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Camping Waldsee


Evaluări în detaliu

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  • Curățenia în general

  • Curățenia grupurilor sanitare

  • Starea locului de cazare închiriat

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  • Locație

  • Raport calitate-preț

  • Grupuri sanitare

Ce scriu oaspeții

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Steffen W.
Ședere: Aug 2018
"Unfortunately not recommended - We have already been to numerous campsites, but I have never experienced anything like this. A reservation for a caravan and 4 tents was confirmed long in advance. However, when we arrived on Friday, the pitch allocated to us was already occupied by several tents. When we asked at reception, they apologized and offered us an alternative pitch.... Conclusion: This pitch was also already occupied by campers who had apparently not taken the pitch allocated to them. When we asked at reception whether this had been checked, there was no appropriate response or suggested solution, only the statement that nothing could be done about it. Frustrated, we then simply pitched up on a private permanent campsite whose owners were obviously not present that weekend. We simply informed reception of this. It was accepted. We had no other option, but if the owner of the permanent campsite had come, he/she would have been right to be upset that we had occupied the pitch. And so it went on. Few showers/toilets for a large part of the site (3 toilet cubicles for the women)...only at the reception there was another small shower and toilet facility...far too few and mostly occupied. The cleanliness was also poor. After one night we wanted to have breakfast and then off we went. The rolls were ordered the day before as usual. The pick-up was scheduled to start at 08:00 and on request the evening before. Shortly after 08:00 at the kiosk: shutters closed. Slowly more campers arrived and joined the queue. When no one from the staff was to be seen at 08:15, we pressed the bell at reception. The young lady from the previous day appeared after a few minutes and asked if we would wait for the bread rolls (?).....this would take a little longer. So more waiting but nothing else happened. At around 08:30, another annoyed guest pressed the bell. This time the boss appeared to announce, slightly annoyed, that it had been 4 a.m. last night and that they would just have to wait. They then opened shortly before 09:00. Conclusion: The only positive thing about the campsite is the location in a beautiful area and the proximity to the nice swimming lake; however, we will definitely not use this again as you can have this elsewhere and the campsite seemed so unorganized and unfriendly as we had never experienced it before...a pity.
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Există 3 recenzii de la turiști.

Afișarea tuturor recenziilor

Activități recomandate de oaspeți

SwimmingÎnot (8 Oaspeți)
HikingDrumeții (5 Oaspeți)
PartyPetreceri (2 Oaspeți)

(2 Oaspeți)
(1 Oaspete)
Ciclism montan
(1 Oaspete)
Plimbări lejere
(1 Oaspete)

Evaluat de oaspeți drept „Potrivit pentru”

Oaspeți cu corturi
Oaspeți cu câini
Grupuri de tineri
Familii cu copii sub 12 ani
Familii cu copii sub 18 ani
Persoane în vârstă
Familii cu copii sub 6 ani



Der ganzjährig geöffnete Campingplatz "Waldsee" liegt im schön gelegenen Naturpark Schwäbisch-Fränkischer Wald. Der unmittelbar am Platz gelegene Waldsee ist im Sommer ein beliebter Badesee und eignet sich im Winter hervorragend zum Eislaufen. Bootsfahrten auf dem See sind ebenso möglich wie …das Angeln. Auch in der näheren Umgebung gibt es ein abwechslungsreiches Freizeitangebot für Jung und Alt. Auf Wanderungen oder Fahrradtouren lässt sich die Vielfalt des Naturparks erkunden. Darüber hinaus gibt es auf dem Campinggelände eine Minigolfanlage, einen Tischtennisplatz, eine Sommerstockbahn und die Möglichkeit Tischfußball zu spielen. Für Kinder gibt es ein reichhaltiges Angebot von einer Riesenrutschbahn, über Miniscooter bis hin zu einer Minieisenbahn. Zu einer Partie Schach lädt der Outdoor-Schachtisch ein. Im ansässigen Kiosk bekommt der Camper alle Dinge des täglichen Bedarfs. Auf dem Platz befinden sich zwei Grillplätze und ein Spanferkelgrill, an dem man gemütliche Abende in geselliger Runde verbringen kann. Des Weiteren verfügt das Campinggelände über einen Gemeinschaftsraum mit Fernseher und eine Sauna, die zur Entspannung für Körper und Geist einlädt. Warmwasserduschen, Waschmaschine und Trockner sind ebenso vorhanden. Der Campingplatz bietet außerdem eine Wohnmobilvermietung an.
  • Categoria camping:
  • Numărul total de terenuri: 190
  • Numărul de locuri turistice: 90
  • Locuri pentru caravane în fața porților: Nu este disponibil
Propune schimbarea

Pret de referinta

Sezon de vârf 24,60 EUR*
Extrasezon 22,20 EUR*
*Doi adulți, caravană, mașină, electricitate și taxe locale pe noapte

Ore de operare

01. January - 31. December


  • Lac: În locație
  • Următorul oraș/sat: 1 km


Waldsee 17
71540  Murrhardt-Fornsbach
Coordonate GPS
Lat 48.97594, Long 9.66945
Primire indicații
Propune schimbarea


Camping Waldsee

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