18 evaluări
- Thomas H.August 2023PlusuriVery nice, quiet site with plenty of pitches and shade. Super friendly. The morning boat trip with the campsite owner was just great. Highly recommended and would love to come again. Many thanksMinusuri-Highly recommendedSee advantages
Very nice quiet site with plenty of pitches and shade. Super friendly. The morning boat trip with the campsite owner was just great. Highly recommended and would love to come again. Many thanksTradus automat. - Adrian M.Iunie 2023PlusuriN-am avut timp sa ne lamurim.MinusuriAtitudinea ostila a proprietarilor si lipsa de profesionalism pentru activitatea pe care o desfasoara.Adrian MargescuSambata 3 iunie 2023 am hotarat sa facem o vizita de cateva ore copiilor si nepotilor care erau cazati la acest camping. Pentru ca in aceasta deplasare am utilizat un autoturism electric, planul era sa punem si bateria la incarcat cateva ore ca sa putem merge pe seara la Constanta unde urma sa inoptam.... Am ajuns la ora 10:28 si am cerut permisiunea d-nei Lili, in calitate de vizitatori, sa ne conectam la una din prizele din camping, contra cost, 2,4 kwh pe durata sederii. Nu am gasit intelegere, parca venisem la furat curent, desi consumul nu era mai mare decat al unei rulote cu aer conditionat si am mentionat de la bun inceput ca tot consumul va fi platit cel putin la pretul de achizitie al energiei electrice, adica 2,4 x 1,30 RON x nr. de ore. Ba mai mult, peste cateva minute a aparut si dl. Octavian care, foarte vehement, ne-a avertizat asupra interdictiei, motiv pentru care exact la ora 11:58 am parasit locatia cu tot cheful stricat de asa zisul amfitrion caruia ii recomand, cu tot respectul cuvenit pentru meseria de cioban, sa incerce sa o practice cat mai curand posibil pentru ca pentru turism nu cred ca are prea mult har. Ba, mai mult, am inteles de la copii ca a si oprit apa calda la orele 20:30, ca la bai este pericol de electrocutare si nu prea poti sa faci gratar. P.S. Pentru cele 90 minute petrecute de noi in camping a fost perceput un tarif de 30 RON adica 20 RON pe ora. Mentionez ca nu am folosit toaleta sau apa pentru ca nu am avut cand. Acum ne bucuram ca pe pe dna. Lili si pe dl. Octavian nu o sa-i mai vedem vreodata. Acelasi lucru il recomandam cititorilor. Ramane doar o zi frumoasa pe care au stricat-o acesti tristi reprezentanti ai turismului romanesc.
- B C.Iulie 2022PlusuriStyleMinusuriNAGreatGreat location within an traditional setting.
Clean, friendly and adequate value for money.
Delta boat trips are proposed by owners (adjustable duration )and are absolutely worth your while.
Fully recommended.Tradus automat. - Romulus P.Iulie 2020PlusuriI liked the space, well kept up, restrooms and all facilities in generalMinusuriThe campground host, one of the most despicable people I have ever met.Please don't stay here! A big NOThis so-called Octavian is a person that doesn't belong to this type of business. My estimate is that he doesn't even realize he is being a jerk with his guests.
The rules are perfectly ok and I think most of the camper s would agree it's common sense, but his attitude towards campers it's out of line.... Ruins the whole experience. I recommend you highly avoid this campground, too bad about everything they did around there. I think the hosts like to keep it nice and tidy but hate people in general! A big thumb down! - Bernadette C.Iulie 2019PlusuriVery clean, modern sanitary facilities and useful shelter in case of rainMinusuriLack of activitiesStay under surveillance and remonstrances from the ownersCold reception and military discipline imposed on arrival. Continuous surveillance, even by camera, to enforce the rules. Unruly visitors are advised to stay on the rails, as the henchman is not far away.Tradus automat.
- Wolfgang H.Septembrie 2018Plusurion the Danube DeltaMinusuriUnfriendly operators"If you can't smile, don't open a business." (Proverb)The pitch is technically ok and nicely laid out. The ground-dump inlet is technically quite provisional, but the sanitary facilities are tidy and, above all, very clean. However, we would not consider visiting again, as we witnessed several times how newly arriving guests were approached in an incredibly... unfriendly manner by the operator couple, with her being the dominant figure. This included an acquaintance we had already announced who made the mistake of coming to our pitch on foot when reception was unmanned to say hello shortly before formally registering. The operator, who then rushed over, barked at him without a greeting and pointed out, among other things, that she was not dependent on guests of this type (?). As there was another campsite diagonally opposite, he was finally accommodated in a good and friendly manner. We would have left the campsite immediately if we hadn't had so much junk to remove. However, a similar scene was repeated on the day of our departure with a German VW bus couple who had walked a few steps past the car stop signal. That's just not on.Tradus automat.
- Oli M.August 2018PlusuriWell-kept shady spot.MinusuriA mosquito agency starts at 8 pm and lasts about 2 hours.beautiful placeVery nice quiet place. The operators ensure peace and order. Shortly before 11 p.m. the advice comes to keep the night's rest. Shoes should be left in front of the shower. The trip to the Delta was great. It took a little longer, so we didn't leave until shortly after 11am. There were no problems with either of our vehicles.Tradus automat.
