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Forest Edge Touring Park



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  • Kategorija kampa:
  • Velikost mesta: 10 ha
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Referenčna cena

Najvišja sezona 40,00 €*
*Dva odrasla, prikolica, avto, elektrika in lokalne takse na noč

Obratovalni čas

01. February - 03. January




Forest Edge is a delightful touring and tenting Park on the edge of the New Forest. Shop, launderette and heated outdoor pool open during the Summer months. Guests are also welcome to use the extensive facilities at Oakdene, free of …charge. There are also caravan holiday homes for hire.
  • Morje: 10 km
  • Reka: 1 km
  • V gorah: Ne
  • Naslednje mesto: 5 km
  • Naslednji kraj/vas: 1 km
  • Železniška ali avtobusna postaja: 1 km


Ringwood Road 22
BH24 2SD  Ringwood
Velika Britanija
GPS koordinate
Lat 50.83167, Long -1.8325
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Forest Edge Touring Park

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