Rhydhowell Farm Campsite
- Adresa: SA37 0LA Pembrokeshire, Velika Britanija - Прикажи на мапи
- Region: ХерефордширКередиџонПемброкшир
About the farm: Situated south of Boncath on the edge of the Preseli Hills and the Pembrokeshire National Park, the farm extends to seventy-two acres; nearly a third of the land is semi ancient woodland. Originally part of the Fynnone …
- Категорија кампа:
- Величина сајта: 4 ha
- Укупан број парцела: 10
- Број туристичких парцела: 10 (Од којих парцела: 10)
Референтна цена
Vrhunac sezone 11,00 €*
*Dvoje odraslih, karavan, auto, struja i lokalne takse za noć
Directions: Easily approachable from any direction Rhydhowell Farm is located near to the A478 Cardigan to Tenby road close to the Preseli Hills, the Pembrokeshire Coast and Cardigan Bay. Turn off the A478 to Boncath, When you reach the junction …
- More: 8 km
- Reka: 1 km
- Sledeći grad: 8 km
- Sledeći grad/selo: 1,5 km
- Železnička ili autobuska stanica: 1,5 km
SA37 0LA Pembrokeshire Velika Britanija
GPS koordinate
Lat 52.0018420623094, Long -4.6167254447937
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Rhydhowell Farm Campsite
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