funcionamento

26. March - 20. October




From Amsterdam you take the A9 to Alkmaar. Near Alkmaar you take the ring west Den Helder (N9). On the ring west you take the direction to Bergen and you will find the campsite on your lefthand.
  • Mar: 8 km
  • Lago: 12,8 km
  • Nas montanhas: Não
  • Altura (acima do nível do mar): 3 m
  • Cidade seguinte: 2 km
  • Próxima cidade/vila: 4 km
  • Estação de trem ou ônibus: 0,1 km
  • Saída da auto-estrada: 2 km


Bergerweg 201
1817 ML  Alkmaar
Países Baixos
Coordenadas GPS
Lat 52.6420315, Long 4.7232437
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Camping Alkmaar

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