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Horsens City Camping

  • Horas de funcionamento: 05.04 - 17.10, 18.10 - 04.04 - atualmente em operação
  • EndereçoHusoddevej 858700 Horsens, Dinamarca - Mostrar no mapa
  • Local na rede Internet:
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Benefícios do seu Fanclub

  • 1x volta grátis de mini-golfe
  • 1 x aluguer gratuito de bicicletas
  • wi-fi gratuito


Avaliações em detalhe

  • Tranquilidade

  • Comida / Lojas

  • Limpeza geral

  • Limpeza de instalações sanitárias

  • Simpatia

  • Infraestrutura

  • Atividades de lazer

  • Localização

  • Relação custo-benefício

  • Instalações sanitárias

O que os convidados escrevem

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Alice B.
Estadia: Aug 2016
"Very good camping - The campground is located directly by the sea, a few kilometers from the city center of Horsens (45 km south of Aarhus, reachable in just under an hour by highway). We spent 4 nights there, staying on a standard pitch; the campground is entirely flat, very tidy, with grass-covered pitches and in some places a bit of sand, since the sea and beach are just ahead. Facilities are divided into two groups of buildings, each of which includes men's and women's toilets (each sector has a few showers and a few toilets), a kitchen area (in the one we used there were three stations, each with a sink and two hotplates), additional sinks for washing dishes and cleaning fish, and space to empty the chemical toilet; the larger block also has a laundry room with a small sink, washing machine and dryer for a fee (via card). The sanitary facilities are new and have a good level of cleanliness; the showers are located inside enclosed compartments with also a sink, mirror and bench; hot water is charged via card to swipe in a reader (DKK 5 for 4 minutes, which seemed to us at first to be a bit expensive, but is actually less so than in many other Danish campsites ..); the kitchens are also clean and have an attached common room (the one we used was very cozy and, more importantly, almost entirely glass-fronted) with tables and chairs for eating, watching (free) TV, reading newspapers or magazines, or even for holding small private parties (as we saw on the day of our departure). At the entrance are the reception desk and a small market (where you can order bread for the next day's breakfast-although buying it outside obviously costs less), both open until 10 p.m., and a mini-golf course (for a fee), as well as rental bikes; near the main service block is a play area for children; the free beach is just outside the campground. Access to the campground by car is allowed until 10:30 p.m. and is always possible with the usual card for hot water in the showers and for washing machines and dryers. The reception at the reception desk did not seem overly friendly to us, but this is probably a cultural thing; we recommend, in case you do not speak Danish or German but English, especially over the phone, to make sure there are no misunderstandings. In general, the campground is extremely quiet and orderly, especially very quiet.
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Há 3 revisões de campista.

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Atividades recomendadas pelos hóspedes

SwimmingNatação (10 Hóspedes)
CyclingCiclismo (9 Hóspedes)
HikingCaminhada (7 Hóspedes)

(4 Hóspedes)
(4 Hóspedes)
(3 Hóspedes)
(2 Hóspedes)
(2 Hóspedes)
(1 Hóspede)
(1 Hóspede)
(1 Hóspede)

Avaliado pelos hóspedes como "Adequado para"

Hóspedes com barracas
Famílias com crianças menores de 6 anos
Famílias com crianças menores de 12 anos
Cidadãos Sênior
Hóspedes com cães
Famílias com crianças menores de 18 anos
Grupos de jovens



At Horsens City Camping we have”pitches and cabins of perfection” .This allows you and your family to choose the area that best fit your wishes. The campsite is divided into curved and landscaped areas that give you more privacy and …personal freedom. You easily feel at home and able to enjoy the atmosphere of the campsite, the beautiful nature and the city of Horsens to the fullest. The campsite is divided into three special areas: Pitch with a view – This area is for those who wish to have a pitch or cabin with a view. From here you can enjoy the fantastic view of the Horsens Fiord and experience the tranquillity and the colours of nature in the water. During the day you can observe the daily life on the fiord, boats going to and from Horsens, fishing, surfing and happy children on the beach. Pitch wit peace and quiet – Here you can really slow down, relax and recharge your batteries. We offer you the opportunity to enjoy the simple life and get away from every-day-chores. Here we promise you that you will find peace and quiet together with other campers who are looking for the same. Pitch for kids – pitches close to the playground, the beach, new play-mates and close to each other. The children can spend the whole day at our great new playground together with their new friends. They can enjoy playing on the climbing frame, the slide and the seesaw. They can spend a lot of time in the sandbox or on the jumping cushions. This allows the parents to sit and relax beside the playground or in front of their caravans watching over their kids. Campers have their own brand new area, specially made for those who want to travel lightly, and be able to move in and out quickly. You find all of this only 4 km from the centre of Horsens.
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Benefícios do seu Fanclub

no local

  • 1x volta grátis de mini-golfe
  • 1 x aluguer gratuito de bicicletas
  • wi-fi gratuito
  • Acampe mais tempo, pague menos: fique 7 dias, pague 6 dias (no campo)
Ainda não é membro do FANCLUB?
Saiba mais sobre o FANCLUB agora
  • categoria de acampamento:
  • Tamanho do local: 10 ha (Condições do solo: Grama)
  • Número total de arremessos: 320
  • Número de campos turísticos: 270 (De quais parcelas: 270)
  • Lotes de motorhome em frente aos portões: 0
  • Lotes de escala em frente aos portões também para caravanas: Não disponível
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Preço de referência

Alta temporada € 37,50*
Baixa temporada € 32,00*
*Dois adultos, caravana, carro, eletricidade e impostos locais por noite

Horas de funcionamento

05. April - 17. October
18. October - 04. April




It is easy to find us. You can either use the GPS coordinates or the map from Google Maps to the right. Below there is also a short description of how to get to the campsite from the freeway. See …you! GPS Coordinates: Lat: N 55º 51' 35.81" - Long: E 9º 54' 58.89" When you are driving along the E45 motorway you must leave at exit 57 or 56. From there you continue through Horsens in the direction of Odder (route 451). After Sundet in Horsens Øst turn right by Stensballe Strandvej and turn right again by Husoddevej. Continue all the way down to the water and along the beach to the campsite.
  • Mar: No local
  • Nas montanhas: Não
  • Altura (acima do nível do mar): 3 m
  • Cidade seguinte: 3 km
  • Próxima cidade/vila: 3 km
  • Estação de trem ou ônibus: 0,5 km
  • Saída da auto-estrada: 10 km


Husoddevej 85
8700  Horsens
Coordenadas GPS
Lat 55.85912, Long 9.91825
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Horsens City Camping

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