Etno kuća pod Okićem

  • Ore de operare: 01.04 - 31.10 - în prezent în exploatare
  • AdresaPodokićka 4010435 Klake, Samobor, Croaţia - Arată pe hartă


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Familii cu copii sub 6 ani
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If you are looking for campsites in inland Croatia, the Samobor campsite is definitely one of the most beautiful small camp you will find. It is situated within the traditional rural tourism family farm called ''Etno kuća pod Okićem'' (''Ethno …House under the Okić mountain''), owned and run by the Slakoper family. This small campsite has a unique, almost a fairy-tale atmosphere: your tent or camping trailer will be placed next to the authentic (mostly made of wood) rural houses located at the campsite situated under the fortifications of the medieval town of Okić (500 m a.s.l.). Also, campsite overlooks the city of Zagreb and its surroundings (Croatian capital City of Zagreb is only 20 km away from Samobor camp). If you enjoy camping in nature then this is the ideal place for your camping holiday. Nature in this area is really beautiful: myriad of trees, fruit trees, fields of green grass, birds chirping. During your stay at the camp you can visit our heritage collection. Additional activities and sights for campers at and in the area of Samobor campsite: Klake village (Samobor campsite) - Zagreb (20 km) and Klake village - Samobor (8 km) walk through the Žumberak highlands - Samoborsko gorje nature park easy hike to the old burg Okić – panorama (500 m a.s.l.) hikers' lodge under the mountain of Okić - 411 m a.s.l. hiking trails into Samoborsko gorje - Okić, Japetić, Oštrc and Plješivica rock-climbing path to the burg ruins climbing wall for beginners – Gornju Terihaji (Klake) bike trail vicinity of the town of Samobor (8 km) and the city of Zagreb (20 km) Samobor wine road and rural households "Suban" botanical garden Sveta Barbara mine Grgosova špilja cave (from 1st April to 31st October) Check-in: If there are free vacancies in the camp, arrival is possible at any time of the day and night. Instructions for settling in the camp are on the info board at the main entrance to the campsite.
  • Categoria camping:
  • Dimensiunea site-ului: 0,5 ha (Condițiile solului: Iarbă)
  • Numărul total de terenuri: 6
  • Numărul de locuri turistice: 6 (Din care parcele: 6)
  • Locuri pentru caravane în fața porților: Nu este disponibil
  • Locuri de escală în fața porților și pentru rulote: Nu este disponibil
Propune schimbarea

Pret de referinta

Sezon de vârf 25,00 EUR*
Extrasezon 25,00 EUR*
*Doi adulți, caravană, mașină, electricitate și taxe locale pe noapte

Ore de operare

01. April - 31. October




Instructions for coming to the Ethno House under Okić: The Ethno house under Okić is located in the northwest part of Croatia only 20 kilometers from the capital of Zagreb. It is located in the village of KLAKE, at the …foot of the Old Town of Okić, and on the border of the Žumberak Nature Park - Samobor Mountains, away from Samobor 8.5 km. Whichever direction you are coming from, to go to the Etno house it is necessary to go through the city of Samobor. From the city of Samobor (in the direction of GALGOVO), you must follow brown signs that are located at all crossings until you reach the Etno House. Drive through the villages of Mala Rakovica, Velika Rakovica, Kladje and Molvice. At 5 km (do not go to Galgovo!) you need to turn right (at the chapel of St. Joseph), go through the village of Konšćica (DO NOT turn left for St. Martin under Okić), continue towards Klake and then drive for 2.5 km to the village of KLAKE. In the village of Klake turn into Podokićka street, and after 700 m you will come across a large info panel of Etno house under Okić.
  • Mare: 180 km
  • Lac: 15 km
  • Râu: 15 km
  • in munti: da
  • Înălțime (peste nivelul mării): 330 m
  • Următoarea localitate: 20 km
  • Următorul oraș/sat: 8 km
  • Gară sau stație de autobuz: 0,75 km
  • Ieșire de pe autostradă: 12 km


Podokićka 40
10435 Klake, Samobor
Coordonate GPS
Lat 45.75236, Long 15.70831
Primire indicații
Propune schimbarea


Etno kuća pod Okićem

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