Camping Korona
- Obratovalni čas: 10.05 - 10.10 - trenutno zaprto
- Naslov: Boryspilska Str. 5, 08321 Chubynske, Ukrajina - Pokaži na zemljevidu
- Regija: Ukrajina VzhodUkrajina Zahod
Specially for Euro 2012! Opening in May! Campground for 60 locations (provided the possibility of placing the tents). All necessary conditions are met: an individual connection to the electricity, plumbing communication, health pavilion. Infrastructure of Korona Hotel Complex is at …
- Kategorija kampa:
- Velikost mesta: 0,015 ha
- Skupno število igrišč: 60
Obratovalni čas
10. May - 10. October

Camping Korona is located at the entrance to Kyiv from Kharkiv (East). We offer you a respite from city life in a picturesque area surrounded by birch and oak grove. The road to the center of Kiev will take about …
- V gorah: Ne
- Naslednje mesto: 10 km
- Naslednji kraj/vas: Na lokaciji
- Železniška ali avtobusna postaja: 0,2 km
Boryspilska Str. 5
08321 Chubynske UkrajinaGPS koordinate
Lat 50.3805, Long 30.85784
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