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Camping le Matin Calme



In the medieval village of Vesc, near the town of Dieulefit, and in the heart of the Drome Provençale, our campground welcomes you to a serene wooded slice of paradise. Come stay at "Le Matin Calme," our family-oriented, peaceful campground …overlooking a beautiful valley. Come relax to the sounds of cicadas and the scent of lavender in a unique micro-climate, famously known for having some of the purest air in France. « ... Le Matin Calme. In an idyllic landscape, the campsite whose name is secretely whispered from mouth to ear.... Tranquil, the ambience is very warm and welcoming. A peaceful bubble, frozen in time ... ». The guide GEO Ardèche/Drome 2013.
  • Categoria camping:
  • Dimensiunea site-ului: 1 ha (Condițiile solului: Pământ)
  • Numărul total de terenuri: 29
  • Numărul de locuri turistice: 29
  • Locuri pentru caravane în fața porților: 0
Propune schimbarea

Pret de referinta

Sezon de vârf 31,50 EUR*
Extrasezon 22,00 EUR*
*Doi adulți, caravană, mașină, electricitate și taxe locale pe noapte

Ore de operare

01. May - 29. September




Access From the north: Highway A7 to Marseille. Exit Valence Sud, then to Crest by the D111 road. And to Bourdeaux by D538, Crupies by D70 ans then to Vesc by D330. From the south: Highway A7 to Lyon.SExit Montélimar …sud, National road 7 (RN7) to Montélimar, D540 to Dieulefit, D538 to Montjoux and finally to Vesc by D330 . GPS : 44.52218 latitude 5.15207 longitude For the plan, go to
  • Lac: 25 km
  • Râu: 10 km
  • in munti: da
  • Următoarea localitate: 10 km
  • Următorul oraș/sat: 0,1 km
  • Gară sau stație de autobuz: 10 km


1 route de l'église 
26220  Vesc
Coordonate GPS
Lat 44.52217, Long 5.15204
Primire indicații
Propune schimbarea


Camping le Matin Calme

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