1 рейтинг
- Leila H.June 2022ПоложительныеFrom nature to the park tourОтрицательныеLe bruit nocturne avec le train que passe à côté et les couples qui font des sessions de sex porno pendant tout la soirée. Children who don't respect silence or personal space and parents who don't do anything about it.To run away!Ici, vous ne vous reposez pas. Les enfants font du bruit jusque tard dans la nuit et les gens font des bruits de sexe porno jusque tard dans la nuit à côté des tentes avec des enfants. Exhibitionism at the highest level. Collection of undue amounts on the invoice and refusal to recognize the error and... to return the money with silly excuses. I didn't want to pay the 20 francs for the restaurant, because after that I was disgusted with your space. Not even for sleeping, even less for eating. They don't care! The well-being of the people is indifferent. They're not interested in collecting money, one way or another, and it doesn't matter if they want to lie. If the noise in a naturalist campsite is normal, why would they advertise the calm of the environment? Menteurs et voleurs. As a foreigner, I have neither the voice nor the right to peace. C'est payer et tais-toi !
No more!Перевод автоматический.