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Oblun Eco Resort

  • Horas de funcionamento: 01.01 - 31.12 - atualmente em operação
  • EndereçoEco Resort Oblun81000 Podgorica, Montenegro - Mostrar no mapa




Reconnect with nature at this unforgettable escape. Brand new RV campsite being opened in the middle of nature, ideal for recharging your batteries far from mass tourism. What experience could be more magical than sleeping outdoors under the stars? Experience …waking up with a sense of peace, scents and sounds of amazing nature at our campsite. Feel the warm embrace of nature and experience a unique awakening with a sense of peace, scents and sounds of magnificent nature at our camping location. Indulged in a perfectly untamed environment, it will embrace all those who are looking for an adventure that offers the experience of merging with the beauty of nature.
  • Tamanho do local: 1 ha (Condições do solo: Grama)
  • Número total de arremessos: 16
  • Número de campos turísticos: 16 (De quais parcelas: 16)
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Preço de referência

Alta temporada € 22,00*
Baixa temporada € 18,00*
*Dois adultos, caravana, carro, eletricidade e impostos locais por noite

Horas de funcionamento

01. January - 31. December


  • Mar: 50 km
  • Lago: 15 km
  • Rio: 20 km
  • Nas montanhas: Não
  • Cidade seguinte: 14 km


Eco Resort Oblun 
81000  Podgorica
Coordenadas GPS
Lat 42.382667282918504, Long 19.132474205773924
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Oblun Eco Resort

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