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Camping & Apartment Knap

  • Horas de funcionamento: 01.04 - 01.10 - atualmente fechado
  • EndereçoHacetova ulica 161380 CERKNICA, Eslovénia - Mostrar no mapa




In addition to the apartment, the Knap Tourist Farm also offers its guests a pleasantly arranged small family camp, for all camping lovers who are looking for more homeliness and peace. It is an idyllic camp, which is a great …choice for all those who would like to take a break from everyday stress, relax on holiday and enjoy the beautiful nature. The camping area is set for up to 5 tents, with free parking, a shared bathroom (shower and toilet) and the possibility of sharing a small kitchen and refrigerator. All parcels have the possibility of electric plugins. In addition to tents, up to 5 motorhomes parking spaces can be found on the farm, with electricity and water connections and a shaft for waste liquids (2 plots with electricity and water). Guests have the opportunity to observe or participate in the daily tasks of the farm (animal feeding). The Knap family also offers purchase of home-grown food (fruit, vegetables) from the farm.
  • categoria de acampamento:
  • Tamanho do local: 0,8 ha (Condições do solo: Areia)
  • Número total de arremessos: 5
  • Número de campos turísticos: 5
  • Lotes de motorhome em frente aos portões: 5
  • Lotes de escala em frente aos portões também para caravanas: Disponível
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Preço de referência

Alta temporada € 30,00*
Baixa temporada € 24,00*
*Dois adultos, caravana, carro, eletricidade e impostos locais por noite

Horas de funcionamento

01. April - 01. October


  • Mar: 76 km
  • Lago: 3,7 km
  • Rio: 1 km
  • Nas montanhas: Não
  • Altura (acima do nível do mar): 560 m
  • Cidade seguinte: 16,8 km
  • Próxima cidade/vila: 2,5 km
  • Estação de trem ou ônibus: 1,5 km
  • Saída da auto-estrada: 7,5 km


Hacetova ulica 16
Coordenadas GPS
Lat 45.801461, Long 14.363753
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Camping & Apartment Knap

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