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StroamCamp image 1


  • Часы работы: 01.01 - 31.12 - в настоящее время в эксплуатации
  • АдресRegattastraße 116303 Schwedt, Германия - Показать на карте


Рейтинги в деталях

  • Умиротворение

  • Общая чистота

  • Чистота санитарных зон

  • Дружелюбие

  • Соотношение цена/качество

  • Санитарные зоны

Действия, рекомендованные гостями

CyclingЕзда на велосипеде (1 Гость)
FishingЛовля рыбы (1 Гость)
KayakКаякинг (1 Гость)

Оценено гостями как "Подходит для"

Гости с собаками
Пожилые граждане



22 caravan and camper pitches, six rooms and two tent meadows can be booked via the online booking portal or on site at our reception. One tent pitch is located in the heart of the site and the other directly …on the water. In addition to the Schiffbar restaurant, you can expect boat moorings, Wi-Fi, modern sanitary facilities, a barrier-free bathroom, washing machines, dryers, cooking facilities and modern payment methods such as PayPal. Outside our reception hours, you can use the check-in machine. Convince yourself of our special flair. THIS IS HOW YOU ALWAYS ARRIVE WELL Idyllically situated directly on the HoFriWa - short for Hohensaaten-Friedrichsthaler-Waterway - on the border to neighbouring Poland in one of Germany's most beautiful districts, the Uckermark, you can experience river camping of the relaxed kind. It's lively thanks to the short distances to the city; whether cinema, theatre, tourist information or shopping facilities, everything is close at hand. With the only floodplain national park on the doorstep, the Lower Oder Valley, nature, adventure and recreation combine to give pleasure to body and soul. You can reach us easily from all directions. CARAVAN & MOTORHOME SITES What could be better than being close to the glistening water? On four exclusive pitches you have exactly this opportunity, because here you camp close to the shore with a view of the water. Another 18 pitches are located behind it and are just as attractive. A total of 22 pitches are available, each with about 50 square metres of space and a separate electricity supply. The modern service facility on the site can be used for supply and disposal. TENT PLACES Let the day wake you up! With the tent facing east, you can experience the sunrise over the Lower Oder Valley every morning, no matter which of our two tent meadows you choose. One meadow is located directly in the heart of StroamCamp, the second meadow is close to the shore of the waterway. CULINARY DELIGHTS Directly at the StroamCamp, with a wide view of the site and the waterway, you can enjoy a delicious meal in the ship's bar. A rich and fresh breakfast offer and creative German cuisine with Mediterranean nuances await you.
  • Категория кемпинга:
  • Размер сайта: 1,25 ha (Грунтовые условия: Трава)
  • Общее количество шагов: 22
  • Количество туристических мест: 22 (Из них посылки: 22)
  • Участки для автодомов перед воротами: 0
  • Площадки для остановки перед воротами также для караванов: Нет в наличии
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Справочная цена

Высокий сезон 33,00 €*
Низкий сезон 29,00 €*
*Два взрослых, дом на колесах, автомобиль, электричество и местные налоги за ночь

Часы работы

01. January - 31. December

Место расположения

  • Река: На месте
  • В горах: нет
  • Следующий город: На месте
  • Железнодорожный или автобусный вокзал: 1 km
  • Съезд с автомагистрали: 38 km


Regattastraße 1
16303  Schwedt
GPS координаты
Lat 53.05738546505765, Long 14.297233499336244
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