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Camping Waterhout

  • Ore de operare: 31.03 - 15.10 - în prezent în exploatare
  • AdresaTrekvogelweg 101316 AM Almere, Olanda - Arată pe hartă


Evaluări în detaliu

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  • Alimente / Magazine

  • Curățenia în general

  • Curățenia grupurilor sanitare

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  • Raport calitate-preț

  • Grupuri sanitare

Ce scriu oaspeții

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Rudolf Z.
Ședere: Aug 2015
"At first glance 4 stars, but it can't keep them - We were here in August 2015. At first glance, the site makes a solid impression, the sanitary facilities are "new", as the site feels less than 15 years old. The pitches for motorhomes are very small, 3m plus approx. 4m, which you have to share with the person opposite. We were charged €18.50 for this, a "proper pitch costs just €2 more and is definitely recommended. For smaller children up to about 12 years of age, there is a space to run around and play, which is about 30-40m in diameter. There is a giant jumping pillow with an edge length of 7m, a table tennis table and a small football pitch, all of which are actually good to very good. The swimming area on the sunbathing lawn is somewhat separated from the pitches and is actually quite nice, there are long plants in the water that make swimming somewhat unpleasant to impossible, it is a little better from the jetty, but not good. The water is clear and makes a perfect impression. What really bothers me are the many rabbit holes in connection with nettle-lined hedges. The operator can't help the animals, but for the holes, which can be really dangerous with twisted feet, you could take a wheelbarrow and earth to try to get the place free of stumbling after the guest has left, the nettles at the foot of the hedges have not yet met a brush cutter this year. The grass is very high for a campsite and when it is mowed, the clippings are carried everywhere into the tent because it is not cleaned up. The toilets have not seen a basic cleaning above 2m height this year, spiders live there in their webs, a vacuum cleaner that would be used twice a season with an extension pipe would solve the problem. The site is about 30km from Schiphol and the approaching airplanes can be heard accordingly. The nearby highway is not very audible. Almere is an interesting city in terms of urban development, with a current population of around 200,000. The traffic routing is ingenious for cyclists, for car drivers it takes a bit of getting used to, but overall it's forward-looking and ingenious. A return ticket to Amsterdam costs around €14 by public transport (train from Almere city or bus directly from the bus station 200m from the campsite).
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Există 1 recenzie de la turiști.

Afișarea tuturor recenziilor

Activități recomandate de oaspeți

CyclingCiclism (6 Oaspeți)
KayakCaiac (4 Oaspeți)
MotorboatBarcă cu motor (4 Oaspeți)

Vizitarea obiectivelor turistice
(3 Oaspeți)
(2 Oaspeți)
(2 Oaspeți)
(2 Oaspeți)
(2 Oaspeți)
(2 Oaspeți)
Schi fond
(1 Oaspete)

Evaluat de oaspeți drept „Potrivit pentru”

Oaspeți cu corturi
Persoane în vârstă
Familii cu copii sub 6 ani
Familii cu copii sub 12 ani
Oaspeți cu câini
Grupuri de tineri
Familii cu copii sub 18 ani



On the Southern bank of the recreation area the Weerwater, hidden between beautiful scenery and the forests of Almere, you will find the Waterhout camp site. A wonderful camping where young and old can enjoy a terrific holiday. On entering …the camp site, one understands the choice of name Waterhout. In Dutch "Waterhout" means water wood and these two elements predominate in the area surrounding the camping, where you can find several forests and lakes including the Oostvaardersplassen. In and around Almere there is an extensive nature reserve with attractive roller blade fascilities, bicycle and foot paths. Driving away from the camp site into the Province of Flevoland you pass varied scenery...
  • Categoria camping:
  • Dimensiunea site-ului: 4,5 ha (Condițiile solului: Iarbă)
  • Numărul total de terenuri: 200
  • Numărul de locuri turistice: 150 (Din care parcele: 100)
  • Locuri pentru caravane în fața porților: Disponibil
  • Locuri de escală în fața porților și pentru rulote: Nu este disponibil
Propune schimbarea

Pret de referinta

Sezon de vârf 19,50 EUR*
*Doi adulți, caravană, mașină, electricitate și taxe locale pe noapte

Ore de operare

31. March - 15. October




Waterhout camp site is very easy to find: on the A6 from Lelystad you take exit 4 Almere Haven and follow the signs Weerwater. From Amsterdam you take exit 4 and at the trafic light you go straight on direction …Weerwater. Archerpad 6 1324 ZZ Almere the Netherlands. tel.+31(0)36 547 06 32 fax.+31 (0)36 547 06 34
  • Lac: În locație
  • in munti: Nu
  • Următoarea localitate: 3 km
  • Următorul oraș/sat: 3 km
  • Gară sau stație de autobuz: 0,2 km


Trekvogelweg 10
1316 AM  Almere
Coordonate GPS
Lat 52.401815, Long 5.225087
Primire indicații
Propune schimbarea


Camping Waterhout

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