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Camping Les Sources



Quiet and shaded, we offer you hotel’s rooms, mini-suites, mobil-homes to rent andshady campsites. Our hotel is located 150 meters from the lake of Serre-Ponçon and 200 meters from the village center of Savines-Le-Lac. All shops and activities (swimming, water …sports, etc.) of Savines-le-Lac are within walking distance from the hotel. At the edge of the forest, we welcome you for a pleasant stay with a magnificent view over the lake of Serre-Ponçon in the valley of the Durance and its surrounding mountains. Watch our video presentation and webcam on the lake of Serre-Ponçon to soak up this magical world. We are open all year and offer generous breakfasts, a bar, Internet access via Wifi, … and good mood in a convivial and family atmosphere.
  • Kategorija kampa:
  • Velikost mesta: 0,7 ha
  • Skupno število igrišč: 29
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Referenčna cena

Najvišja sezona 20,44 €*
Nizka sezona 17,98 €*
*Dva odrasla, prikolica, avto, elektrika in lokalne takse na noč

Obratovalni čas

01. May - 16. October


  • Jezero: 0,2 km
  • Reka: 0,2 km
  • V gorah: ja
  • Višina (nad morsko gladino): 800 m
  • Naslednje mesto: 10 km


rue du Barnafret 
05160  Savines Le Lac
GPS koordinate
Lat 44.5237, Long 6.4008
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Camping Les Sources

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