Løgstør Camping

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Ваш Фанцлуб Предности

  • Free choice of places (subject to availability)
  • 10 % discount on the regular price and dogs free from 01.07.-12.08.
  • 15 % discount on the regular price and dogs free of charge from 21.05.-30.06. and 13.08.-29.09.




Løgstør Camp The site was founded in 1957 and renovated in 1993. It is situated in the beautiful Kristian Memorial Forest, located on top of Løgstør. In other words, a campsite, which is sheltered from the Limfjord , while a …walk of less than five minutes leads to one of North Jutland's finest views - "a nice little look ', as they say in these parts. The Limfjord epitomizes the pride of North Jutland, and if you are on Løgstør Campingground you can experience it after a short walk. The site is also only a stone's throw from Løgstør town center where there are plenty of opportunities. A charming and atmospheric townenvironment where there is opportunity to shop, go to a cafe, the cinema or one of the city other pubs. A pleasant atmosphere in the North of Jutland. Most importantly, though, is the campsite, since that is where our customers are using the holidays. It is the place in Jutland, where kindness and comfort are our top priority. So remember our motto: Services are obvious
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Ваш Фанцлуб Предности

на сајту

  • Free choice of places (subject to availability)
  • 10 % discount on the regular price and dogs free from 01.07.-12.08.
  • 15 % discount on the regular price and dogs free of charge from 21.05.-30.06. and 13.08.-29.09.
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Сазнајте више о ФАНЦЛУБ-у сада
  • Категорија кампа:
  • Величина сајта: 3 ha
  • Укупан број парцела: 123
  • Број туристичких парцела: 50 (Од којих парцела: 50)
  • Парцеле за аутодоме испред капије: Није доступно
  • Парцела за заустављање испред капија такође за караване: Није доступно
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Референтна цена

Vrhunac sezone 22,00 €*
*Dvoje odraslih, karavan, auto, struja i lokalne takse za noć

Радни сати

20. March - 01. November
02. November - 19. March


  • More: 25 km
  • Reka: 0,2 km
  • У планинама: Ne
  • Sledeći grad: 50 km
  • Sledeći grad/selo: 0,5 km
  • Železnička ili autobuska stanica: 1 km


Skovbrynet 1
9670 Løgstør
GPS koordinate
Lat 56.96361, Long 9.24694
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Løgstør Camping

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