3 evaluări
- George C.August 2021Plusurizona centrala, langa rauMinusuri-Frumos si centralAmplasare in zona centrala. Preturi decente )cort 25 lei, casuta 50 lei, rulota 50 lei).
O mica bucatarie dotata cele de trebuinta.
Putine locuri la umbra. - Nadin M.July 2012Very nice small and inexpensive campsite on the picturesque highland road 1A from Ploiesti to Brasov. We stayed for 1 night, beautiful air, quiet, kitchen, hot water constantly, friendly woman at the reception. We slept in a cabin, the price for a double cabin-42 lei. We slept three, the beds are wide.... You can stay for a couple of days, pick blueberries, hike in the mountains, make jam. A lot of Romanians come here because of berries. We liked it, I recommend it.Tradus automat.
- dan b.July 2011amenajari putine1(una)chiuveta la 50 de turisti existenti in camping,2(doua)cabine WC la tot atiti turisti,igiena lasa de dorit(grupurile sociale put),promisiunile referitoare la cazare expuse pe situl campingului nu sunt onorate etc.Preturi mari ca pentru campingurile cu pretentii...