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Beerze Bulten


Ocene podrobno

  • Mirnost

  • Hrana / Trgovine

  • Splošna čistoča

  • Čistoča sanitarij

  • Stanje najete nastanitve

  • Prijaznost

  • Infrastruktura

  • Aktivnosti v prostem času

  • Lokacija

  • Vrednost za denar

  • Sanitarni objekti

Kaj gostje pišejo

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Holger M.
Bivanje: Mar 2023
"great for 1 week - We were there before Easter 2023 at the start of the season. We rented a pitch with a private bathroom and didn't regret it: small but clean, modern and heated, the washbasin can also be used as a sink. Cleaning kit, dustpan and dustpan were also provided. The indoor pool was very full at the weekend because many day guests also come. Due to baby swimming etc., the opening hours are sometimes limited in the afternoon, but you can adjust to this because an app indicates the current and upcoming opening hours. This app is virtually mandatory, e.g. to enter the pool using facial recognition or to open the door to the private pool. The indoor playground is really amazing, we've never seen anything like it on a campsite before. The outdoor play facilities are also fantastic, with plenty on offer for children up to primary school age. The water playground in the middle of the site must be great in summer! The supermarket was open half day, there were fresh bread rolls, but no fresh food yet. You can get everything from the Dutch deep fryer in the snack bar next to the indoor playground, also by pre-order for collection (but only by klarna etc., no paypal, EC, SEPA or similar). TV reception: you camp in a forest, so satellite reception is a bit of a matter of luck. You can get 7 analog Dutch channels via the antenna connection at the campsite. WLAN reception was poor for us, we were at the edge of the pitch and the transmitter was right behind our bathroom. Traffic noise: There is a highway that you can clearly hear to the east of the campsite. The guests were half Dutch/German. The campsite could have paid more attention to bilingual signs, and in the submenus of the app you always end up on purely Dutch pages where you can't always make sense of the content. At least English-language information for foreign tourists should be a matter of course in Europe.
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Tukaj so še 3 ocene kamperjev.

Prikaži vse ocene

Dejavnosti, ki jih priporočajo gostje

CyclingKolesarjenje (22 Gosti)
SwimmingPlavanje (22 Gosti)
KayakKajakaštvo (20 Gosti)

(17 Gosti)
(10 Gosti)
(10 Gosti)
(8 Gosti)
Sprehodi v prostem času
(2 Gosti)
(1 Gost)
(1 Gost)
Gorsko kolesarjenje
(1 Gost)

Gostje so ocenili kot "Primerno za"

Družine z otroci, mlajšimi od 6 let
Družine z otroci, mlajšimi od 12 let
Gosti s šotori
Gosti s psi
Družine z otroci, mlajšimi od 18 let
Starejši državljani
Skupine mladih



Located in the beautiful Overijssel Vechtdal region of the Netherlands, De Beerze Bulten is a top Euro campsite with lodges and bungalows. All in beautiful natural surroundings and in combination with the luxury and comfort of home. Our all-weather facilities …mean you and your partner need never worry about the weather. There are connections for drinking water, waste and electricity (6 amps) and television on every pitch. We will happily adapt the electricity connection to give you more power if you need it and we have made sure there is always a luxury toilet and shower block nearby. The facilities are very comfortable and include everything from special kids’ showers to private showers (available for hire). Adventure playground, leisure pool and recreational program It is especially good to know that all of your family get free access to the adventure playground ‘Bultje & Bibi’s Burrow of Fun’, the indoor and outdoor leisure pool and the Spa, Wellness & Fun Centre. We also organize recreational activities which guests always look forward to. There is always plenty to do, whatever your age! Let’s not forget Bultje the Bunny and his lead role in our musicals and shows. You won’t have time to get bored at Beerze Bulten!
  • Kategorija kampa:
  • Velikost mesta: 30 ha (Talni pogoji: Trava)
  • Skupno število igrišč: 570
  • Število turističnih parcel: 570
  • Parcele za avtodome pred vrati: Ni na voljo
  • Vmesna mesta pred vrati tudi za prikolice: Ni na voljo
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Referenčna cena

Najvišja sezona 54,00 €*
Nizka sezona 25,00 €*
*Dva odrasla, prikolica, avto, elektrika in lokalne takse na noč

Obratovalni čas

01. January - 31. December




Openbaar Vervoer: Beerze Bulten ligt op 2 km afstand van station Mariënberg. Er is geen busverbinding van station Mariënberg naar Beerze Bulten. U kunt contact opnemen met Regiotaxi Vechtdal via 0900-8412 voor vervoer vanaf het station naar Beerze Bulten. Dit …dient u wel minimaal een uur van te voren te reserveren. Met de auto vanuit het westen/zuiden: Volg de A1 richting Almelo. Vanaf Almelo volgt u de N36 richting Hardenberg/Ommen. Na 14 kilometer komt u bij een kruising, hier slaat u linksaf richting Beerze. Na ongeveer 1 kilometer ziet u aan uw rechterzijde Beerze Bulten. Met de auto vanuit het noorden: Volg A32 richting Hoogeveen. Op het knooppunt Hoogeveen rijdt u rechtdoor de N48 op, richting Ommen. Neem na 19 km de tweede afslag op de rotonde (de N36) richting Hardenberg. Na 8,7 km neemt u de tweede afslag op de rotonde, richting Almelo. Na 5,4 km komt u bij een kruising, hier neemt u de weg naar rechts, richting Beerze. Na ongeveer 1 km ziet u aan uw rechterzijde Beerze Bulten.
  • Reka: Na lokaciji
  • V gorah: Ne
  • Naslednje mesto: 5 km
  • Naslednji kraj/vas: 2,5 km
  • Železniška ali avtobusna postaja: 2,5 km


Kampweg 1
7736 PK  Beerze
GPS koordinate
Lat 52.51055, Long 6.54444
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Beerze Bulten

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