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Storängens Camping, Stugor & Outdoor image 1

Storängens Camping, Stugor & Outdoor

  • Obratovalni čas: 30.04 - 20.09 - trenutno zaprto
  • NaslovErlandervägen 268493 Ransäter, Švedska - Pokaži na zemljevidu
  • RegijaVärmland


Ocene podrobno

  • Mirnost

  • Hrana / Trgovine

  • Splošna čistoča

  • Čistoča sanitarij

  • Prijaznost

  • Infrastruktura

  • Aktivnosti v prostem času

  • Lokacija

  • Vrednost za denar

  • Sanitarni objekti

Dejavnosti, ki jih priporočajo gostje

CyclingKolesarjenje (1 Gost)
KayakKajakaštvo (1 Gost)
RelaxingOddih (1 Gost)

Ogled znamenitosti
(1 Gost)
(1 Gost)

Gostje so ocenili kot "Primerno za"

Gosti s psi
Starejši državljani
Skupine mladih
Gosti s šotori
Družine z otroci, mlajšimi od 18 let
Družine z otroci, mlajšimi od 12 let
Družine z otroci, mlajšimi od 6 let



The campsite is located in Sweden in the heart of the beautiful province Värmland, where the river “Klarälven” crosses the landscape. A province that is famous for its folklore and its beautiful nature, with huge forests, rivers and many lakes. …In the summer months there are many folklorist events in our village, these events are organised 1,5 km from our campsite. It is certainly worth to pay a visit to one of these traditional events with a lot of dancing and music. Storängens campsite is approx. 15 ha. and has 49 spots with electricity. Besides these, there is enough space to find yourself a place without electricity. Do you prefer to camp near the river “Klarälven” or have a place in the shade? It’s all possible at the Storängens Campsite. Cabins, which are called “stugor” in Sweden, can be hired for 2 or 4 persons. Activities: Canoeing, Raft trip, Beaver Safari, Walking, Fishing, Cycling, Activities for cholderen during the high season. And a lot more......
  • Kategorija kampa:
  • Velikost mesta: 15 ha (Talni pogoji: Trava)
  • Skupno število igrišč: 49
  • Število turističnih parcel: 49 (Od katerih parcel: 40)
  • Parcele za avtodome pred vrati: 0
  • Vmesna mesta pred vrati tudi za prikolice: Ni na voljo
Predlagajte spremembo

Referenčna cena

Najvišja sezona 30,00 €*
Nizka sezona 26,00 €*
*Dva odrasla, prikolica, avto, elektrika in lokalne takse na noč

Obratovalni čas

30. April - 20. September




Road Map If you come from Copenhagen (Denmark), you can go with the Øresund bridge to Malmö. Then you follow the E6 to Göteborg, you will follow this road till Uddevalla. Then you follow the 44 to Vänersborg and after …that the 45 up to Karlstad. From Karlstad you will take the 62 in the direction of Hagfors. After about 50 km you’ll see at your right side a road sign “camping 1 km”. This road sign shows you the first exit to Ransäter (Erlandergården). Take this exit. You’re now on the Erlandervägen, after about 100 meters you will see the camp site on your right side. If you come from Östersund (North Sweden), follow the road 45, after about 435 km you take the 62 in the direction Karlstad. After 82 km take the first exit to Ransäter. You’re now on the Erlandervägen, after about 1,5 km you’ll see a road sign from our camp site on your left side. If you come from Oslo (Norway), follow the road E18 in the direction of Karlstad / Stockholm. From Karlstad you will take the 62 in the direction of Hagfors. After about 50 km you’ll see at your right side a road sign “camping 1 km”. This road sign shows you the first exit to Ransäter (Erlandergården). Take this exit. You’re now on the Erlandervägen, after about 100 meters you will see the camp site on your right side. If you come from Stockholm (East Sweden), follow the E20 in the direction of Örebro. From Örebro you’ll take the E18 in the direction of Götenborg. From Karlstad you will take the 62 in the direction of Hagfors. After about 50 km you’ll see at your right side a road sign “camping 1 km”. This road sign shows you the first exit to Ransäter (Erlandergården). Take this exit. You’re now on the Erlandervägen, after about 100 meters you will see the camp site on your right side. GPS: 59º 45 825 13º 26 870
  • Jezero: 9 km
  • Reka: Na lokaciji
  • V gorah: Ne
  • Naslednje mesto: 50 km
  • Naslednji kraj/vas: 9 km
  • Železniška ali avtobusna postaja: 1 km
  • Izvoz iz avtoceste: 1 km


Erlandervägen 2
68493  Ransäter
GPS koordinate
Lat 59.763501945690074, Long 13.448721661376947
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Storängens Camping, Stugor & Outdoor

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