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Camping De Watersnip

  • Horas de funcionamento: 01.04 - 03.10 - atualmente fechado
  • EndereçoPettemerweg 41755 KK Petten aan Zee, Países Baixos - Mostrar no mapa
  • RegiãoHolanda


Avaliações em detalhe

  • Tranquilidade

  • Comida / Lojas

  • Limpeza geral

  • Limpeza de instalações sanitárias

  • Simpatia

  • Infraestrutura

  • Atividades de lazer

  • Localização

  • Relação custo-benefício

  • Instalações sanitárias

O que os convidados escrevem

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Daniela S.
Estadia: Jul 2018
"A sanitary disaster - We chose this campsite because of the good reviews, mainly the sanitary facilities. The site itself is also very nice. There are many mobile homes for rent, small and larger wooden cabins and various pitches for tents, caravans and motorhomes spread across the entire site, which are separated by higher hedges. Electricity, water and waste water are available at every pitch and the pitches are also fairly level and mostly covered with grass. There is a small swimming pool on the site with an approx. 25 cm deep baby pool and a slightly larger pool with a depth of approx. 70 cm to 130 cm with a large water slide. There are also two small playgrounds, each with a climbing tower with slide, a swing, a nest swing, a carousel and a play tower for various sand toy activities. All not particularly well maintained but perfectly acceptable! Somewhat hidden behind the restaurant is a large playground with a soccer pitch, a tennis court, 2 giant trampolines, a climbing tower with slide and a mouldy pond, which is probably used as a mud playground. This playground is definitely for older children and not for children aged 2-4. There is also a restaurant, a snack bar, a small, well-stocked Spar supermarket and a "launderette", which is outrageously expensive! For 6€ (!!!) you can use a washing machine including detergent. Wi-Fi is available on the site for €5/day (or for free in the restaurant area 😉) But now to the sanitary disaster: The campsite is advertised as a five-star campsite. However, the sanitary facilities have already seen their best days. They are reasonably clean and are cleaned at least twice a day, but the toilets only have a washbasin with a cold water connection and no soap or towel dispenser! The toilet cubicles are far too small! There is an additional hygiene container in the ladies' toilets. The toilet paper is parchment-like, wafer-thin! There is no way to put anything down or hang anything up! In the washroom there are two cubicles, each with a washbasin, 4 shower cubicles, several washbasins, three slightly lower children's washbasins and a room that serves as a baby bath. There is not even a plug in the baby bath, so you can only shower your baby. In addition, and in my opinion this is unacceptable for a five-star place, both the showers and the baby bath cost €0.50 (shower token) for about 5 minutes of hot water. Free hot water is only available in the two cabins with the washbasins. The washing facilities do not correspond to those of a five-star campsite! The total price for the pitch rental is absolutely not justified due to the poor sanitary facilities! We therefore cannot recommend this site and will not visit it a second time.
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Andy N.
Estadia: Aug 2017
"Great campsite, alternative to the south on the North Sea - We weren't really looking for this campsite, it more or less jumped out in front of our car. While looking for a good campsite near Amsterdam or Alkmaar, we drove past Watersnip and got stuck there. It is now developed like a large campsite on the Adriatic, with playgrounds, entertainment, restaurants, rental homes, pitches, permanent campers, a store, etc., etc.. Everything you want or need is there. The reception was very friendly, quick choice of pitch, simple briefing on the site. The pitches range from simple (electricity) to comfortable (water, waste water, television). The campsite is located on a major road, but depending on the location of the pitch, this is not too loud. The store offers everything that the usual store can offer, only camping accessories are only available to a limited extent (but here it is worth going to the towns of Amsterdamm or Alkmaar). The sanitary facilities are clean and are cleaned daily. The path to the beach leads via a traffic circle directly past the village of Petten, the beach was only rebuilt in 2015 and is very beautiful. There is a long beach that is almost 5 kilometers long and is separated from the villages by dunes. Don't forget your bike when you're in Holland, there's nothing better than cycling here. For awnings or awnings, I would strongly recommend using rope protection, as the wind can get very strong here. As excursion destinations we can recommend Alkmaar (cheese market) and Amsterdam, the cities are within easy reach and should definitely be visited. The price-performance ratio is ok, the campsite is not cheap but every € is well invested.
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Günter R.
Estadia: Aug 2010

Atividades recomendadas pelos hóspedes

CyclingCiclismo (4 Hóspedes)
SwimmingNatação (3 Hóspedes)
RelaxingRelaxante (2 Hóspedes)

(2 Hóspedes)
(1 Hóspede)
(1 Hóspede)
(1 Hóspede)
Passeios de lazer
(1 Hóspede)

Avaliado pelos hóspedes como "Adequado para"

Famílias com crianças menores de 12 anos
Hóspedes com barracas
Famílias com crianças menores de 18 anos
Famílias com crianças menores de 6 anos
Grupos de jovens
Hóspedes com cães



Der Ferien- und Bungalowpark De Watersnip ist großzügig angelegt und bietet viele Möglichkeiten für einen sportlichen und aktiven Urlaub. Inmitten einer herrlichen Umgebung mit gesunder, frischer Luft werden Sie die ersehnte Ruhe und Entspannung finden. Der Ferienpark liegt in der …schönsten und saubersten Gegend Nordhollands. Landeinwärts befindet sich die Hondsbossche Zeewering (Küstenbefestigung) und zur Meeresseite hin erstrecken sich Wald, Dünen und Strand. Das nähe gelegene Dorf Petten ist zu Fuß erreichbar. Als Ausflugziele empfehlen sich der westfriesische Markt in Schagen, de berühmte Käsemarkt in Alkmaar, die historische Gemüseversteigerung Broekerveiling in Langedijk, das Seeaquarium in Bergen aan Zee oder die malerischen Städschen Hoorn und Enkhuizen. Alle orte sind im Nu zu erreichen, denn in Nordholland ist alles ganz nah. Nicht zuletzt deshalb ist De Watersnip der ideale Ferienpark für Familien mit Kindern. Wenn Sie sich für De Watersnip entscheiden, verfügen Sie über ein ideales Refugium, das Ihnen das ganze Jahr über Spaß und Entspannung bietet und an dem Sie neue Energie auftanken können.
  • categoria de acampamento:
  • Tamanho do local: 18 ha
  • Número total de arremessos: 240
  • Número de campos turísticos: 240
Propor mudança

Preço de referência

Alta temporada € 30,00*
*Dois adultos, caravana, carro, eletricidade e impostos locais por noite

Horas de funcionamento

01. April - 03. October




Vanaf Amsterdam/Utrecht N9 richting Den Helder volgen. Afslag Burgervlotbrug richting Petten, dan ziet u de camping aan u rechterhand.
  • Mar: 1,5 km
  • Nas montanhas: Não
  • Cidade seguinte: 10 km
  • Próxima cidade/vila: 0,8 km
  • Estação de trem ou ônibus: 0,1 km


Pettemerweg 4
1755 KK  Petten aan Zee
Países Baixos
Coordenadas GPS
Lat 52.75888, Long 4.66361
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Camping De Watersnip

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