Camping44, Agriturismo-camping Quarantaquattro

  • Obratovalni čas: 23.04 - 01.10 - trenutno v obratovanju
  • NaslovSan Paterniano 4462020 Loro Piceno, Italija - Pokaži na zemljevidu


Ocene podrobno

  • Mirnost

  • Hrana / Trgovine

  • Splošna čistoča

  • Čistoča sanitarij

  • Prijaznost

  • Infrastruktura

  • Aktivnosti v prostem času

  • Lokacija

  • Vrednost za denar

  • Sanitarni objekti

Dejavnosti, ki jih priporočajo gostje

Pohodništvo (1 Gost)
Gorsko kolesarjenje (1 Gost)
Oddih (1 Gost)

Gostje so ocenili kot "Primerno za"

Družine z otroci, mlajšimi od 6 let
Starejši državljani



Camping44 is a beautifully situated, new, child-friendly campsite. You can camp freely with us or spend your holiday carefree in a luxury safari tent, cottage safari or a "de Waardtent" (2p). With a fantastic view of the mountains, nestled between …olive trees and a beautiful lavender field in front of you, you will completely relax at Camping44. At the agriturismo campsite you can use a new, spacious, clean and free sanitary building (toilet and shower), the (setup) swimming pool, the nice playground and the cozy bar/terrace with a beautiful view again. You can buy fresh bread and vegetables (from your own garden) every day. Loro Piceno In the middle of the summer there is a fantastic wine festival (Un bicchiere per Loro ") and at the end of the agustus also the" Vino Cotto ", not only cozy, but also very tasty .... Beach, lakes, mountains and beautiful villages. Only half an hour away from the beautiful sandy beach of Civitanova or what about the beautiful bustling city of Macerata, known for its operas, you are also only half an hour away. Are you really a nature lover? Then you have come to the right place at Camping44 ... It is a half-hour drive to the Monti Sibillini Nature Park, where you can take really fantastic beautiful hikes (and / or ski in the winter). You don't feel like walking, but you do want to cool off in a beautiful lake ... then you'll be at the blue lake of Fiastra within 45 minutes. Do you prefer to stroll through authentic villages? This possibility is also available at Camping44. It is in the midst of many beautiful historic villages (Urbisaglia, Sarnano, Amandola, Treia, Petriolo, Monte Urano, Montegranaro, Fermo and many others). Don't feel like coming by car? No problem ... You are an hour to an hour and a half away from the airports of Ancona and Pescara, we provide ready-made tents. An ideal location for a holiday destination! Do you already feel like summer and are you ready to make a reservation? Or are you curious about all the facilities at the campsite?
  • Kategorija kampa:
  • Velikost mesta: 5 ha (Talni pogoji: Trava)
  • Skupno število igrišč: 25
  • Število turističnih parcel: 8 (Od katerih parcel: 7)
  • Parcele za avtodome pred vrati: 0
  • Vmesna mesta pred vrati tudi za prikolice: Ni na voljo
Predlagajte spremembo

Referenčna cena

Najvišja sezona 52,50 €*
Nizka sezona 37,00 €*
*Dva odrasla, prikolica, avto, elektrika in lokalne takse na noč

Obratovalni čas

23. April - 01. October




Coming from Ancona on the motorway A14, take the exit at Civitanova Marche. Then continue your trip on the superstrada (SS77var) in the direction of Macerata. After 15 minutes take the exit at Macerata Ovest. Now follow the signs of …Loro Piceno. When you arrive in the village, take the road to the right at the police station. Now it is only 800 meters away.
  • Morje: 40 km
  • Jezero: 34 km
  • V gorah: Ne
  • Višina (nad morsko gladino): 400 m
  • Naslednje mesto: 20 km
  • Naslednji kraj/vas: 0,5 km
  • Železniška ali avtobusna postaja: 0,5 km
  • Izvoz iz avtoceste: 40 km


San Paterniano 44
62020 Loro Piceno
GPS koordinate
Lat 43.15812, Long 13.4153
Pridobite navodila za pot
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Camping44, Agriturismo-camping Quarantaquattro

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