- Ki H.Iunie 2018Plusuri2 Other campsites nearby. Mini market oppositeQuiet campsite on the Danube DeltaQuiet campsite on the Danube delta. Restaurant within walking distance. There are shady pitches. The owner organizes boat trips through the delta. The price is not cheap. (50€ per person for a 4 hour tour) It is not clear why some participants get money back when the boat is full and some do not. Nevertheless, the 50 € (for me) was worth it. Price for tent 2 pers. and motorcycle o.k. (13 €) Payable in Euro or local currencyTradus automat.
- Radosław B.Iulie 2017Plusuriclean , well-maintained, the possibility of a tour of the DeltaMinusuria bit priceyMurhigiolCamping compared to others in Murhigiol neat spacious clean, both the owner and co-owner speak English , German, French and Ukrainian, so there are no problems with communication. At the beginning, indeed, the lady is a little bit stingy reciting prohibitions and talking about the prices which are higher... (we paid 90 RON , in other places in Romania about 50 to 55 RON), she was also a little surprised that we want to see the sanitary facilities before entering and paying. After that it is definitely better , the owner is extremely polite and the co-owner has a boat that organizes excellent tours of the Delta . The tour lasts 2 3 or 4 hours , we actually sail about 3o- to 50 km , he shows everything tells you about the birds , he has a guide to identify birds with descriptions in several languages and tells you where which nest. I advise you to pay attention to the boat when buying a tour , other boats with canopies and larger are not able to sail through the narrow passages . I heartily recommendTradus automat.
- Erwin P.August 2016PlusuriLocation - by the water, relatively much shade.MinusuriService!!! :-(The most rude service - place 1!On many campgrounds I had the opportunity to spend the night, but I encountered something like this for the first time. Totally rude woman in charge of the campground - she starts by reading a whole list of prohibitions, and then it only gets worse. I felt like an intruder and was relieved - to leave the place before 11 the next day. DO NOT RECOMMEND!Tradus automat.
- Dariusz J.Iulie 2015PlusuriSilenceMinusuriMosquitosLuc MurighiolThe best camping in this area. Only for people who want silence and contanct with nature. All the time you can hear to birds and (unfortunately) barking dogs. Apart from that you will be visited by local cats (very brave and friendly, so owners are probably cat lovers (advantage witout doubts). For this... reason we were informed a few times that our dog should be on the leash. In a distance 2 km aquapark is located (our kids were very satisfied). Not for fun. And a lot of mosquitos (it should be expected taking into cosideration location - direct access from the camping to the chanel and delta; the rest of campings are located on the other side of main road in Mourighiol. There is no restaurant in the country but quite big shop is located in the center.Tradus automat.
- Andreas J.August 2014PlusuriTidy, clean.Minusuriunfriendly ownersA nasty aftertasteActually a nice campsite. We were only able to leave the (almost empty) campsite shortly after check-out time (11:00 am) due to a late venture and had to pay for another full night. Attempts at discussion ended with a threat to call the police. Tarnishes the overall impression.Tradus automat.
- Esther M.Iunie 2014PlusuriQuiet location, possibility for great boat trips into the Danube Delta with camping ownerMinusuriToo few sanitary facilities. However, new ones are under constructionGood campsite with friendly hostsSmall campsite. Quite a lot of mosquitoes in June, otherwise pleasant when the site is not full. Very helpful people.Tradus automat.
- Daniela M.Iulie 2013Were there from 29.07 - 31.07.2013 with the motorhome, everything clean enough hot water and clean toilet. Also a washing machine is available.operator very nice have booked a 3 hour delta motorboat ride the prices are very moderate. Can be recommended.Tradus automat.
- maria l.Iunie 2013Very bad service!the worst camping ever!Don't go!!!!The owner were very rude and unfriendly!
- Daniel H.August 2012An unspectacular site without any really important details worth mentioning. We had really hoped for more and were disappointed by the sanitary facilities. The pitch was occupied by about 35 people at the time. There is only one room with 2 showers, 2 toilets (both separately lockable) and 2 washbasins.... Ladies and gentlemen are not separated !!! and that is quite unusual and quite rare these days. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the opposite sex. The boat tour costs €50 from the owner. About 2 km further 300m after leaving the village turn left after 1km you come to a hotel and a few moorings, there the same tour costs 30€. Since we were 6 people we saved 120€. If, like us, you don't do the boat tour with the campsite owner, the relationship between the owner and you can turn from friendly to very tense and unfriendly in no time at all. It is therefore not worth going as far as this campsite. Halfway from Tucea, there is a free pitch on the left-hand side which was also always busy.Tradus automat.
- Kim H.Iulie 2012Fin ren plads, som er familiedrevet. Pladsen arrangere sejlture i deltaet, som er billigere end andreTradus automat.
- Lucas W.Iulie 2010Central European standard, the only place far and wide! Frog croaking included, because directly on the water (see satellite). It was amazing that there were hardly any mosquitoes for this location. Very helpful and friendly! The campsite is in a small village 30 km from the town of Tulcea and is ideal(!)... for Danube delta boat trips. The boss drives you personally on request, is an absolute connoisseur and expert - not quite cheap (50Euro), but you are on the way for 4 - 5 hours and the experience is unforgettable. Definitely not to be missed! As the boat is small (max. 6 people) you can go anywhere and he simply knows where the best places are.Tradus automat.