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Sporting Club Village - Camping


Evaluări în detaliu

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  • Curățenia în general

  • Curățenia grupurilor sanitare

  • Starea locului de cazare închiriat

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  • Activități de agrement

  • Locație

  • Raport calitate-preț

  • Grupuri sanitare

Ce scriu oaspeții

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Anya L.
Ședere: Jul 2013
" - This place is what the name says: A Club! Animation program 24/7, announcements over the loudspeakers, loud music til 3 a.m., lots of fat Italians (and before we got there, we were wondering if they even exist), animation for the kids, loud people out to have a good time and party. If you like the sort of thing you will love this place. It seems great for teenagers and people who don't know what to do with their free time. We absolutely hated the place. The only reason we stayed a second night was because we had already paid for it. When we arrived they told us there wasn't any room for tents in the front and sent us to the end of the campground (far off from everything and very quiet, probably), but all we found there were mounds of dirt, trash on the ground, tiny olive trees that give off no shade whatsoever, and not a single other tent pitched there (huh, I wonder why??). So we squeezed in at the front after all. Big mistake. Couldn't sleep till well past midnight because it was so loud. Couldn't stay outside the tent for longer than 3 minutes, either though, because of the swarms of mosquitoes. We were eaten alive. To top it all, the countryside around there is just blah (we were in Cefalu before, which is beautiful!). On the positive side: Sanitary facilities were quite good (though no warm showers both days) and the pool is fantastic for little kids - if you can find enough space to move! Playground is okay, though definitely not as good as the pictures would make you believe.
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Există 3 recenzii de la turiști.

Afișarea tuturor recenziilor

Activități recomandate de oaspeți

SwimmingÎnot (4 Oaspeți)
PartyPetreceri (2 Oaspeți)
CulinaryAlimente / Băuturi (1 Oaspete)

(1 Oaspete)
(1 Oaspete)
Vizitarea obiectivelor turistice
(1 Oaspete)
Plimbări lejere
(1 Oaspete)

Evaluat de oaspeți drept „Potrivit pentru”

Oaspeți cu câini
Familii cu copii sub 18 ani
Familii cu copii sub 12 ani
Familii cu copii sub 6 ani
Oaspeți cu corturi
Grupuri de tineri
Persoane în vârstă



Szukasz campingu na Sycylii? Lubisz spędzać czas na świeżym powietrzu? Sporting Club Village oferuje możliwość przeżycia niezapomnianych wakacji na Sycylii w pięknej miejscowości i świetnym ośrodku, gdzie każdy szczegół jest stworzony aby zapewnić maksymalny komfort wakacji każdemu z gości. Oferujemy …Wam wygodne i przestronne pola namiotowe, nowe bungalowy, wille tylko 20 m od morza - dla tych, którzy nie chcą zrezygnować z wygodnego wypoczynku jaki mają we własnych domach. Sporting Club Village znajduje się w odległości 250 metrów od morza w jednym z najpiękniejszych zakątków na zachodnim wybrzeżu Sycylii. Kemping położony jest w miejscowości Mazara del Vallo. Jest to idealna baza wypadowa na wiele wycieczek, odkryć kulturowych, historycznych oraz idealne miejsce gdzie można podziwiać krajobraz uroczej Sycylii. Wybór naszego kempingu oznacza wybór struktury, gdzie komfort, elegancja struktur i piękno naturalnego środowiska zapewniają dobrostan wakacji, nie likwidując przy tym wszelkich udogodnień jakie mają Państwo w domach. To prawdziwy ośrodek wypoczynkowy w otoczeniu natury, gdzie goście w każdym wieku znajdą możliwości rozrywki i rekreacji. Jeśli planujesz wakacje, nie wahaj się! Zarezerwuj miejsce na naszym kempingu i spędź wakacje życia wśród ruin historii, dzieł sztuki, obiektów kultury wśród śródziemnomorskiej przyrody i piękna naszych plaż.
  • Categoria camping:
  • Dimensiunea site-ului: 800 ha (Condițiile solului: Iarbă)
  • Numărul total de terenuri: 600
  • Numărul de locuri turistice: 600 (Din care parcele: 60)
Propune schimbarea

Pret de referinta

Sezon de vârf 38,00 EUR*
*Doi adulți, caravană, mașină, electricitate și taxe locale pe noapte

Ore de operare

01. April - 01. December




• A suggestive canyon with inside a natural park which goes down sweetly to the seaside. The Village Camping extends on a area of 60.000 sqm, amongst the beauties of a thick Mediterranean vegetation and an exiting natural landscape, where …fresh sea breezes blow. • The camping is divided in zones and so at the same time it offers its guests a very relaxing, active and enjoying holiday. The distance between the campsite and the ancient historical centre of Mazara del Vallo is only 2,5 km, here you can find a mixture of art, culture, history and traditions of three different civilizations (Arabs , Normans, Fenicium). • The camping is classified as a 3 star. The meadows are (100 in English lawns with fresh water and lights, which offer complete relax in contact with nature.
  • Mare: În locație
  • Râu: În locație
  • in munti: Nu
  • Următoarea localitate: 3 km
  • Următorul oraș/sat: 3 km
  • Gară sau stație de autobuz: 3,5 km


c.da Bocca Arena 
91026  Mazara del Vallo
Coordonate GPS
Lat 37.63584, Long 12.61608
Primire indicații
Propune schimbarea


Sporting Club Village - Camping

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